How to change the layout Claudia? (Assassin's Creed: Origins)
I can't get used to this new Department ., how to change the settings of Claudia?Get used to it... it's simple.. I for 1hour already learned all the mechanics. There, the boys play and nothing, no one complains about the mechanics of control. You are a poor guy)
Jon Sneg
I have a week playing, killing me constantly because of this stupid rasskladki
because I used to play using SHIFT+ SPACE, as in the old normal versions....
where gap is running on walls, etc., and SHIFT is sprint...and then to climb on the wall should samati VIOLA!
Jon Sneg
and why the heck do I need it? when I used to play because I'm comfortable!
Fortunately in this game, the layout change is easy and simple. But Ryse: Son of Rome I the layout could not change and was forced to score on the game...