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Vanya Smirnov 20.03.20 09:05 pm

Does not run! (Forza Horizon 3)

The problem is that at startup there is a picture of Lambo and Ford and then a gray screen and then disappears the window( kasaetsya) Help rocked sooooo long wine Stora
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KrakoZyabLik 20.03.20

Damn, the exact same trouble. Yesterday was igrala all was well. Today I wanted to run it I Fig. Don't know what to do. Even access to the microphone tried to ban (which is not)

Vanya Smirnov 20.03.20

I SOLVED THE PROBLEM. I have the AMD and the driver was (when not started) 16.9.2 , and start on 16.10.2. EVERYTHING IS PUT 16.10.2 AND YOU WILL START. p.s or you have another problem(

KrakoZyabLik 20.03.20

Ivan Smirnov
Unfortunately or maybe fortunately I have NVIDIA. And firewood also tried to rearrange. It did not help.
But happy for you. Play. Can someone advice and help )

Vanya Smirnov 20.03.20

Thank you. What video card do you have?

KrakoZyabLik 20.03.20

Ivan Smirnov
GTX 970, and you what you play? This strange Forza today and took the starts, but sputters something about check for updates but you can play.
I hope will not continue such jokes :)

Vanya Smirnov 20.03.20

I have Q9550 and Gigabyte HD7870

Vanya Smirnov 20.03.20

Play and enjoy. Good luck

KrakoZyabLik 20.03.20

Ivan Smirnov wrote:
Gigabyte HD7870
I had before this was a GTX )
Really burned the poor thing. Good map, especially for its price )

Ivan Smirnov wrote:
Play and enjoy. Good luck
Thank you :)

Vanya Smirnov 20.03.20

Yes, the card is powerful)

Cam0m1le 20.03.20

The problem is analogous to the first post in the topic, all the topic proposed does not help, NVIDIA 1050, firewood 375.95. Who at NVIDIA who has what version of fire wood is guaranteed to start? I think to rollback but which version?

Semen Parhomin 20.03.20

I 376.09, the demo does not start, and writes that the card does not support direct 12, and the card I гтх480

Vanya Smirnov 20.03.20

Simon Parchemin
It's either supported, but not fully or not supported

Semen Parhomin 20.03.20

Ivan Smirnov
the course is not fully

Vanya Smirnov 20.03.20

Simon Parchemin

Semen Parhomin 20.03.20

Ivan Smirnov
turned to run?

tesla707 20.03.20

by analogy with the sixth forty http://forums.playground.ru/forza_motorsport_6/sistema_proverki_softa_i_zheleza-902747/
Mikey did even more perverse system of checks.
as usual, all parameters in which the game to run 100%, registered in TargetHardwareProfiler.xml
and that's what the card supports the game
with regards to driver versions (not below)
even then I forza 6 could not start (because there was HD5500), I now have Iris Pro 580

and tier resources are supported fully, which gave a start forza 6 and go through it at 30 frames.
but horizon gives an error FH202 (such errors on the site Mike, but there are FH204 - type not supported card). Che she had puck not know.

Vanya Smirnov 20.03.20

Simon Parchemin
Yes, it's (as see above)

TroubleSith 20.03.20

Same problem, the game from the Microsoft Store, put, played day, everything worked without any delays and departures, the next day the game won't start... After uninstalling and reinstalling the game it works again one day, next day won't start. All anything, but every time you download 55 GB is a bit difficult to disable the headset, tried compatibility mode too... Also the game doesn't run from the game folder with icons forza_x64_release_final the root directory of the game: D:\WindowsApps\Microsoft.OpusPG _1.0.101.2_x64__8 wekyb3d8bbwe. Also noticed that the program GeForce Experience displays that the game is on another drive, in the directory C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft. OpusPG_1.0.101.2_ x64__ 8wekyb3d8bbwe \ although this directory is missing. Could there be a reason for that somewhere in the game settings, changing the location originally intended, and if so, how to fix it, if not, what else could be the reason? To the disk to install the game is not an option, because of the lack on space. Thanks in advance for your help.

pksm 20.03.20

Same shit, one day working fine the next not start and have to reinstall

nikita890 20.03.20

Generally carnival, the same problem, a window is a Lambo and crash that did everything, nothing helped. Does anyone have another solution?