Origin or Steam?
What service do you prefer? And why?Steam of course. On the Origin besides that the games good enough, so also sold at exorbitant prices.
The topics were initially on the home. And it was logical to write the opinion in respect of services not speculation.
And my Origin never broke.
- FIE-FIE-FIE through the left :D
...And all because the account invisible to other users, the contact had not, and if played in multiplayer - the last time was in 2011, in March twenty-sixth, and the seventh in Crysis 2, with the nickname other than the name of the account. And this despite the fact that I've lent my account to a friend. Well... best friend to play BF3, but the account is still with me :D
Spit at all and don't be afraid to Express out loud everything that is kept in mind.
- Within reason ;)
Steam: no games without errors
Origin: the errors with the dlc
Bought Mass Effect 2 Digital Edition and Fox http://www.masseffect2.in/forum/2-3645-1
Never had any problems with Origin. The Incentive, however, there are some jokes when no page is loaded. Especially when connecting to the Network through a router, not directly.
Max Fry
In the original there were errors and bugs when not loaded games, page and so on.
And so, my choice is Steam
Popular Origin only for Battlefield
Stupid choice, of course Steam, but they have a game here and there, but prefer Steam.
I Steam a lot of people enjoy lot of games and discounts, and even read Wikipedia the other day, I read about the Origin there was a line about something that Origin stole information about Steam on the user's computer. And the agreement was black and white written that Origion requires access to information from Steam. Oh thieves and it's all due to the fact that I quote Wikipedia In early 2011, after disagreements about the cost of services digital distribution Electronic Arts decided not to release the expected Battlefield 3 to Steam. Moreover, EA has seen fit to remove from the store Dragon Age 2 and Crysis 2 (was returned to Steam in may 2012). The publisher argued that such actions by the inconvenient updates and content delivery, but it can also be related to the percentage of sales that takes away the Valve for placing games in the service.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh Steam for indie games,there's now a bunch of alpha dayz put the price tag in 1000rubley and all flock like flies on shit ahhhhhhhh, where to buy only Fuckers you throw like pussies
The last COD is terrible, agree every. All the same, but requires 10 times more.
Shop with games.
1) You buy a game, not rent it.
2) All the data on your disk (from which you can make the image), all necessary patches are also at hand, and wait until the boot update after installing the game do not need this item, dearexperts don't miss. The drive to sell, exchange, ie, despite the license agreement, the game belongs to the person, not the publisher.
If the boxed version comes with a hard binding online service, then after installation just put nodvd. Need multiplayer? Tangle, Hamachi, etc., at your service. The exception to this situation is steam. In this case, unpack the game with Phoenix, put the patches and nodvd.
And what about dlc? Not all of them are sold on disks. Here the torrents. And no one prevents later buy the full publication, provided that the disk contains all the released add-ons, and not just the keys for them. So, we don't use the stim and origin, and not be a pirate.
Enrages only one game or tied to incentives, either to the origin or to the I'm gonna pick up and in addition the key to any game is disposable. Now, if not this shit, that would be great. And so, buy the game in store, well, of course, which I liked.