Box good luck (Warface)
With how many boxes you need, the average drop don? I never yet fell, in total spent around 10 K credits and nothing.Paul Соловьев13081980
and I can't knock the Golden AK-47. I do not know how much spent, but a lot. regular 8 pieces of embossed PPC!!!!!!!!
I spat at all and did not either beat content with what is and have no regrets
The largest drop chance from the Gift Boxes that allow for all sorts of Events and Tasks...
I like 1 box Fabarm STF 12 Compact Cold Forever fallen...
Threw about 2,000 rubles(Plus vault entry=+40%)Well, in short, knocked Désert Tech,SIG Sauer,Cold Fabarm Cold.There are about 400K.Threw the distribution of 1,500 million rubles(Waiting for Remington MSR)
regular donate crashes after 1.5.-2.5k, once for replenishing the account 5 boxes of AMB - gold has dropped out