DLC Firefight (Mass Effect 3)
Who wants to add the weapons from this DLC Firefight in the game ( For Pirated games )- Sniper rifle Crisis
- Shotgun carbine Rigar
- Assault rifle Reaver of Cerberus
- Submachine gun blood pack the Punisher
Anti-synthetic assault rifle adas
- Plasma submachine gun Geth
Download DLC here Yandex People
Install the DLC files: (..-Mass Effect 3-BIOGame-DLC )
Silk the download has been updated
The weapon is added to magosin(s). Cost to register:
bioui.ini -> sfxgamecontent -> sfxguidata -> store -> the store -> storeitemarray
Before adding these lines in Coalesced.bin remove probely
(ItemType=TYPE_WEAPON,ItemClassName= SFXGameContentDLC_CON_GUN01. SFXWeapon_Shotgun_Quarian_GUN01 ,BaseCost=15000)
(ItemType=TYPE_WEAPON,ItemClassName= SFXGameContentDLC_CON_GUN01. SFXWeapon_SMG_Geth_GUN01 ,BaseCost=35000)
(ItemType=TYPE_WEAPON,ItemClassName= SFXGameContentDLC_CON_GUN01. SFXWeapon_SMG_Bloodpack ,BaseCost=35000)
(ItemType=TYPE_WEAPON,ItemClassName= SFXGameContentDLC_CON_GUN01. SFXWeapon_SniperRifle_Turian_GUN01 ,BaseCost=35000)
(ItemType=TYPE_WEAPON,ItemClassName= SFXGameContentDLC_CON_GUN01. SFXWeapon_AssaultRifle_Cerb_GUN01 ,BaseCost=40000)
(ItemType=TYPE_WEAPON,ItemClassName= SFXGameContentDLC_CON_GUN01. SFXWeapon_AssaultRifle_Quarian ,BaseCost=50000)
Version Coalesced.bin 1.1 added Resurgence Pack DLC and Firefight DLC download here :Yandex People
Install Coalesced.bin:
Copy the file Coalesced.bin folder in the installed game (..Mass Effect 3-BIOGame-CookedPCConsole)
Version Coalesced.bin 1.2 added Resurgence Pack DLC , DLC Skirmish , DLC Groundside Resistance download here : Yandex People
Install Coalesced.bin:
Copy the file Coalesced.bin folder in the installed game (..Mass Effect 3-BIOGame-CookedPCConsole)
DLC that came out and snare download .
Multiplayer DLC
DLC Resurgence Pack
Yandex People
DLC Rebellion Pack
Yandex People
Earth DLC Map Pack
Yandex People
DLC Retaliation
Yandex People
Story DLC
DLC Extended Cut
Yandex People
DLC From Ashes
DLC Leviathan
DLC Omega
Yandex People
Armor and weapons
DLC Firefight Weapons Pack ( Deathmatch )
Yandex People
DLC Groundside Resistance
Yandex People
DLC Alternate Appearance Pack from Collection Edition
DLC Alternate Appearance Pack No. 1
Yandex People
You have not solved the problem with the departure of DLS , in one school where they find the second capsule if I decided say like . Haven't played decided to play the beginning and the game crashes .
Karakowsky libica - death machine. Saves a little ammo, otherwise the result would be the trunk at all times.
Does anyone know how to add coalesced new line? Want in your cauloside to make work properly the cutting of heavy weapons as in the MOTHER OF ALL MODS for 2.6 he for me like most people and a lot of unnecessary but adds a bundle. the weapons are very interesting and nachitelno if you bind with him and substraction of money(at buying) also I think that if you create colocado molitovsky DLS line store abilities it will be possible to buy MP skills, and they will not sbrasyvanija after loading (the ability of MP DLS can be added to the original store closed, but they will fold after purchase) and the ability to plot the DLS are in a copy shop skills in their own colocado. (if the weapon of DLS revival using the single skill for sure)
good day! help please, downloaded via torrent Mass Effect 3 - Omega, in : BIOGame - DLC __metadata(installerdata) and DLC_EXP_Pack002(Default.sfar) is all there, but
they do not run? what to do???
KrYcHok write what and where you wrote to add the ability of DLK to the boutiques single
Right now I have no access to a computer so what do you think about: open me3 explorer using any MP DLS and find in it a file (the name of the folder DLS.bin) it is its counterpart coalesced.bin in any DLS on (see reference redaktirovanie coalesed way to store abilities) in Bina DLS look for the subsection mpcharacters or somehow so, there will be the names of the characters and their abilities name skills copied (without the prefix Mr) and according to the instructions of the above-mentioned guide is inserted into closed games. But after buying and downloading, it will disappear.
I at random did delve into Bina dlsi there settings a bit... You ME3 Explorer to use can?
I have found the right programs, and on Friday will lay out a report instruction.
Installed DLC Resurgence Pack DLC Firefight , Groundside Resistance DLC, and all the story additions. Story work, but the weapons from Skirmishes and other stores there. What's the salt?
SKolomietsего to store have to register...
Download here in files tools manual for the M3.
SWAT 001 I'm stuck on the fact that the program gidden mass effect 3 coalesced't want to unpack the bin from dlc and using coalesced editor, you cannot create Bina new ini :(
igor455 Have a solution for flights! need to file GamerSettings.ini delete the line texturegroup_world= (MinLODSize=256,MaxLODSize=2096,LODBias=0), I have ceased to fly
tell me, is there any way to pull out of the mulipleer armor worn by tserberovskie biotics and use it in the single?
if possible, please shall describe how