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Lunersun 24.03.20 07:42 pm

What's wrong with you today? v6

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
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Emris_ua 24.03.20

Spoilable and Sunny + strong cold wind, 7-13 meters per second ...

In the kitchen lived a spider - all inspects ...

barbarian 24.03.20

When cool is good. Heat can be very tiring. This afternoon was about 25 and I'm tired, no strength left

Emris_ua 24.03.20

barbarian wrote:
Heat can be very tiring.
Spoilers for insulin in heat is not to be recommended ...
Suffer everything ...

barbarian 24.03.20

Heat is generally better to izbegat. We have a strong heat from April to mid-November. From the building you can't go out for a long time and the air conditioner is running constantly, but still lethargic the whole day. Can't stand the heat so that you have 15 years at sea did not go even though it is only 20 km away.

Emris_ua 24.03.20

barbarian wrote:
the sea did not go
Spoilerose - seen on TV, in pictures ...

barbarian 24.03.20

I last time when the sea was not even bathed. Nothing interesting except for the terrible heat. It is better to play at home.

Emris_ua 24.03.20

Spoilered right ...

Mom long ago - went to sea in the Crimea, with work colleagues ...
Now on the road will not get that rest ...
Prices bite, especially for those who had booked places pre (you have to calculate everything in advance) ...
Spoilerlippe +14 day (the thermometer outside the window +10%) and rain with sub-zero temperatures in the next three days) ... + the Cold wind ...

barbarian 24.03.20

Every year I pay for the tuition. Have much money to spend. This year fewer courses and had the money to go somewhere, but I'm not a fan of trips and vacations and bought a new PC for gaming.

Emris_ua 24.03.20

Spoilergate :) ...

BioGen 24.03.20

As promised

BioGen 24.03.20

I female screams were heard from outside the hotel, even near is terribly PPV. Doors and gate are closed by the way for a new lock, and the Windows sealed at all. But perelezt and break out the bottom of the window to the basement is possible. Would be a helper - perhaps I would have gone there. Before midnight I'll be nearby, suddenly notice. Quiet, I'm coming home.

Emris_ua 24.03.20

Spoilerphobe storm ...
At the beginning of the seventh the sun shone brightly ...
Now the wind on the street blows - not flying weather ...

Weather in the coming days will be not very soon clears up ...

Night pressure - change the weather (fell asleep only at dawn) !!!
Want to sleep very much, but I will stick to graphics - all by the hour, no change !!!

Emris_ua 24.03.20

Spoilers the morning the sun is shining :) ...
Came out to the yard and there was snow (at night) piled up, the cold wind doesn't allow it to melt ...
The night will be -4 degrees, is tolerated ...

barbarian 24.03.20

Today was a little warm in the sun until I reach home sweating. It is still considering that I live at an altitude of 750 meters above sea level, is softer here than in the lowlands. Snow wouldn't mind :)

barbarian 24.03.20


Emris_ua 24.03.20

barbarian wrote:
Snow wouldn't mind :)
Spalernaya People living in a specific point on Earth that no where you wouldn't have to move since birth, not counting study and travel - it is said that snow for them in this time a great rarity (see and touch) ...
You know what they are talking about, but to help, alas nothing ...
Spogliatoi night was the last Primorski, tomorrow the rains ... And Saturday 21 to Friday 27 March, the night will be -4 degrees (maybe less - it about) ... Spring ...

barbarian 24.03.20

Only in the highlands snow can be seen in most places. And the pictures

BioGen 24.03.20

Today, all the Slovaks in masks, pharmacies no masks, no antiseptics. Pro shops silent. Our walk and sneeze wherever don't want. Tomorrow need something to wear otherwise will not be allowed on the bus/at work. Can't feel anything but tired.

Emris_ua 24.03.20

barbarian wrote:
Only in the highlands snow can be seen in most places. And the pictures
Poleconomy ...

Previously - when it snowed, the whole street came out to clean the snow - first in his yard (to go zdolno was) and immediately the whole street ... the Tractor could not always clean the snow (as it had many) ...

Now this is not - if there is snow, then mixed with rain (and the car is dangerous and on their own) - at this time sit at home and look out of your window (waiting for spring, summer and autumn - so you can go outside to walk and get some fresh air, if a long time sitting in the four walls and the face becomes not natural appearance and is generally health is not healthy, and the very nature of the view - not through the window, and his eyes - that the County is) ...

Always in a good mood when a few hours were possible on the street below was not too cold and not too hot (just in moderation) !!! Mood and charge for whole day :) !!!

Emris_ua 24.03.20

Spellerberg your health - all (legal) methods available ...