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assassin-demon 06.02.20 12:24 pm

Dead Space 4,but will it happen ??? (Dead Space 3)

I know many did not like,like: But *** made horror action ,but it sold well,I personally also do not care that it is a horror-action has become,and the question as to whether we have a sequel,I kind of heard that the developers still want to torture the poor fellow is dead,and if all the same it will be,should you wait and do buy when will be released??? personally I'm waiting for the sequel to very,this week personally bought the license,I want all the same in co-op to drive anyway,but my response personally, I am for Dead Space 4,what's your opinion ???
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greenfox111 06.02.20

In RE 5 and RE 6 he had developed this genre.
It didn't work on these parts. But with the fourth he reinvented the genre of survival horror. And so the fourth best of the parts.
But they also said that the game won't lose in horror. Yes, action will be, but scary moments too.
The game does not lose the atmosphere. The first part was only a prototype of the game, scary and uncomfortable it wasn't for the fact that there is supposedly a horror, but because of control when Isaac goes hard in his suit, running to him as if through the power given. And you understood that now there will be several necromorphs from which it will be necessary to run, but due to heavy run to you became uncomfortable. The first was not very good level design. All decks, compartments resembled the same room, there was no individuality. The plot was sewn with white thread, it was necessary to justify endless ocasey partners type: Go down to engineering turn of fact, go turn it is, etc.
Subsequent games only the evolution of the series and I think it's for the best. Appeared normal plot, the characters, the dialogue, from the silent pixel called Isaac Clarke" has done personality, gave him a voice, a character, tried to make him a man, and a tough bunch of pixels.
Well, about the fact that it was the first game I wrote, but in part 3 scary moments for myself, I have not found.
Play in coop, not single, will you scary moments.

Olly-alpha 06.02.20

Pressed to the wall and stand, to shoot vermin. Especially running I can't really imagine why you need to run around the room in which the necromorphs crawling on all sides.
For example, then that couple of them can jump out of the ventilation window on top or behind the player. Condition is satisfied only in case, if you pass the game again and know that there will be necromorphs, there is no window, you can pull over and shoot. However, as in ДС1, and in X2.

In the first part there was a good atmosphere
Not even going to argue with that. The atmosphere there was great.

Is it in the Suspended animation of the shooting were in the first place? I think not.
No, I just gave an example of a really lousy implementation of the shootings. For comparison, nothing more.

The atmosphere there was delivery in the first half of the game until you get used to it.
I don't know... I after passing through the second and third parts again pereprohodil first, and th somehow not used. For me, there are more and more terrible. By the end of the game the nerves were already on edge, I'm already glad when I finally reached the hive Mind. This is not the first time I played, so... Not as a horror DS definitely succeeded.
And DS3 failed as a shooter. Yes. =)

The horror in the first part was, the game prototype was, the plot was quite normal.

And on a subject - like the fourth part. Even horror, though, action, whatever. )

greenfox111 06.02.20

I don't know... I after passing through the second and third parts again pereprohodil first, and th somehow not used. For me, there are more and more terrible. By the end of the game the nerves were already on edge, I'm already glad when I finally reached the hive Mind. This is not the first time I played, so... Not as a horror DS definitely succeeded.
A coward:)

First I do not really like because of its monotony and monotony, but this is purely my subjective opinion, no pretending:)

Cvoxalury 06.02.20

The plot was sewn with white thread

Well, the plot was there just at the time for survival horror, I think. In the second, the third less scary including just because not chuvstvuetsa loneliness in space, all is diluted with lively dialogues. In General, well, that didn't give the next part in the play, for 4, almost do not worry. Although they say, they say, the war on Earth... well, there Surv. horror just will not work, if you play a cool fighter-Isaac.

fallshirmegger 06.02.20

Honestly I see no reason to argue about the plot, because if you read the forums in every game the plot is monotonous, predictable, crumpled, or something else. So I think to talk about the plot is the theme of nowhere, one he liked and the other didn't and no reason to persuade one and the second is not present.
And that means the scary parts,listed everything that was in the first two parts also have the third (especially in the extra missions sometimes heart skipped a beat
Well, I many not remember, but the sun(in kindergarten) from 2 parts scared.
It didn't work on these parts. But with the fourth he reinvented the genre of survival horror. And so the fourth best of the parts.
Didn't repent.
The game does not lose the atmosphere.
I just do something about the horror wrote, but okay. Forcing of the atmosphere already present, so it seems to me that all the same lost.
Appeared normal plot
Really? The same kind of left Isaac do Isaac go - fetch, save Isaac.
Play in coop, not single, will you scary moments.
What? Where? When Carver looks like he needs to destroy the marker, or when he imagines he sees his wife and different soldiers?
For example, then that couple of them can jump out of the ventilation window on top or behind the player.
All ventilation almost glow and immediately expect that there will jump out of the necromorphs. In passing, I did not see the sudden appearances of necromorphs, the developers it was time to come up with something new.

Infiltrator 06.02.20

I wish the fourth was a good RPG with an open post apocalyptic world and took the best elements of horror. After all, in the genres of Action and Survival Horror series quickly exhaust themselves.

fallshirmegger 06.02.20

Without A Name
Strategy:D Build barracks, hire soldiers, do equipment, and go to war for resources with the necromorphs. And in the end it will be shown that the necromorphs invade earth but this is a false ending, be present in the DLC for $9.99.

hankgriffin 06.02.20

Not enough with Isaac,let him rest,as the shepherd!

review_game 06.02.20

A people, mine you just zazhralis. This is the only decent game in its genre. And there is nothing to use it. I do not like - do not play.
Super game! And that's it.
Waiting for the continuation!

Infiltrator 06.02.20

A fantastic option.

Whiteman6666 06.02.20

Since Isaac was not killed , is definitely to be continued. Voros the other, not stir up whether its with a different character , like in mass effect.

Olly-alpha 06.02.20

I don't know. I have ventilation't glowed once, and sagashite in safe sight corner, I was forced quickly to leave it. Repeatedly.

By the way, why is everyone talking about the sequel, from this point on? More DLS plot will not? Infa 100%?

review_game 06.02.20

2 Whiteman6666
Easily! Why it seems to me that the sequel will be Ellie... but maybe its a separate DLC released. Because about it nothing is clear. She couldn't just eat ))

fallshirmegger 06.02.20

More DLS plot will not? Infa 100%?
Infa 0%
A people, mine you just zazhralis.
Snickering? Ie we should worship the game, saying that it is the best?
This is the only decent game in its genre.
In what genre? Horror? Action?
I do not like - do not play.
The most interesting argument. If you don't like comments, don't read.

review_game 06.02.20

Snickering? Ie we should worship the game, saying that it is the best?
Well, if you need an idol, then bogotvor you like. I'm not much of a fanatic. I just like the game.
In what genre? Horror? Action?
And does it matter? Interesting thing is, as the name of a genre, think of what you like.
The most interesting argument. If you don't like comments, don't read.
Why are you so wound up? or gag in each barrel? Mutually! I do not like - do not read.

fallshirmegger 06.02.20

1. You without any arguments wrote that this is the best game in its genre, but genre you do not know.
2. You wrote that we zazhralis, but why don't you wrote.
Conclusion? You do not understand what genre of the game, but she liked it so much that you recorded it in all at once. In the end, you have nothing to properly explain, according to the post above. This is very reminiscent of fans asasina or CoD, where at the time of voting for the game at PG they are making games that just do the voting do not apply.

Infiltrator 06.02.20

You just need to understand that the fans have divided into camps, one after the other horror for action. Developers to grasp the balance is difficult.

Olly-alpha 06.02.20

Without A Name
And those who are equally good both in the context of the series of DS?
Although I'm more for horror. =)

Infa on the second DLS happy.
But naturally I tend to sell players for the first game. Supposedly played before and want to know how it ended? Pay still. And again. And here's another one.

Infiltrator 06.02.20

The middle is hard. About paid DLC then not even want to play.

saa0891 06.02.20


Infa on the second DLS happy.
But naturally I tend to sell players for the first game. Supposedly played before and want to know how it ended? Pay still. And again. And here's another one.

Hate the fact that they are still very small,Awakened generally runs for two hours,in fact it is as you correctly wrote cutting the end of the game,but this is fucking EA all defiles,the same ME3,it's in any gate.Compared to Chose additions at all about anything,and remember Fallout 3 or FNV DLC so there is almost 1/3 of the game.