What is this object? (Diablo 2)
What is the item that gives the ability for any character to use skills gain as a barbarian?Archon Guard
Archon Guard wrote: by the way who there drew attention to Tolstoy themes
You mean this:
Immense wrote:
of course OC to uprivate in +1бо not. but what it was about, when pushing aniki from Lo? And their count is also buy them for +1 Bo.
KTA the sounds of the Palais under fast farm to beaver not to waste time. And when you need to give to Babs. Not stupid and not a show-off IMHO.
N. Guy
And when you need to give to Babs. Not stupid and not a show-off IMHO.
You specifically only till the middle of reading my posts or what? Repeat for the third time - if you're the barb instead of CTA gave rags +3 warcries from him screaming would be more useful. But KTA is not enough that WORSE so it is more and more expensive.
Firka logic is a separate discipline. Subsection Shout that loosely translates as pearl. xD
The logic Firka 6 Bo from 2 sticks is better than 12 from 2 Bo CTA.
I already wrote above, 2 CTA do not give +12, not +14, not +8, but only a +5 BO (i.e. double +1 all skills with weapons and once with +3 BO). So 2 CTA on a barb is pointless.
If we compare (CTA3 + 3WC stick) VS (2x 3WC sticks), then the difference +1 -2 BO and Shout in the case of CTA. It is about these 2 Shout firkax and says that the benefits are outweighed by the benefits of +1 BO, as I understand it.
CTA adds pvp the barb not only 1BO, which in itself is more important than 2 shout in any situation, but still saves 1 skill from leveling BC and adds to swap regeneration ~ +1hp per second.
with cta+English Bo Barba else can break 63fcr to take and he is screaming faster)))
2 sticks 3wc = 6bo 6bc 6shout
cta3/3/*+English = 7bo 7bc 4shout + fcr