And Rochelle and Zoey are good. Generally quite stupid threads with the prefix VS...
Zoi. Though Rochelle is also a normal Persian, but Zoey is better. For example if you start to listen to it once for some reason, she will soon face certain death (a gray screen ie), then it becomes a pity. She says in a tone that made you feel sorry for her getting what she got. So playing as the Persians both characters are good, but Zoe still did better. And even more so to listen to the same Rochelle no regret that someone died, but Zoe almost crying bitter tears, if you killed someone of his own. In short, Zoi worked better than Rochelle ('ve noticed a trend - for some reason, always always in the very first part only very good Persians out, and then developers like whether fantasy is not enough about them, or what. The Persians first part is still better developed, and more neat, etc. In the second it creates a feeling as if every man for himself). Plus don't forget the AI bots. In the first, Zoey, when you play with bots by someone else (bill, Louis or Francis) it quickly removes all the bosses (bill probably learned. Bill himself is able to remove the sniper Curilo, located on the third floor from the first floor with one shot from a regular primary shotgun), plus it never works, and often raises and treats (a couple with bill treat, if you do not play bill and not Zoe). So, Zoi definitely.
Tula potsik
How scary is that? You obviously female beauty is particularly shit. And Zoey and Rochelle are beautiful, just Ro is not particularly dressed well, etc.
Zoey always comes first . with a really good character . and Rochelle screenie being turned out and the way the Nude mod does not need the character is not in its coolness
She's kinder than God?If someone out there gets below the belt on this milkmaid it does not make it better.