The decontamination corridor (Genesis Alpha One)
what is the use of the corridor? Very happy with them, thought blocked loopholes and a bummer. Diseases are a great success, run in haste there and there are cockroaches full, barely shot.The gateway is also useless against cockroaches, maybe from the pirates will help, have not seen yet.
Who as is protected from an epidemic? Vacuuming every beam and hangar as it is annoying, but the actual tactics of the campaign do everything yourself, and clones the current extras.
By the way sick clones where you're going when you leave work? Only in residential sections or throughout the ship(lounge room, dining rooms, etc.)? Any idea to put residential sections right next to the beam and hangar. Healthy clones place of work leave, like to smoke, eat, sleep?
I don't have a sick Bay, I'm sick right shoot, as long as they can deck mine came out =)