What was this uplift? If you don't want to help with the answer, you can ignore my question. By the way, this minus you not I put.
Maybe it's the accordion, but all the same will tell. Found a creative approach to auto theft. Take Cargobob on any helipad, put it on the roof of his office pressing E. then it will not disappear. All traffic, except for the fact that mined takes on it. Enable invisible organization. Damage 0. Well, sometimes a particularly clever and sharp to leave marks on the$ 500. And once the people departed from the session, thus before you sell a car you need to fend off bandits. The problem is solved the same Cargobob. When the machine is next to the garage they do not, they appear if you go a bit. So beginners note, no need to buy Cargobob for a lot of money, they can use the gift.
fighter box
I painted all the nuances of this update, all written clearly and simply.
How to carry only expensive cars, etc.
A sense to score all the stock towers? The whole point is the back of the machine. And the collection is good income and there and give the average and the standard car is.
10 standard and medium, 12 high, and then drop higher or collectible until the timer goes go to a particular race, stick to the main Hyde. good luck)
Don't know what you have, and I have a high-normal or some kind of kollektsionok. Andrei did so generally without a difference what cars are in the garage.
to participate in the event this Supplement is necessary to buy the building-garage for Lam or you can join someone and help?
and is it possible to carry out the mission alone, if building a garage be sure to buy?
Can join the one who bought it.
You can run one, but will not be available to all jobs (some are for 2 persons) and only in open session
No, the mission in session by invitation same work, in solo or with someone
I'm surprised that in the works of the chief, where just one player is not given additional transportation for other members of the organization. For example, in the same work with rainera. It turns out one plays the rest of the ride. Though the rest could also take on some goals. Or, for example, in the task where you have to RAM the buggy to throw motorcyclists for portfolios, in the presence of 4 members of the organization could give two ramps.
And to protect the chief the fool who will?
These jobs on confrontation with other players is calculated, and not the fact that you will be closed sit
Well, to protect you along the way and completing tasks. Or are you saying that the new job is designed for example as a Tourist to perform only the Chief and the rest cannon fodder? Hmm...
Last night joined the robbery, and in the lobby I saw the amount you want to spend on ammunition, namely: 72000$. This is complete nonsense from my point of view, but a fully justified decision according to Rockstar. (The last three days I was engaged only in the sale of a car from stock, so no cases were not joined, therefore I have not and cannot be such the cost of ammunition). When the Bank none of them was able to take the money(restart 5 times), for me personally it was not a surprise, everything is clear as twice two. They knowingly fixed the Kurume in the robbery of the final of the Pacific, nothing personal, just business. It is now in the game menu built-in opportunity to purchase a card shark. So this bug with Pacific, when you can't take the money they will not fix. I think never. It is important that you were day and night online, and desperate to save some money to upgrade, I would buy those damn shark cards.
fighter box
he ammo your fucked! fuck those this is a robbery ! buy the MC press Alt enter and nekakih fucking card shark! the main thing in GTA 5 is to play online and at the same time one in this game!
Rockstar it's time to make гта6 they tyrkat this shit
che in the game the cars were/planned?as online sessions?and then zabanili a couple of months ago, and even wrote blogs, that soon the support will stop(ugh ugh)..I think that's, buy again or not
The incentive on the forums and constantly started talking about a military DLC. There is modification of weapons, the new military transport and so on. But, more importantly(for me), the other day add Dukes o'Death.
By the way, because of the abundance of cheaters was able the corner of his eye to look at the Duke O'Death. Wait for it or not is up to you.
PS this is just predatirovaniya background recording