Origin or Steam?
What service do you prefer? And why?Ilya Cancer I mean bystry access?hard drive if Cho do not care where to ship resources :)
BadBoy46Rus, I need to quickly enter the directory with the game. Not to be picked for a half-hour, where is this folder.
When you put the fashion on/re texture/running the files you want convenience, the long path to the root folder of the game is not the greatest convenience.
Of course it is convenient to push the game into the same directory and on the winch that you have
but to choose one in any way. Both services are indispensable.
origin - rip-off on steam, poorly made, what kind of competition there may be a question don't know
although, given the stupidity of the audience, can use advertising to create a good reputation
and do not use neither the one nor the other
Steam, of course. Origin quite uncomfortable, in comparison with the Stim. Steam has a wider range. What can be the superiority in Origin?
If I could buy Skyrim (and future games from the Gazebo) in origin, I would have sold my ACC in steam and never came back. IMHO
Ilya Cancer
A shortcut to a folder can be created, can be put on the taskbar...Oh how embarrassing, the horror.
origin, as it is not met it does not glitch and the maximum speed. steam and full zabagovannoe shit, where is the only game kotarou wants to buy this Skyrim.
Do not know do not know, with the incentive problems are not present, only with the origin of the problem.
And where is my barf-posed the comic strip I'll decide okda!
How many years I use Steam and it has never gave me a pretzel. Origin as the first day of use, I hated when I bought BF3 from them on the service, a game I never came. I waited a lot of time and when nothing happened, he began to look for the answer on the forums, but they each had their problems no one could not solve it. Then I turned to the tech-support and not only that, I had 2-3 hours to wait for an answer, and somewhere in hour 2 to explain the situation and swing their rights. In the end, the game still appeared, but on a completely different account that they created themselves. Bravo, just Bravo! Ever since then I swore to myself never to deal with Origin and never buy a game sharpened just under it.
And on topic: of course Steam.