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Dralkerr 16.03.20 08:18 pm

Technical problems and their solutions. (Homefront)

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Mr_UKROPUS 16.03.20

Yes, I forgot where I found it,rocked and norms in Russian and speak Russian,can put on NG,just russik for a license.

PaveL08 16.03.20

UKROPUS, if you remember - throw a better link. (in the browsing history in the browser look).

Mr_UKROPUS 16.03.20

OK I will look right now.Shortcuts here http://forum.csmania.ru/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=25986&hilit=%D1%80%D1%83%D1%81%D0%B8%D1%84%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%BE%D1%80&start=255 also I found there russik on the first halva,go pass +)

PaveL08 16.03.20

Strangely, 4 days ago rocked back russik, in exe. the game, which did not go. So replaced, that's all right. SPS.

Mr_UKROPUS 16.03.20

It's my pleasure.

Kirill2098 16.03.20

When I run the game message POPs up the Program PhysX not installed properly. You want to reinstall it? Please after installing the PhsyX restart your computer. If you press ok then something is installed and when I launch the game it starts again. How to solve the problem?

Thank you all in advance for the help:)

Infiltrator 16.03.20

May have to do with PhysX on the computer to understand. Although I do not know I have ATI

Kirill2098 16.03.20

It turned out, PhysX was not installed because I was already older. I deleted it and put the newer version. Now it works!

VityaAble 16.03.20

That such nonsense! http://rghost.ru/37414495

Nikita704 16.03.20

Does anyone know how to fix this garbage
Get out of the game and interferes with my screen resolution, and impossible to put back without a reboot.
I have today started to fly a bug direktom.
How to fix it all?

dima_war 16.03.20

I have a dead mouse. Launched the game, started the company, unable to walk, and the mouse does not work. Tried and inversion set, and chuvstvitelnosti to change, nothing helps. Maybe someone knows how to solve the problem?

SSerzhGun 16.03.20

People. I have this problem. With the installation of Steme in the Homefront all is well. But when you start to play,the character begins to walk forward. passes and things themselves forward himself. I'm sure it's run right, left,stop,but enrage that he is going forward. tried everything like, but odd is not impossible to do so in order to go forward I drove.

SSerzhGun 16.03.20

In Steme if you go to properties of the game,there is language and there put a checkmark next to Russian,the system will not work and will be Russian language

Hollen 16.03.20

Bought the license to the Incentive, established all the rules but in the game the ambient sounds loud, the sounds of Shaki is not clear what the sound is like it was before Update 1. In the game version is 1.5.50001 (like the last digits correctly...)
Just don't understand, updat was raised from the stim or not? And you can download it from the tracker(say) in the game folder to fold(without crack) and pass a hash, Chi whatever...?

i-max 16.03.20

My problem is this: after completing the mission where you steal the helicopter, there is a video and there after the words I will be on this channel (well, sort of way) all the stops and the video stops and then shuts down; all the time.

zombiefak 16.03.20

I have a problem I play campaign and then I get to the tower I runnin I got there and when the man sat down I can't Vite from the tower and I don't give the job why?

koralev.pavel 16.03.20

Bard_2009 All this ignorance!After three preprohormone entered the tower,climbed to Baba direct disala in the back,no seyfi not sure all this blackening coves where not to push

Nikolay Subochev 16.03.20

where to find the folder Prophet

sahar 13 16.03.20

SciTE what to do when you start homefront,nothing happens, I watched the work launched on behalf of the adminestrator a lot of things and nothing helps,most please help!!!

Margulan Alpysbay 16.03.20
