Faith is actually a real person? (Far Cry 5)
Or is she just a hallucination in your head? Never showed it to us in the flesh.Yes, she was in the beginning, and apparently GH is killing it on drugs, it is unclear where it is unclear how, and then comes to life.All this travushka muravushka in the fields is hallucinating because she is in the bunker until he turns off the BL. So he killed her somewhere in the bunker or near it
In a couple of locations there are old rotary phones, which recorded monologues of Faith before and after treatment. And there is a cave marked with the cache (there's still acid or sulfuric puddles), which has note they say why do you trust Joseph, and became the Faith, because he dumped you and instead of burial dissolve your body in acid - that just correlates with the end of the battle with her.