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concluding 14.02.20 02:14 pm

A review of the game - where are they? (Vampyr)

An embargo on reviews of Vampyr will fall on 4 June, and now the day has come, and... silence. On stream developers, and taking into account the 2 previous games from them, very doubtful for the game. At the same time, vampire theme and a choice of a attract. Therefore, in the last hours is available to pre-order I would like to read reviews on the game, but the feeling that it's all clogged up. Can anyone spell search pumped more than me?
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Bupycop 14.02.20

Alex the One
Yes, your business, how to respond, you just have to consider that you will get a warning or worse ban and this forum put it so-as they can. And about asked, did not ask too inappropriate comments, again, this is a forum and not PM, I ask everyone something specific, therefore have the right to write to anyone to anyone, with or without, the main thing is to follow the rules. Direct relationship to the vampire, and yet the review be in this game and in my memory, AAA games about vampires as such does not exist, including a masquerade. Don't know who it described AAA game but you... religious, Yes, but not a high budget game, and the cult she's all for the same reason that essentially has no rivalry on the subject of games. In other matters like the term AAA is relatively recent, and at the time vampire of the masquerade, it was not exact.

Alex the One 14.02.20

As you say, even the bears, the ewoks have the right to their own opinion, however, no obligation to take them seriously.

Bupycop 14.02.20

Alex the One
So it is not in my opinion, this is required of you to explain when the vampire the masquerade became a AAA game? When in those time, even such a thing did not exist.