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MoonStorm 21.02.20 02:03 pm

DLC Firefight (Mass Effect 3)

Who wants to add the weapons from this DLC Firefight in the game ( For Pirated games )
- Sniper rifle Crisis
- Shotgun carbine Rigar
- Assault rifle Reaver of Cerberus
- Submachine gun blood pack the Punisher
Anti-synthetic assault rifle adas
- Plasma submachine gun Geth

Download DLC here Yandex People

Install the DLC files: (..-Mass Effect 3-BIOGame-DLC )
Silk the download has been updated

The weapon is added to magosin(s). Cost to register:
bioui.ini -> sfxgamecontent -> sfxguidata -> store -> the store -> storeitemarray
Before adding these lines in Coalesced.bin remove probely
(ItemType=TYPE_WEAPON,ItemClassName= SFXGameContentDLC_CON_GUN01. SFXWeapon_Shotgun_Quarian_GUN01 ,BaseCost=15000)
(ItemType=TYPE_WEAPON,ItemClassName= SFXGameContentDLC_CON_GUN01. SFXWeapon_SMG_Geth_GUN01 ,BaseCost=35000)
(ItemType=TYPE_WEAPON,ItemClassName= SFXGameContentDLC_CON_GUN01. SFXWeapon_SMG_Bloodpack ,BaseCost=35000)
(ItemType=TYPE_WEAPON,ItemClassName= SFXGameContentDLC_CON_GUN01. SFXWeapon_SniperRifle_Turian_GUN01 ,BaseCost=35000)
(ItemType=TYPE_WEAPON,ItemClassName= SFXGameContentDLC_CON_GUN01. SFXWeapon_AssaultRifle_Cerb_GUN01 ,BaseCost=40000)
(ItemType=TYPE_WEAPON,ItemClassName= SFXGameContentDLC_CON_GUN01. SFXWeapon_AssaultRifle_Quarian ,BaseCost=50000)

Version Coalesced.bin 1.1 added Resurgence Pack DLC and Firefight DLC download here :Yandex People
Install Coalesced.bin:
Copy the file Coalesced.bin folder in the installed game (..Mass Effect 3-BIOGame-CookedPCConsole)

Version Coalesced.bin 1.2 added Resurgence Pack DLC , DLC Skirmish , DLC Groundside Resistance download here : Yandex People
Install Coalesced.bin:
Copy the file Coalesced.bin folder in the installed game (..Mass Effect 3-BIOGame-CookedPCConsole)

DLC that came out and snare download .

Multiplayer DLC
DLC Resurgence Pack

Yandex People

DLC Rebellion Pack
Yandex People

Earth DLC Map Pack
Yandex People

DLC Retaliation
Yandex People

Story DLC
DLC Extended Cut
Yandex People

DLC From Ashes

DLC Leviathan

DLC Omega
Yandex People

Armor and weapons
DLC Firefight Weapons Pack ( Deathmatch )
Yandex People

DLC Groundside Resistance
Yandex People

DLC Alternate Appearance Pack from Collection Edition

DLC Alternate Appearance Pack No. 1
Yandex People
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d4ym0n 21.02.20

Does anybody know is it possible to pull the costume Paladin, Assassin, and Destroyer of the DLC Earth in the single or at least texture to dig them up to replace the armor of the single

Proftorg 21.02.20

thank you very much...

MoonStorm 21.02.20

Does anybody know is it possible to pull the costume Paladin, Assassin, and Destroyer of the DLC Earth in the single or at least texture to dig them up to replace the armor of the single

KrYcHok 21.02.20

igor455 you can just do current booking code is needed( I would be your Cerberus from rebellion...

BestPhilipEver 21.02.20

People, please GRazor igor455 tell me whether using Coalesced to register a weapon from a DLC Earth? If so, throw off, you need to register... In particular, I am very interested in the N7 Typhoon machine gun wild thing, I tell you...)

Proftorg 21.02.20

this dlc land?

MoonStorm 21.02.20

You can't take the weapons from the DLC Earth to throw in a single .

BestPhilipEver 21.02.20

Yes, that's it

damn, sucks... but, thank you anyway)

PeKa-Imperator 21.02.20

And even with the PROMT.

MoonStorm 21.02.20

Does anybody know is it possible to pull the costume Paladin, Assassin, and Destroyer of the DLC Earth in the single or at least texture to dig them up to replace the armor of the single.
Here for example N7_Soldier_MP.pcc:

And the description that was given umodelGUI :

Found 4 game files (4 skipped)
Loading package: N7_Soldier_MP.upk Ver: 684/194 Engine: 6383 Names: 6803 Exports: Imports 8032: 3037 Game: 8004
Export MP_SOL_N7_MDL was found in package N7_Soldier_MP
Forced export (N7_Soldier_MP): SkeletalMesh'BIOG_MP_SOL_N7.MP_SOL_N7_MDL'
Loading SkeletalMesh3 MP_SOL_N7_MDL from package N7_Soldier_MP.upk
Forced export (N7_Soldier_MP): SkeletalMeshSocket'BIOG_MP_SOL_N7.SkeletalMeshSocket_0'
Forced export (N7_Soldier_MP): SkeletalMeshSocket'BIOG_MP_SOL_N7.SkeletalMeshSocket_1'
Forced export (N7_Soldier_MP): SkeletalMeshSocket'BIOG_MP_SOL_N7.SkeletalMeshSocket_2'
Forced export (N7_Soldier_MP): SkeletalMeshSocket'BIOG_MP_SOL_N7.SkeletalMeshSocket_3'
Forced export (N7_Soldier_MP): SkeletalMeshSocket'BIOG_MP_SOL_N7.SkeletalMeshSocket_4'
Forced export (N7_Soldier_MP): SkeletalMeshSocket'BIOG_MP_SOL_N7.SkeletalMeshSocket_5'
Forced export (N7_Soldier_MP): SkeletalMeshSocket'BIOG_MP_SOL_N7.SkeletalMeshSocket_6'
Forced export (N7_Soldier_MP): SkeletalMeshSocket'BIOG_MP_SOL_N7.SkeletalMeshSocket_7'
Forced export (N7_Soldier_MP): MaterialInstanceConstant'BIOG_MP_SOL_N7.BIOG_MP_SOL_HVY_Mat1a'
Loading SkeletalMeshSocket SkeletalMeshSocket_0 from package N7_Soldier_MP.upk
Loading SkeletalMeshSocket SkeletalMeshSocket_1 from package N7_Soldier_MP.upk
Loading SkeletalMeshSocket SkeletalMeshSocket_2 from package N7_Soldier_MP.upk
Loading SkeletalMeshSocket SkeletalMeshSocket_3 from package N7_Soldier_MP.upk
Loading SkeletalMeshSocket SkeletalMeshSocket_4 from package N7_Soldier_MP.upk
Loading SkeletalMeshSocket SkeletalMeshSocket_5 from package N7_Soldier_MP.upk
Loading SkeletalMeshSocket SkeletalMeshSocket_6 from package N7_Soldier_MP.upk
Loading SkeletalMeshSocket SkeletalMeshSocket_7 from package N7_Soldier_MP.upk
Loading MaterialInstanceConstant BIOG_MP_SOL_HVY_Mat1a from package N7_Soldier_MP.upk
Forced export (N7_Soldier_MP): Texture2D'BIOG_MP_SOL_N7.MP_SOL_N7_Strp'
Forced export (N7_Soldier_MP): Texture2D'BIOG_MP_SOL_N7.MP_SOL_N7_Norm'
Forced export (N7_Soldier_MP): Texture2D'BIOG_MP_SOL_N7.MP_SOL_N7_Tint'
Forced export (N7_Soldier_MP): Texture2D'BIOG_MP_SOL_N7.MP_SOL_N7_Spec'
Forced export (N7_Soldier_MP): Texture2D'BIOG_MP_SOL_N7.MP_SOL_N7_Diff'
Forced export (N7_Soldier_MP): TextureCube'BIOG_QRN_ARM_LGT_R.QRN_VSR_Cube'
WARNING: Unknown class RvrEffectsMaterialUser for object MultiPlayer_MASTER_MAT_USER
Loading Texture2D MP_SOL_N7_Strp from package N7_Soldier_MP.upk
Loading Texture2D MP_SOL_N7_Norm from package N7_Soldier_MP.upk
WARNING: IntProperty UTexture2D::InternalFormatLODBias was not found
Loading Texture2D MP_SOL_N7_Tint from package N7_Soldier_MP.upk
Loading Texture2D MP_SOL_N7_Spec from package N7_Soldier_MP.upk
Loading Texture2D MP_SOL_N7_Diff from package N7_Soldier_MP.upk
Loading TextureCube QRN_VSR_Cube from package N7_Soldier_MP.upk
Forced export (N7_Soldier_MP): Texture2D'BIOG_QRN_ARM_LGT_R.CubemapFace0'
Forced export (N7_Soldier_MP): Texture2D'BIOG_QRN_ARM_LGT_R.CubemapFace1'
Forced export (N7_Soldier_MP): Texture2D'BIOG_QRN_ARM_LGT_R.CubemapFace2'
Forced export (N7_Soldier_MP): Texture2D'BIOG_QRN_ARM_LGT_R.CubemapFace3'
Forced export (N7_Soldier_MP): Texture2D'BIOG_QRN_ARM_LGT_R.CubemapFace4'
Forced export (N7_Soldier_MP): Texture2D'BIOG_QRN_ARM_LGT_R.CubemapFace5'
Loading Texture2D CubemapFace0 from package N7_Soldier_MP.upk
Loading Texture2D CubemapFace1 from package N7_Soldier_MP.upk
Loading Texture2D CubemapFace2 from package N7_Soldier_MP.upk
Loading Texture2D CubemapFace3 from package N7_Soldier_MP.upk
Loading Texture2D CubemapFace4 from package N7_Soldier_MP.upk
Loading Texture2D CubemapFace5 from package N7_Soldier_MP.upk
Found 1 object(s)
Loaded in 0.093 sec 7065 allocs, 1.70 MBytes serialized in 602568 calls.
Decompressing MP_SOL_N7_Diff: Textures_DLC_CON_MP3.tfc is missing
Decompressing MP_SOL_N7_Norm: Textures_DLC_CON_MP3.tfc is missing
Decompressing MP_SOL_N7_Spec: Textures_DLC_CON_MP3.tfc is missing

BigHolms 21.02.20

X..eve well you uzhali, paddy [S. A. D.] to hill. U..cheers to your blue area

I think you're close, schA also pomoshyu.

MoonStorm 21.02.20

it seems the link to the model must be sh showing DLC_CON_MP3 . But then how can it be fixed in the Coalesced.bin .

Gladion 21.02.20

Is it possible to move the weapon DLC Earth in the single Coalesced through

KrYcHok 21.02.20


GRazor 21.02.20

Adept, Engineer
Infiltrator, Sentinel, Soldier, Vanguard

For texture thanks BigHolms

KrYcHok 21.02.20

Tried to add the name of the DLC armor code or move the model into the game folder? The text mod is not an option :(

MoonStorm 21.02.20

The text mod is not an option - I agree
Tried to add the name of the armor DLC code - not working
Or move the model in game folder - not working

There is an option to wait for the DLC, Bron'ka , if such DLC will be then be clear how to prescribe the armour Adept, Engineer
Infiltrator, Sentinel, Soldier, Vanguard Coalesced.bin
In the game Mass Effect 2 DLC Bron'ka was supposed to be here .

GRazor 21.02.20

But on a course there.
Notice, for example:
Only change Id=11 get another armor set to 14 or more - departure.
Campaign textures and models somewhere in the combined serial number ID which they cling game.

KrYcHok 21.02.20

Sorry though Bronius just do neoch original. By the way if to add to the game PP the Geth from shooting and from respawn, they will be in your inventory as one gun or two? Codes and closedi they are different.

KrYcHok 21.02.20

With guns spectrum they repainted version of the conventional and PP will be to organize the spectrum characteristics and color well to change the name with the description.