Mortal Kombat vs 2011. Tekken 6 (Mortal Kombat (2011))
I personally for the take)I can't decide both good fighting and story composes and tactical the only thing in Tekken 6 a bit better-developed technical part of the fighting styles of the soldiers was more real
There is rather a struggle between two different concepts. Full 3D VS 2.5 D , in the face of the best representatives and one or the other concept. Representatives definitely more than decent, they are the best, but I personally prefer 3D
The plot in Tekken 6 complete well as the gameplay of the campaign, it would be better done as mortale not stupid trash, he only fights good stuff is made...But in mortal Kombat it's all good, there is a great story,the story of each character interesting, and the combat is finally good...
And what a moronic survey? You would have to Dead or Alive or Soul Calibur match.
Hoopdy Tekken to masturbate how can you play in such squalor where Asian pop macho and khantayskoe girls drench each other with porn moans!!!!!!! Even with some sort of lightning when it hits an enemy????? WHAT GOOD IS THAT?????? Here in MK, I understand you when peronei not screaming from orgasm what is and from the fact that they latsiale hurt here creates the impression of a REAL fight and when shot the blood splatters in all directions and the bones crunch from the blow I want to say THAT's YEAH.
I love Mortal kombat
I do not know, playing Tekken - not at all hooked. Here mortal Kombat is the thing!
wet each other under porn the groans of the why Liu Kang is not screaming so mortale, would super been)).