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PaXa_ 09.02.20 02:17 am

Help to crack the exam SDA

Very good day to you, gentlemen. Want to inquire the true hackers about the exam in driving school. See what chip. I am sat at the computer and given to solve the exam in online mode on the website. The internal exam involves the error-free solution of 5 exams in a row. The first time I've failed and will soon go for a retake. Not to say that my knowledge is severely bad, but for sure I want to do the trick. So. I press exam and drops me randomly exam. I have successfully addressed and inform the teacher. One check mark out of five is. Now I have to solve the exam again, which again drops me randomly. And here is my question. Can you make me topnula the same exam that I just decided? I mean, that would not did not drop out randomly, and the one that was just solved by me? Is it possible?
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BarackKamacho 09.02.20

if you know the traffic rules then what the hell are you to be engaged in cramming? take premanifest knowledge into practice,only tickets,so if you Nitsche not know is not necessary here before the whole forum opravdyvatsya,I doubt that there sit your instructors

PaXa_ 09.02.20

Gentleman. We are talking about increase my chances of completing the internal exam. Any error, even on the 5th, the final exam will be fatal and to retake you have to pay more money. And the questions in the cards are built not only on knowledge of traffic regulations, but also on care, without complying with which you can not ignore what is in question is the trick. The feature of the tickets - and their pitfalls. I say 5 exams in a row is harder than GAI. And if there is a way to significantly simplify your internal exam, then why not? Cramming I'm doing, and 80% sure that you will pass. But for retaking need money who waste absolutely do not want.

PaXa_ 09.02.20

I need to pass an internal exam. Externally to pass the traffic police can not. Internal exam driving literally five times harder. I need to pass an internal exam to with exam in the SAI problem I have. Became clearer?

PaXa_ 09.02.20

The issues in the cards are built not only on knowledge of traffic regulations, but also on care, without complying with which you can not ignore what is in question is the trick. Chip tickets in their dirty tricks. (C). Therefore, it is better to learn by heart.

ZONE93 09.02.20

Motherwort drink - adds +10% to resolve.

BarackKamacho 09.02.20

I know it for myself right now studying,but what's stopping you to be careful?

coolracer 09.02.20

Even thoughts like that was when handed over to the law. Is now everything is so complicated that you can't just learn the theory? Go pass the exam online, just as much as wondering what could be so terrible and unbearable in the tickets...

PaXa_ 09.02.20

With determination I have no problems.

PaXa_ 09.02.20

Gentleman, nothing does not bother me. Let me give you an example. You are offered a million pounds sterling. You say: "Either you take it or work life that would make this a million. It is not logical to take a million pounds? Here the same situation. I'm sure in his success in the traffic police, and driving school there. Of course I will pass, if will be more careful. But if you can take the exam at the driving school a little easier, why not make it easier? Do you ALL not understand that?

PaXa_ 09.02.20

There is nothing terrible. The challenge is the driving school that puts high demands on the internal exam. 5 exams in a row. Mistakenly decided one of the five - retake for a fee.

BarackKamacho 09.02.20

Wrong example,in that case you might say,or are you messing around with the console in Google chrome at the risk of sleeping and then you're not exactly going to have opportunities to re-sit or looking for nedonoshennyh hackers are in fact even zoloworld can't try to cheat the system which is several times smarter than you,or you spend a few hours a day of your time to get right,what would be more logical to do tell me?

insel260 09.02.20

No clearly not, I repeat, your ultimate goal is what? To pass on the right or show everyone what you have done that hacked the software???
Learn 100 tickets, how hard can it be? 100 tickets!!! 100, only 100!!!! Yes at uni you're going to take a minimum of 7 subjects, where each subject is at least 50 of the preparatory questions.

Yes, someone like you is not something that the machine can not be trusted, I would have even the bike is not trusted!
P. S. the feature of the tickets in their dirty tricks. (C). Therefore, it is better to learn by heart.
They need not to learn, they must learn and understand that there are driving schools.

Not seen you on TS, and the Glory of God.

PaXa_ 09.02.20

The point is that I came here just the same for information. Look up, my friend. You see my question? Possible?. I'm here to learn, if at all possible some way to do it. But here you know who came? The people who started yelling about a bad driver on the roads, my knowledge of traffic rules and so on. And the answer is? I wanted to ask people who know. Perhaps there is Easy method. If not, you will have to sit (although, I'm sitting in front of the tickets on flying days). I'm sorry that people here don't understand the train of thoughts. And they did need to understand them? I'm here for the answer to the question, and not for discussions, exams, drivers, driving schools, and certainly not for discussions of the level of my knowledge of traffic rules.

PaXa_ 09.02.20

I have repeatedly explained and describe to you personally in more detail will not. The answer can give to the question? If not, then all the best.

BarackKamacho 09.02.20

I have realized that you are very afraid to screw it up,well I can only wish good luck to Express and not to seek similar pathways,especially in the case where they are not, what I am more than sure,otherwise the percentage of dunicha on the roads would be greatly increased

PaXa_ 09.02.20

Thank you. In General, now furnished with tickets stable, I think maybe even tomorrow I'll go to the retake. The only thing I pity is money.

insel260 09.02.20

Well, OK, bummer, will have to try something different. So you want whatever you wrote the program to bypass the test.
First you did not provide any information about what program it uses. The language is different, and hence the hacking will be different.
In the second. Hacking is an administrative offense, you want not only to law but also to administrative punishment, as well as the stamp in the passport - tried!? Your will.
Thirdly - I think you will not get? And how do you imagine it? You sit behind a computer and in the clouds, and what some clever programmer will break a program and give you the answers? So? Because of one idiot to be substituted will not. Forgive me for being blunt.
If you decide to personally introduce script breaking, how would you do it? I will say - as if by magic, in my volition?)) You will have to make this script manually and then connect the flash drive. Usually, on the examination computers is ALREADY, at least the most common foolproof - closed or disabled the USB ports. If you decide to embed the script via the Internet, how do you propose to do? To send the file by mail? Heh... just don't forget that computers worth protecting, the same anti-virus or something more serious.
All data is sent to the traffic police, so there is a continuous network with them. Going through the server GAI?? Like death, it is better to jail. Hack provider? Also complete idiocy.
And here we come to the beginning that it is easier to learn 100 tickets or bother with hacking, cheat themselves - and suddenly get caught, and pay money for Huck? By the way, you don't think hacking Exam computer will cost a thousand rubles, a minimum of 20ka. But as I understand it, retake is cheaper?

PaXa_ 09.02.20

The site is not official. It just generates questions. My actions behind the computer no one was watching, because the internal exam. Incidentally the link I already gave. So hard to make the generator issues only issue that generated the test? It's so hard that I will get a criminal record? Not for me what hackers. What hackers antediluvian generator questions? The browser console can be running, isn't it? Nonsense from you, gentleman, nonsense. I just need to get the generator gave me a set of those questions that I just answered. The point in that exam, which was resolved just. In order to solve it again. Solve five times in a row one exam. You know? This is the same as in the SAI. I decide one exam, and the remaining five to be exact replicas of the first.

insel260 09.02.20

WoW, how clever you are, and why with UMISCHE you can't pass the exams??? Um...
Come on, so you say that you are not looking at the time of testing. BUT the answers someone checks? So the answers are stored in a database, from this we go further. The received answers are stored in a database, these answers can be stored in 2 places - on the computer where you pass a test on the site server.
Hacking through the console? Seriously? Hahahahah Oh laugh, you should at least understand what it is and how to treat it.
Now, just before you did not reach, answer me one question - When you view your answers, what you will tell the examiner when they see you 5 times to answer the same questions??? do you think they do not look? Seriously? Are you that naive?

So now for the test, what would you want the generator 5 times, he gave you the same thing, you want to bypass the generator using the console. I'll tell you like it is, it's impossible. The console, which you open will not let you change anything, since all that you see on screen is just a projection, and all the control, all the interaction occurs on the server. ie that would bypass the generator, you need to get to the generator, which in turn is located somewhere on the server. The only way. This can be done through substitution of packages, but for this you need to either work directly with system and network software or run a script that brings us to the beginning - how you will implement the script? I don't think you know how to work with the network code.

P. S. the Official site, not official - hacking is hacking. And this is administrative and sometimes criminal penalties.

PaXa_ 09.02.20

Anywhere they are stored. Don't play the fool, gentleman, INTERNAL exam. Sitting in the office grandma, she as an employee of the personnel Department and the boss (apparently). She sits at his computer and talking forever on the phone. I come in, she opens my website, and walks around the office talking on the phone. When I pass one of the tests she's talking about it. It is suitable checks and says Up next. Itself on a piece of paper puts a check in pencil. I click on the button test and again get a random set of questions. There are no databases. complex circuits and no others. All antiquated and eerily simple.