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ALEX_FORUM 22.03.20 09:24 pm

Drop run (Diablo 2)

Vsem q
Tut Est lyudi kotorue celenapravlenno farmilu runu?
Lyudi ne te kotorue gryat pariki vugodnee i td a te kto kem to kuda to s 4em to like to begali 4tob vubit runec

If takih net to prost podelites kakoi u vas bul drop run
1. gde
2. kakaya runa
3. kakim charom
4. skok ppl
5. skok mf
6. Skok runov
7. Lvl chara
8. S kakogo moba

Naprimer gryat ppl pri 1 pri 4em vuwe nodrop 8 ppl no eto vliyaet na wmot toest wmota valiysya menwe a run sootvetstvenno bolwe
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FludoTron 22.03.20

The word kid, it was.

lait_one 22.03.20

Jahnem wrote:
(privatecapital the same Jack in the picture - for example).
what photoshop? it is possible to train the wigs, and then throw it on the floor and zaskrinit. for credibility a couple of their mules in the game to have to type: on open fell.

Cufrazhil 22.03.20

3 act higher ber with the chests is not falling, so not surprised that it is not seen in LK Jakov/Cham, but in General I would advise to open all the chests, roots and feel the blind man's buff because a chance to uber chests, but drop the bitch with the usual, for all the races on chesty ( not only PG), I dropped in at about 10 below, of which 90 percent of normal chests on ng chestov Drupal sur two ppl max, dead man in lo curate.

redoolf 22.03.20

old forum trolls
You say that like it's something bad.

Obsessed 22.03.20

He got you, huh? :D
Immense, all right, this had not a drop of exaggeration. :-)

lait_one if he tipes (fork), which got JAX, ber, and then another, Jack, drew the third rune (on the screen) - it would be quite logical. however, podotherapie Welcome to Freckles much faster than train. ;D

Suprasil, +1, roughly speaking, the knowledge that superjail chance above, adds luck to get the rune they now. it as the Hearse on the counter Skipetrov more than Akari run me on it, nashopa 2/10/3/3.

ALEX_FORUM 22.03.20

The bottom line is... if you go for the runes more chance to rummage through all the chests heaped?

Obsessed 22.03.20

Alex_Lyovin, the chance more, but the SENSATIONS, one hell. moreover, ng only admin might know, and he sees no point to make clear and unambiguous statements. - type to guess you will be interesting. single person it (conduciton) successfully engaged, but in 1.13 in General, sundrop above.

Klassewer 22.03.20

for ~1000 ппл7 races in the barn - all sorts Pul-Gul, 2-3 Vex, Ohm one. I don't know of course, may Jah-Ber did not notice if the whole Enigma or Infinity runeword
With consuls ~Pul, ~Um., Mal, Gul, Vex, Sur. Ran is not very much.

And curate chests aren't ppl under certain ber can fall? for example ппл3, the so-called patterns

Obsessed 22.03.20

if you want to farm the ked, race open hbr (wait if there is) in the city of Lower Kurast
Klassewer, Yes. the exact numbers of course, I don't remember.

Sanchez Ramirez 22.03.20

The day before yesterday, with an interval of ~two hours:

But yesterday fell Grandfather in Flayer Dungeon lvl 3. But it is so so achievement.

kirw 22.03.20

Klassewer wrote:
And curate chests aren't ppl under certain ber can fall? for example ппл3, the so-called patterns
Yes, there are 3ppl just sets for Lo, Sur i Ber. The chance of each of those runes from the chest (of course with superchesta) 1/65536, respectively, for 1 race (if you consider that approximately 40% to spawn 4 logs instead of 2) chance of drop (3+3*0,4)/65536~1/15600. When you consider that with good alignment, you can do 2 runs per minute, it turns out that making 15600 runs and lasted 15600/2/60=130 hours, on average, we should obtain each of these runes. Thus, taking into account the loss on the exchange 1к16, over 130 hours to beat on average, Lo + 15/8Lo+30/8Lo=6,6 Lo. If you add runes lower value (Ohm and Vex for no for 3ppl), you can get another Gul+2*Ist+Mal+4*Um+3*Pul~0,4 Lo that in the end will be 7Lo for 130 hours or Lo for 18.6 hours of playing time. All the calculations of course true only as a rough estimate of the chance of drop when conducting large number of trials (runs). You can smile good luck for a relatively short period of time(for example, I topnula ber to about 500 run, after that falling only minor runes up to Ist, while the total number of runs about 5K), but in General, as can be seen from the calculations, this method is significantly inferior to the commonplace pariculate, and is approximately equal to the farm grass, however it does not require virtually no cost to the armor.

Cufrazhil 22.03.20

kirw requires almost no costs on the armor
and instant sit with wizzy?? hmm?, and about 3 ppl, it's all wool, I dropal ng sur 2ппл, a friend lo for 1 ppl to the official to bear Drupal 1 ppl.

Herzeleidmann 22.03.20

generally it is amusing to observe pasadenas bred here. even explain why)
quite a grown men (Yes, dois is unlikely to play in D2, they cruise and Grifoni give) sit, then, and earnestly discussing what овер9000 the same type of races you can have a chance to remove from a specific location a much-needed grown man drop.
in the debate used such arguments as the theory of probability in relation to SBC and without it, all sorts of ways of reducing the time required to increase the number of attempts to obtain the desired gesheft, all kinds of methods an abuse of the most lucrative jobs et cetera.
when I imagine quite a grown man, priceomega in the comp овер9000 hours of free time for - wait for it - pair of gaming Goodies, I want to laugh in the golosina, like the old horse of Przhevalsky. what I actually do.
maybe my fun is subjective and not justified, but what is the highest meaning of this pastime?) professionalism is killing all the fun, yaschitayu. remember how we played for the first time, even ololokwe shkolotoy (or studentate, or have quite a grown man), enjoying each dropped goverance, drooling on the set of Sihon and enjoying each soaked the Assembly boss. it was ten times more fun and interesting)
now what?) now fallen into the syndrome of a duckling grown men for hours, work out the sequence to enter the game waypoint - LK - TA for castam - save game-exit to enter the game to collect some kosher runco to use it to put another Chara, that he... that he, in turn, of farmil for the same ked trawick, Countess, boys Baal and others like them.
in other words, a local gamer has degenerated to the state of the farm for the farm, although the essence of the game is to farm for the fan and the fan in the fighting toys, says captain obvious is stooping others, worthy of stooping.

as time goes on... kids grow up... blizzy sawing fourth Diablo for age groups of children up to six years... and grown men, becoming overgrown with stubble, breaking the fourth mouse, sleep four hours a day, Wake up to the alarm, it is time-saving dry-Rollton and fly Sorka for LK in search of treasured ked... other grown men sweat, carrying wigs on the classics... third, adult men offline through Atma mined runes and blanks for Enigma INFI-vultures, shoes on the highest level and pour the bitter tears for the days when the point of the game was to killing Diablo/Baal, and not in search of fucking bricks with non-Russian letters...
the trunk was in PG was more... to fill it, you need more jahov...
and at the same time exciting and sad, from the awareness of recursively-fractal dependence of causes and effects. why are you doing this, guys?)

Thraex pig 22.03.20

With Sparky Chistov in kurast -only 3 ppl can drop ber.With the usual chest at the same location on 1 ppl can drop ber.

firkax 22.03.20


all true, but that's the phrase:

the fan in the fighting toys, says captain obvious is stooping others, worthy of stooping.

gives you a latent aggressor-inadequate

Thraex pig 22.03.20

I agree with you)But at first everything was interesting)I know D2 many years.And never played online.And here under 30 proper)At the beginning of the ears will not drag,but then it became everything in its place)
Spread the drop with runes Kurast.It was most certainly the Mind and the pool,all the screens did not.All produced was almost six months ago.

Andrew Hell 22.03.20

The most that I was out of runes (not counting HF) - Mal from Countess. Char - pliszka s merc LVL 90. 1 ppl. And so there was the problem in travincal... this VSO

Obsessed 22.03.20

Hell Andrew, what does this mean? :-)

Cufrazhil 22.03.20

Herzeleidmann, read all sensible reasoning, but don't forget some things: 1. Men are the same kids, the only difference is that we have to shave two times a week face to turn into zhyvotnoe. 2. More than half the population of our great country lives to put it mildly not rich, I doubt that the children of oligarchs go after work (after that, sorry?) to play Diablo on a free resource. Unloading was a fuck up at work, the brain behind the game is better beer with the boys and other adult things, IMHO

firkax 22.03.20

I doubt that the children of oligarchs go play Diablo
they do a lot of things to lose, and D2, if so, the number lost for them

Unloading was a fuck up at work, the brain behind the game
I I work on anything with a brain does not happen in the absence of such, but in D2 I still play, what do I do?