the transition from pirates to entities.
Now is a pirate Win7. Is it possible to switch to Win10 individuals that offer free shirts?Voldemarcik wrote:
Say what you will, but some people see that they have written that Windows license, and really starting to think so... the Naivety and the greed inherent in human DNA
Cake, and what should be written ?) Super duper license ? :D
In the case of a boxed version should be pasted on the box with her certificate. In the case of the OEM should be a sticker on the case. In General, on microsoft site everything is fine painted, what should be the user to confirm the legality of OS:
Can I pirates passed on entities. 10. Then went back to 7 due to driver problems, but it is rather the pattern of development of iron deficiency than 10.
In this respect you are right. But see, the activation took place, the updates are rolling, annoying messages about piracy no. What is the difference then from purchased. Yes, it's not legal, bad, etc. but still. They say that it is impossible to get a full activation, similarly bought.
VirusT3 wrote:
What is the difference then from purchased. Yes, it's not legally
This difference as if =)) have a licensed Windows may not be illegal. hence the output you have all the same pirated OS, only with the option to upgrade (although I have heard that the previous pirate Windows once updated)
And last Oskie well-updated using the loader with the slic emulacia'a was enough. Now after the upgrade to 10 was the key. Which I can use to reinstall the OS and get a working OS without activators, etc. fraud.
know how to make peradi litsuhu forever, here is a screenshot in my OS Win 10 Pro
My friend stood Windows 7 pirates! He has successfully updated to 10's without any difficulties!