DLC Firefight (Mass Effect 3)
Who wants to add the weapons from this DLC Firefight in the game ( For Pirated games )- Sniper rifle Crisis
- Shotgun carbine Rigar
- Assault rifle Reaver of Cerberus
- Submachine gun blood pack the Punisher
Anti-synthetic assault rifle adas
- Plasma submachine gun Geth
Download DLC here Yandex People
Install the DLC files: (..-Mass Effect 3-BIOGame-DLC )
Silk the download has been updated
The weapon is added to magosin(s). Cost to register:
bioui.ini -> sfxgamecontent -> sfxguidata -> store -> the store -> storeitemarray
Before adding these lines in Coalesced.bin remove probely
(ItemType=TYPE_WEAPON,ItemClassName= SFXGameContentDLC_CON_GUN01. SFXWeapon_Shotgun_Quarian_GUN01 ,BaseCost=15000)
(ItemType=TYPE_WEAPON,ItemClassName= SFXGameContentDLC_CON_GUN01. SFXWeapon_SMG_Geth_GUN01 ,BaseCost=35000)
(ItemType=TYPE_WEAPON,ItemClassName= SFXGameContentDLC_CON_GUN01. SFXWeapon_SMG_Bloodpack ,BaseCost=35000)
(ItemType=TYPE_WEAPON,ItemClassName= SFXGameContentDLC_CON_GUN01. SFXWeapon_SniperRifle_Turian_GUN01 ,BaseCost=35000)
(ItemType=TYPE_WEAPON,ItemClassName= SFXGameContentDLC_CON_GUN01. SFXWeapon_AssaultRifle_Cerb_GUN01 ,BaseCost=40000)
(ItemType=TYPE_WEAPON,ItemClassName= SFXGameContentDLC_CON_GUN01. SFXWeapon_AssaultRifle_Quarian ,BaseCost=50000)
Version Coalesced.bin 1.1 added Resurgence Pack DLC and Firefight DLC download here :Yandex People
Install Coalesced.bin:
Copy the file Coalesced.bin folder in the installed game (..Mass Effect 3-BIOGame-CookedPCConsole)
Version Coalesced.bin 1.2 added Resurgence Pack DLC , DLC Skirmish , DLC Groundside Resistance download here : Yandex People
Install Coalesced.bin:
Copy the file Coalesced.bin folder in the installed game (..Mass Effect 3-BIOGame-CookedPCConsole)
DLC that came out and snare download .
Multiplayer DLC
DLC Resurgence Pack
Yandex People
DLC Rebellion Pack
Yandex People
Earth DLC Map Pack
Yandex People
DLC Retaliation
Yandex People
Story DLC
DLC Extended Cut
Yandex People
DLC From Ashes
DLC Leviathan
DLC Omega
Yandex People
Armor and weapons
DLC Firefight Weapons Pack ( Deathmatch )
Yandex People
DLC Groundside Resistance
Yandex People
DLC Alternate Appearance Pack from Collection Edition
DLC Alternate Appearance Pack No. 1
Yandex People
Yes, I have already figured out . That's how it is . Can someone come in handy .
- First you need to create a TexMod.log file with roughly the following contents...
0x54956F99|C:\Downloads \Texmod\Out \MASSEFFECT3.EXE_ 0x54956F99.dds
Where 0x54956F99 - the name of the texture, and the rest is the path to creating texture.
-Then open the program window TexMod -
1. Click on the icon and specify the path to MassEffect3.exe(Add it)
2. Choose Package Build
3. And the path to the file TexMod.log
4. Specify the author of the mod.
5. Click Build and wait the end of compilation.
-The output file [File_name].tpf
Texture is ready.
Great! The whole Pak ashdi textures on ме1 I have Nepal operatives is not enough for him :( and so current to the NPC and armor will fill all. And the graphics of ME2 and 3 is fine with me :)
How to extract textures from the game .
-Run the utility and click Logging Mode-
1. Choose MassEffect3.exe(In the game folder)
2. Put all jackdaws as shown, and where the Output Format - select the DDS.
3. Output Folder - specify a folder to dump textures.
4. Run, run the game and see... (drawing bcce9248eb98cb2f10353fffd116ef79)
Run around, use abilities, in the end, the Texture Loaded indicator will show how many textures are now loaded.
Further in-game... keys +\- look texture, Enter - vytjagivaniem texture from the game.
Upon exiting the game all of the selected texture will be stacked in the Output folder.(For example. c:\TexMod\Out)
To edit the texture preferably in Photoshop with DDS plugin.
Hello! The people, and how to edit the guns from the DLC? and then I want a single game on the destroyer Cerberus for more ammo (hundreds of little me))))
How to use ME3Explorer to replace the textures .
Replace the texture for the Penny on the HD .
Run ME3Explorer
Select The Asset Explorer
looking for file BioH_Liara_00.pcc
click on it with the left button on it 2 times , waiting for when the file has downloaded . It will look like this
Click on + , for file BIOG_ASA_ARM_LIA_R , press + to select, LIAa , press + to select Textures
Next, select the circle with the name of ASA_ARM_LIAa_Diff press the right button on it 1 time and follow the way of Texture - Easy - Add Biggest Image
A window will appear locate the file find the desired file, and press open.
A window najimaem ok
Now we have to save our file
All the texture replaced .
Now nothing was left of the edited Coalesced.bin only 1 time
Run ME3 Coalesced Utility to long to find what we need in a search engine input texturegroup_character_1024
texturegroup_character_1024 = (MinLODSize=32,MaxLODSize=1024,LODBias=0)
Change the 1024 to 4096 to save .
Start the game and look what happened .
Before editing make a copy of all game files .
I need to reinstall something not so made
The information was taken from http://me3explorer.wikispaces.com/How+to+add+bigger+textures+in+ME3
This is a brief manual detailed instruction look here
But all in English .
Checked the program me3explorer works texture replaces . More TEXMODом to use makes no sense , I like this software than it resembles the img tool .
and you can get texture armor N7 shadow and replace the texture some sort of armor??? if you can then where to take the textures of this armor?
and you can get texture armor N7 shadow and replace the texture some sort of armor?
There is no way to replace the texture of any armor .
and you can get texture armor N7 shadow and replace the texture some sort of armor??? if you can then where to take the textures of this armor?
it can be done. but it will look very crooked.
if you replace it replace the need model. but biotvarey with such problems, it is better not to start trying to do it.
can someone upload the DLC “Retaliation”? and then I have Origin does not see the connection to the Internet
current it requires patch 1.04( well and accordingly abandoned him(