Fashion (Just Cause 2)
In order not to steal and not to kopirayting here is a link to the enemy's resource mod
Maybe someone else what resource prompt?
belated question, but nevertheless...
Please explain how to add weapons to transport, for example I want to add two more minigun on Severgin 15 havoc on the wings. Unpack the file arve.v061_blacmarket.ezz with SmallUnpack, then from the extracted file, the file v061_blackmarket.mvdoll convert to xml(to.Rev. Notepad) the prog bin2xml. Further, it would seem simple, but I'm not friends with English and deal only with armor. Then edited the xml, the program xml2bin converted to mvdoll, throws and PAOK in the previously unzipped file, folder, pack prog SmallPack, change the extension of the resulting file on eez file in dropzone throws. I'm interested in what lines to edit, add to v061_blackmarket.xml to add mingana??? I hope you will not be inconvenience to my question...
Can anyone make or tell how to do the like wingsuit in the game ( in free fall the speed of movement of the hump was 4 times more ) ? Thanks in advance!
dudes about!!!! anyways I came vbanew takya topic like a little ritenuti running jump and whip and how to sutanuti Newchurch mozht will help someone newsapple I would be very grateful and it is desirable more in detail *******************************************************
people downloaded the patch for the game thrown into the dropzone folder started not working all the patches in the format Cessna!all did as written here ina works!please tell me!!!!
So here, the people, the instructions for the modders themselves, read, do, enjoy!!
How to obtain the file Transport:
To obtain the file Transport and modify them, you have to open PC0 or PC1 the file through the program Gibbed's Archive Viewer.
You will see the file tree, open the Exported, then Vehicles. Vehicles are divided into 3 groups:
Arve is the air.
Lave is the vehicles.
Seve is sea transport.
How to unzip and zip files vehicles:
Step 1. Use Gibbed's Archive Viewer according to the instructions written above.
Step 2. Find a car (or other vehicle) that you want to modify.
Step 3. Save the selected car to any folder on your computer. To do this, select the file and click the right mouse button on it and click Save.
Step 4. Unzip the saved file through the program Gibbed's Small UnPack (just drag the file to the program she'll start. It will create a folder with the contents of that file. There you will find files of the models (RBM), textures (.dds), and transport files (.vdoll). In the latest file you can change the settings of the vehicle.
Step 5. After the changes are complete files, use Gibbed's Small Pack, dragging a folder into the program itself. She, in turn, will create a SARC file. Don't be afraid of the unknown you format just change the file extension to .EEZ.
How to edit textures:
Any graphical editor that supports the file format .DDS (Photoshop or PaintNET, for example). Then you just need to replace them in the folder again to create .SARC file, then just rename it to .EEZ and all!
Arve-air transport
Lave-ground transportation
Seve-water transport
Find the right transport and store the files(we will need the files with the extension .eez)
Unpack this archive using a program SmallUnpack(just drag the file onto the program icon and the archive will decompress itself)
That's what we have:
We need a file with the extension .vdoll or .mvdoll, we unpack with bin2xml opened using Notepad(or any other text editor).
Weapons clinivet in this place:
The weapon itself can take, such as some aircraft, the main copy area limited and
1.The location of the weapon relative to the selected transport(see also paragraphs 4, 5, 6 and 7)
2.The name of the weapon
3.Mouse button, when pressed, the weapon will fire(weapon1,left, weapon2-right)
4. x \
5. y > (it's axis, the one who was doing 3D modelling that will understand)
6. z /
7. This rotation of the arms (1-fastening at the top, 1-bottom mount)
And yet - if you want a lot of the same weapons (for example, 5 miniguns), but rather replace what is in quotes, not change the number of characters. Make sure that the codes are not repeated in the archive will not be Packed.
Here you added some weapons, now it is necessary to pack. A file with the extension .xml(a text file which you have modified) are Packed with xml2bin(if the program gives an error, then you made a mistake and need to fix it).
And then the folder itself with all files pack with SmallPack and change the extension of the resulting archive .eez copy in dropzone and enjoy.
damn help!!!!!!! put the mods in the dropzone and they don't work!
here is an example! really wanted super long and strong hook-cat now downloaded from different sites and nothing !!!! even a separate mod downloads!!!! whose kit was hook the cat!!!! and it didn't work! what to do?