Help pass (Trials Frontier)
Where hanging in the air and candy on the track Channel??? it there never seen, I've scoured every inch of the tracks, even sound that is somewhere hanging candy - no(((koroLLev1980
Hello! Candy is at the beginning of the track. You need at the first checkpoint (at the start) to take back to overcome the barrier, climb the hill and there will be candy)
Good afternoon, after the second check point you need to sit back and fell down into the crack between the stones.
Hello! Tell me after the recent update of the game (the BLUE CUBE) to track the PLANT in the middle of the map at the bottom of the cliff in a kind of hut there is a BLUE CUBE suspended. Approaching it rested in the glass and can't get inside. Have all traveled, but lock pick door can not find, no no buttons or press no stones. The collapsing elements also not found, after which it is possible to recover and revert back... Tell me!!!
could you tell me please, where candy and the URBAN JUNGLE've been all over, can't find it. thanks in advance!
So see how you start the race, you rock. Here's candy in it. When falling blocks of concrete they just shut it down. If you take a checkpoint before the fall, then take a piece of candy is still impossible, because it..........just tried another go and found her way), see the screenshot. need a hero to fall down.