Hacking using Artmoney full version (Payday 2)
There is already such?)Anyone share experience?)
On the beta all the rules,and full can not crack.
Damn and not how to make better weapons without end ? and then one for each weapon is stupid ( and why when you open all then the modernization of those that already was all the time Shine like new and click on them or put out and still on the inventory against the weight of the exclamation mark ! it is possible to fix it ?
Try this,create a server,press when screen opens mission where everything needs to press ready
Tell the script this:
for i=1, 7 do
managers.lootdrop:debug_drop( 1000, true, i )
game_state_machine:change_state_by_name( victoryscreen, { num_winners = 2, personal_win = alive( managers.player:player_unit() ) } )
This will give you 1000 case, winnings,among them can again drop better weapons,unable to mask and money
To activate the script only where everything slides Ready
have me is not working
Give script just for the money pliz, I will prescribe
write here what script I need to write the current money on points
After using the script, the money was frozen which would not buy whatever they're given money for vypolnenii mission still remains the same amount. Maybe someone knows how to remove the freeze?
Maybe someone knows how to remove the freeze?
managers.money:_set_total() - reset to 0, or enter the desired amount in (), eg. managers.money:_set_total(500000)
Don't know what happened,but now I have online in crime.net always exactly 1000,and I can't connect/create a server is says Failed to create game.What would it mean?
When you learn to read the forum carefully!!!
A script where EVERYTHING is already open!!! Nothing need!!!
please give the script for body kits for weapons. Well, to all them to access. I'll prescribe. ATO not as it is impossible:)
Vitaly Fesenko
What the full version of the script where everything is already open to download slightly!!!