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xCzarnecki 26.03.20 08:53 pm

FPS sags in the tunnel. (Euro Truck Simulator 2)

Question, I have one so that fps drops to 40-50 on high settings in the tunnel? :D
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Aleksey Ryabenko 26.03.20

I also sags. On the road 60+. Only in the tunnel travelling to and from 50-55. And sometimes even less. What is the reason for it is unclear. Err on the light.

cheeyz 26.03.20

Alexey Ryabenko
not lighting and the optimization and the old engine which has not drawn

xCzarnecki 26.03.20

in General, I mean, not just me?

cheeyz 26.03.20

I wrote above what the problem is. with each patch optimization is lame more

LehaM 26.03.20

I do not agree, with the latest patch 1.30, yet which no optimization have appeared. Much less of the Frisians was, especially noticeable on the maps of modal, in big cities.

FinistEG 26.03.20

Don't worry. It at all. Even on top-end computers.
While SCS are sitting on your favorite ancient engine or anything worthwhile will not.
But most likely change it they are not going because of money and so dropped and if dropped, then why go to the trouble.

xCzarnecki 26.03.20

I understand you, thank you.

Aleksey Ryabenko 26.03.20

They may secretly be developing its new it. Yet, that does not share them. And in the case of fiasco will not have to blush. And Yes. With the 1.30 patch, the game was smoother to go even in the cities.

vmirko75 26.03.20

Alexey Ryabenko
there were rumors about the work on the new engine, but it's not exactly)))

cheeyz 26.03.20

and I do not agree with you, at 1.8, was physics and optimization, the optimization was 1.20, then cut drawing, added don't need DOF, the primary testing is happening in front of your nose

vovangt4 26.03.20

Hi Lyosha! This is not optimization! And cuts, distance, range detail, but not optimization! Here in the transition from patch 1.3 to 1.4 was really optimized!! That is, the performance increased two times or two and a half!!! I still remember how much lag 1.3 and how it all went for the 1.4 but the 1.4 does not cut but rather have improved graphics, 1.4 view distance INCREASED!!! The range of detail increased!! The quality of vegetation increased, the grass became thicker than 1.3 this is called optimizing the game and engine!! So Alex do not confuse cut and the cuts optimized!!! In this wretched 1.30 and 1.28 as all is drawn before the face, and the mountains and the trees and the house, Lody turn into a model right before your eyes!! The range of drawing such as mobile games from the aloft (if anyone has seen and played will understand)) beautiful card turn into desert(purely because instead of scenery you sees the card limit))))) Even 1.26 this plan was better! Let me remind you what the range was(on the laptop on medium settings) and what should be http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=447051665 in a larger size https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/29616984097471713/B75512A1537515D39107F7CA788BE72E529580B4/

xCzarnecki 26.03.20

I see that you know it all and a question for you. why when you look from first person in the side mirrors, the textures slowly disappear? not very realistic.

Iligat 26.03.20

Share with me the fps, I have 40 everywhere, the tunnel 20.

vovangt4 26.03.20

This is due to the cuts in distance and range of detail, all painted, and the mirrors range has always been slightly worse, and now when you look forward draw distance is disgusting, and the mirrors in 2 times worse

xCzarnecki 26.03.20

it is possible as that to correct that this garbage was not in the mirrors?

vovangt4 26.03.20

Only fell back to a previous version(before the cuts) such as 1.26 or lower, or to wait and hope that the Czechs ever returns to the game that were cut. I prefer to play on normal version and not on the new that are worse than the old one)