05.03.20 05:42 pm
The configuration file (Iratus: Lord of the Dead)
The game has a configuration file balanceConfig.json . It is located at the address C:\Games\Lords of the Fallen Game of the Year Edition\Iratus Lord of the Dead\Iratus_Data\StreamingAssets\DB.Here what is written there:
expForNextLevel: 200,
expForBattles: [100, 200, 400, 150],
soulsCap : 6,
tokenChance: 5,
bossTokenChance: 15,
tokenEachTryAdditionalChance: 5,
tokenEachTokenAdditionalChance: 0.5,
tokenEliteMultiplier: 2,
unitUpgradeExp: [
unitGetExp: [1,4,8,3],
minionsExpByObelisk: 4,
iratusExpByObelisk: 200,
architectResourceBaseChance: 15,
chanceDublicateWraithWithBattle: 25,
chanceDublicateWraithWithoutBattle: 10,
wraithForLose: 9,
initialManaCount: 100,
stepsCount: 11,
talantsOffset: 80,
irePerAction: 0,
irePerEnemyDamage: 9,
irePerEnemyCrit: 6,
irePerDotDamage: 0,
irePerMinionHpDamage: 3,
irePerMinionCrit: 3,
irePerMinionDreadDamage: 2,
irePerEnemyDebuff: 2,
irePerEnemyBuff: 4,
irePerMinionDie: 0,
irePerEnemyEscaped: 12,
irePerEnemyTrap: 6,
irePerEnemyStance: 4,
irePerEnemyInspiration: 12,
hackHighIreLowManaCost : 100,
hackHighIreLowUltCost : 0,
roomIdleOffset: 180,
ghoulButcherHpRestore: 0.5,
ghoulRestrainedButcheringStart: 1.25,
ghoulDigestNum: 3,
ghoulEfficientDigestion: 4,
lichSacrificeHeal: 45,
lichSacrificeHeal2: 60,
lichSacrificeMana: 25,
lichCruelSacrificeIre: 35,
lichCannonFodderCd: 1,
mummyAbsorbCurses: 5,
mummyCursedFeast: 8,
mummyAbsorbFortune: 8,
mummyAmplifyCurses: 1,
mummyEternityOfTorment: 1,
mummyEternityOfMisfortune: 2,
skeletonEmbraceMediocrityHp: 12,
lostSoulSuddenReality: 1,
lostSoulConsumeHopes: 3,
lostSoulConsumeHopes1: 1,
lostSoulSubstituteWorld: 1,
bloodPhantasmTormentEternal: 1,
dkHealByArmor: 2,
stokeTheFlames: 1,
battleEternal: 10000,
devourMagic: 5,
bardAiHeroism: 0.7,
guardCaptainHpAi: 0.5,
headsmanWannaReturnToWork: 5,
shieldMaidenAiLowHp: 0.35,
barbarianWildRoar: 75,
inventorRestoreSanity: 20,
minionsDieNumToRestoreMana: 3,
voidPendantMana: 5,
sickleLevel: 10,
lightArmorInitiative: 8,
noblemansGarbNum: 4,
noblemansGarbLevel: 3,
itemPerfectionAmuletItemNum: 4,
itemImprisonedSouls: 10,
headHunterFeature: 15,
bansheeFeature: 2,
bansheeFeatureCap: 10,
taskmasterFeature: 30,
taskmasterEliteFeature: 30,
conjuressFeature: 20,
dampirEnemyFeature: 6
That's understandable: the ( we experience)
expForNextLevel: 200,
expForBattles: [100, 200, 400, 150],minionsExpByObelisk: 4,
iratusExpByObelisk: 200,
Someone figured out the rest?
The Google translator app (even separating the words),and I do too:).