Windows 8
.Google search disgusting, Yes. Especially if you have enabled parental control and content filtering.
Boy, do not shame.
Yeah who cares about you, young dumb switcher with parental control on the laptop.
OK made quite a mess,but still better than Chrome.
Admit that leaked, and quietly closed the topic, lol. After all the above you already proved that your knowledge about the MacBook are:
1. Used in the hands of the box and the beech.
2. Peeped from behind the shoulder of the Pope on your desktop.
3. Overheard snippets of conversations of the father (what are you about the gap agreements say?)
Parental control-no
The password is required even when files are deleted on flash drives and hard drives cannot be written to file if these companies do not have the agreement.He used completely different formats.Neither the Jar nor the. exe you there will not start.The music, too, to have to listen to only using pirated apps.
but you do not want to walk away completely amazed with the low self-esteem
Can Jack off with my dad's MacBook... look, and self-esteem will rise... (=
on the Mac I almost never sit
Then why, knowing nothing about the Mac don't know shit trying to prove those who uses Mac?:)
Well, why else would poppy need?... Is Shaw to masturbate to the Apple logo... (=
P. S. Nobody wants to humiliate me. neighing - you can now leave... you're kindly advised to merge in order not to shame...
seven and so the floor is not zarabotannoe was and then there was eight...
seven and so the floor is not zarabotannoe was and then there was eight...
And you moron :D hee-hee-hee ha-ha-ha
Sorry that ended...on my laptop is Fedora really old version, but it will fit, and Yes, work is much more interesting than a window.
Always yuzal XP. I bought a new PC, it 7 ultimate activated. On XP now even don't want to look... Soft used is fine on 7. Let's see what 8 will be.