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JerelyMarleCrash 13.03.20 12:09 am

Suicidie Mouse.avi:Fake or not fake?

Recently I came across a strange video...He will not explain, explain copy-paste:

Remember the cartoons about Mickey mouse from the 30's? The ones that recently came out on DVD? I heard that there is one unreleased cartoon, which I wasn't even in expensive collector's edition. Honestly it's nothing special. This loop (like Flintstones), where Mickey goes about six buildings for two or three minutes, then disappears. The melodies in this Lupe no "song" there — a cacophony as if the pianist randomly pressed the keys and fifteen minutes, after which the melody becomes white noise and continues until the end of the video. It's not the good old Mickey we know and love: here he is not dancing, not smiling. It just goes, as go you or I, but his head somehow tilted. Everyone thought that the movie ends on a cut to black (fades to black). When Leonard Maltin was interviewed about the DVD release, he noted that the Studio left a lot of garbage, but should be digitized in memory of Walt. When he received the digitized version and looked at the file on his computer, he noticed something.
The cartoon is 9 minutes and 4 seconds.

"After the blackout the cartoon stopped in the sixth minute, and then Mickey started to walk. The sound was different. Came the murmur. This isn't some speech, rather sobs. The noise became more promiscuous and loud, and the picture — all the more strange. The sidewalk went to some incredible parties, where Mickey couldn't go. On the dull face Mickey began to show a grin. In the seventh minute, the murmur turned into userdrive Creek, and the picture was getting more obscure, color has become impossible. Rat face started to fall apart. His eyes turned back, his grin slid to the left cheek. Buildings seemed to float in the air, and the sidewalk was still mangled, all was just incredible and monstrous to the human eye. Mr. Maltin got scared and left the room, and ordered the assistant to stop the video and to write on paper everything that happens in the video until the last second, and then immediately pull out the disc. This distorted shouting is over in the eighth minute, then a face of Mickey, captions and music, sounding like a broken music box. All this lasts for 30 seconds. From the guards, with whom I worked in that house, I learned that after the video the lady assistant ran from the room, stumbling, shouting Real suffering is incomprehensible! (?) seven times, and then took the guard's gun and shot himself in the head. As I understand the words of Leonard Maltin, the last frame — Russian text, which can be roughly translated as the Gates of Hell beckon the curious. I know no one saw that." To the present day.

Don't you think all this strange?Do you think It was real and videos created in the 30's, or fake and all this legend-a parody of the Wyoming incident?
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Nihiliant 13.03.20

Lay out the picture here.

absurdus elementum 13.03.20

It's sad.

Krasavica-voin Seylormun 13.03.20

share your Chan

Aloe 13.03.20

in actual fact, most local Alf Chan is scary. I don't know what to think..

Sieg Murr 13.03.20

Confess, who from this video brother died?

If technogenetic, then at me. Head severed brains across the room well you poneli.

share your Chan

Yes, zapilivat pictures nyashek.

sn260591 13.03.20


Dreadnought. 13.03.20

25.09.10 15:06
Take it. It catches the eye.

The Immortal Emperor of M 13.03.20

25.09.10 15:06
Take it. It catches the eye.

Don't you dare, he's cute.

JerelyMarleCrash 13.03.20

Blah, as I began to read about all sorts of crap about killing video....And then I came to my common sense and I started to laugh.

Dreadnought. 13.03.20

Don't touch my post with your filthy hands, heretic.

The Immortal Emperor of M 13.03.20

Blah, as I began to read about all sorts of crap about killing video....And then I came to my common sense and I started to laugh.

So watch the video until the end. Or weak?

babl-trabl 13.03.20

You che, in VIDOS is full of digital special effects and distorted voices! If it VIDOS 1920, that I was a puppet of the government.

Zhan-Klod V-Zhban-Dam. 13.03.20

Wah...Well,let's see...

DarkSullan 13.03.20

Garbage is + Self-hypnosis

Zhan-Klod V-Zhban-Dam. 13.03.20

The stupidity of some sort.Yes,the situation escalates,but no more.Starting from the seventh minute bit creepy due to these screams mug Mickey and playing box in very on the contrary relieve the tension.My opinion - utter nonsense and fake.

Sieg Murr 13.03.20

You just have to watch at night, alone and with headphones. Then it will be scary, Yes.

Zhan-Klod V-Zhban-Dam. 13.03.20

About this situation is.

Dreadnought. 13.03.20

I have now just the night, I'm alone and with headphones. I am so scared. I'll take off my pants.

SkyGame 13.03.20


Demonic Wolf 13.03.20

Pidec comrades, I'm even afraid to sotret - the mind is not very................ Th in nature there is terrible ?? ?