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DaRk_AnGeL 17.03.20 08:51 pm

Problem with DirectX 9.0 (The Sims 2)

Installed it(the game tobish) demanded that the direct, downloaded and installed direct, the game still says that I checked the installed me direct. People,help, what am I to do! I have***familiarize with etimi Sims and direktom! PTS want to play!
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EVGENY 17.03.20

Note that it was the direct x 9.0 b no if it is so the find is 9.0 C and then everything is fine stock, but otherwise I don't know what to advise!

DaRk_AnGeL 17.03.20

Yeah, 9.0 b? where's state 9.0?

DaRk_AnGeL 17.03.20

People!help!!!!!Pllzzzzzz!!!!!PTS choochoo to play Sims!

Maha 17.03.20

LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help than can!!!!! I bought SIMS 2 and th is not played! It is necessary to install the full DIRECT X9! And what is it? Where can I get it? And how to install it? I finally campico don't understand anything!

Pooh 17.03.20

In short, the game need DirectX 9.0 c, it is on the first disc if not, then download
here DirectX 9.0 c
Install, the computer rebooted and everything. You have Maha DirectX 9.0 c there is no Nitsche complex.
There are other troubles, see FAQ1 and FAQ2.

comcat 17.03.20

Suddenly pop up a message that not found compatible with Dx9 graphics adapter (may be written by dakotablue, two lines of gibberish). All useful tips from a Network gave nothing, I'm just not moved Sims. It turned out, somehow got corrupted log file ИМЯ_ПОЛЬЗОВАТЕЛЯ-config-log.txt and then no longer recognized the video card.

post by Yury

PlayGround.ru 17.03.20

Help!!! I've been worried with the installation
1) he didn't like my directx
Okay. Downloaded directx9.0c
2) during the installation process POPs up a window that says that it cannot unpack 1 file (which is not written)
I passed him safely
3) when I try to start the game POPs up a window with the nonsense
iaeioi ua iaiaoieiua aaiu iia a aiy ai a onoaiiaee. ii aeoenoa ia aonoaiiaeoa the sims 2

Pooh 17.03.20

Ckai, download or find directx9.0c another you have broken normal not installed safely to skip nizya!

PlayGround.ru 17.03.20

I inaccurately formulated. Sorry)
directx normal
safely something is not installed with the Sims
he writes when you start the sims 2 o a caiouaia

Pooh 17.03.20

Ckai, sorry I can not help, the current advice is to try again to install the game or copy to the hard disk and install. Look in the FAQ on the forum can such trouble already was one. Good luck!

comcat 17.03.20

26.03.05 10:15
Edit Del on my computer there 2: castaway mobile. But it broke and I want to install 2: castaway mobile on the laptop. After installation, I load the game and I see a message oooaaiaodirectx.9.on. But I have direct.x.9 What to do?!


26.03.05 12:09
Edit Del DirectX 9.0 With put!!! I think it's called!!


26.03.05 14:39
Edit Del You remember correctly! so he called

Prinston 17.03.20

And I, after setting Windows XP can not play! Climbs out a window about that file some directX finds. I reinstalled direct(9.0), but not accurate. I read that to install directX 9.0 c need genuine Windows to OC and I kinda check showed that there is no such. And on Windows 98 with him(direktom) had no problems...how could it be that the real one is missing??? What do I do if this is true?

Pooh 17.03.20

I sympathize, because they can't play normal:( When you reinstall the OS you need to upgrade again all the drivers for new OSes. If you're really set new direct Х90с, then the problem is not the authenticity of the OS and not in XP, namely the video card drivers. Look in the FAQ in 1или2 there someone gave a link to the drivers and their mono download. Look asked around and everything will be OK! Good luck!:))

Prinston 17.03.20

Thank you so much for that, that helps! Will try to see more in the FAQ...

Prinston 17.03.20

2 Lence-The-Pooh:
Just finished viewing FAQ1 and FAQ2. Or am I not looking hard enough or is there written in an incomprehensible language to me!In short, I have not found such a link, damn. Do you know which site is this driver download?

Pooh 17.03.20

Hi!:)) And what is your video card?? Look and write, and that in fact the drivers are different.

Charm 17.03.20

People!!!And I do not understand the PROBLEM!!!!I was Sims 2.Then I installed University,it worked fine.Played 2 days and deleted it.Now wanted to run an old game,but it doesn't work!!!!!!!Tried everything!!!Hopelessness!!!If anyone had this problem,then parisite of PLEZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!!!!!!I'LL BE WAITING!!!

Prinston 17.03.20

I have a GeForce4 MX 440 (128Mb). The fact that I have several times re-installed this DirectX 9.0 c, but I still remain old and nothing helps!!!!!!!

Prinston 17.03.20

2 Charm:
And maybe,after the removal of the University you deleted something out of the ordinary Sims? Try to delete the entire game and then reinstall,that might work... I may be wrong but I think it will not be worse, still the game doesn't run so you have nothing to lose!!!

Pooh 17.03.20

Try to find another DirectХ 90S may have thee beaten it and don't forget to restart the computer after installing the new DirectХ!