You have a license? If so, I don't know what to say. I have a license and does not have this problem.
Alternatively, you can try to reinstall DX11, but it will hardly give any effect. So that in the extreme case, will have to wait for the update.
Error translated: DX11 is required. Your video card definitely supports it? What Windows you run? which graphics card tell me.
George Darkна note: As I understand it, elements DirectX 11, built into Vista/7/8/8.1 because his support is only on these systems.
A million times reinstall the game, your video card does not support DirectX 11.. (=
vidyuhi shit!!! he recently decided to install the old none in the comp to test. when he put - tried to run this game. gave the exact same error. in short Bibi vidyuhi. need some loshka push it!!
when you try start the game the window crashes DX11 cry engine Required,then Crash Dump Error
saved dump file to'D:State of Decay YOSE Day One Edition/USER/StateOfDecay_EYESTEC(my PC name)_2015-05-02_16-11-22.dmp'
updated direct ,but exactly climbs error before I changed Windows ,the game was