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Fahrenheit3640 30.03.20 08:59 pm

Haythem Kenway (Assassin's Creed 3)

More than the main character Connor...? Well no, of course the main character is always evident, because we played it, but in fact Hatem received at least a step more charismatic and interesting than Connor. Hatem he was, despite everything, to find common ground and solve their differences. But Connor chose another way - to kill all who disagree with him... So will not go far in life. Well, although what is there to wonder after Connor killed his best friend all became clear, direction of play and with the future plot... it Became clear that a primitive need of all is to go and destroy in its path, literally everyone who will be with you just do not agree, until for the time being will not go the credits... And that he killed Huitema is not altogether surprising, after the murder of the best friend where to go to retreat? In General, it is certainly the developers ' idea, not for me to argue with their right to decide how it will be in the game, though it's mush solid Hardcore. I just think it would be possible to do without killing Huitema, and just, like, disappear him at the end of the game from the main plot, so to speak the gap, and then a good continuation to think about Connor and the same Hateme... And I think people would like that, people would more approved than the way they did... but who knows again, maybe the way they did is the best option...

And yet Haythem Kenway as a character, I think me and you will be remembered for all time, unlike Connor, who will appear in memory only due to the fact that the core gameplay and attention in this part involved him in greater degree than to the same Hatimu. But it does not mean that Connor was the best character ...

And still I liked the game, each part of the Assassin I accept as a gift from a high-quality gaming industry, still worked well and they had everything. In General, I personally rated the game 9 out of 10. Because of the wealth of a good ending concerning Desmond and the real time - one point in my eyes was lost, so to speak... Yes, but everything else I was very pleased, and the music composed by Lorne Balfe impressed, however, than wrote it in the previous parts of Jesper Kyd. So the game is worthy of attention anyway. Everyone will find something for themselves, especially those who passed the first part...
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Laysik_One 30.03.20

Well, straight after softening. Now would be a bunch of bastards would be on the loose because of this softening circumstances (compared to real life). So what was he doing on the principle in the head with no brain, why think when you can kill it.

Trind 30.03.20

But Achilles tal for Connor's own father, and Haitem was originally where were those who tried to destroy his people! Connor said, Fight me, whatever you fought and fought! I'm protecting you!

Laysik_One 30.03.20

I fight
That's what I am, besides how to kill, he can not do anything,.. Sort of meat for the murders.

Trind 30.03.20

Not well, of course, and easier to expose all his people, and hi are dying and would have died - but people will think so 200 more)))) 'connor chose the lesser evil! I tensed, taught me and now I will be able to protect his people and nothing more, how could you not think and not imagined, - NOT there! Everything else is just fiction )))))

Fahrenheit3640 30.03.20

Connor just didn't understand what the compromises are, and what you should look for them, especially with people who go with you on contact, and Hatem not looking at other views Connor, went on contact! But he could kill Connor back in the hut, but not killed, think about why... Because people a hundred times thought before to do, and not stupid churned without compromise the absurdity of everything and everyone.

PS Nice that the topic is slightly alive when I even forgot about it almost...

Laysik_One 30.03.20

Here and I about the same. You maximized projected in the text my thoughts :)

Trind 30.03.20

Depends on what position, to kill his son? Any man who realizes that it's his child, his flesh and blood and he is responsible before the world for him and before him - nuradli was able to take and kill, *fault Connor*, - if he had a family and was the child - maybe another story would be. Maybe there would be a new Alliance or the brotherhood and the founders were Hitem and Connor.)))

Fahrenheit3640 30.03.20

I don't think to honor the corny father, who went with you to the contact itself and take the initiative, it is necessary to kill him, if he will not agree... Think about how many people were killed each other, who just argued and tried to convey something different. Connor seemed like a character with a weak mind or other defects, which was just trite it is hard to dispute and arguments to defend its position before Hateman.

kyamal98horoshyy 30.03.20

if you think we will see some specific locations where Connor and Hatem cooperate Hatem more reasonable smart way
aristocrat ,but Connor crazy half-breed who destroys everything. Voteprime remember the warehouse fire seems Hatem thought how to open the door ,
and the moron Connor just took pushed his father so to speak ahead through the door.

Fahrenheit3640 30.03.20

Yeah, I was confused by the situation, I was actually surprised how Hatem let him get off that easy... He took a big risk, but if I'm not mistaken they fell into the water? So Connor calculated, so too emphatically to judge by this act, it is not...

Trind 30.03.20

That's the difference between aristocrats and the worker-peasant cattle! Hitam - mannered, educated aristocrat, and Connor is just cattle, brought up in the forest, in the wigwam)))))

Laysik_One 30.03.20

:) nifigovymi comparison)

Fahrenheit3640 30.03.20

Harsh, but partially true the juxtaposition of these two characters. I just want to add, that is not so, as the upbringing depends on the person and what he chose in life on the way of its formation...

Trind 30.03.20

I just directly and truthfully summarized the views of all giving! If there is no proper education, no one ever taught you - you were like Mowgli and will remain, bear and wolves, behaviour, reading, understanding ethics - not teach!))))

Fahrenheit3640 30.03.20

Yes, but they can teach life. And optional life, specifically animals, and life in General. And as I said again - Much depends on the person and what he chooses for himself is his way, and differs from a wolf or bear, so that he can choose, but if the person took the easy way out - that is to knead everything that hinders and without thinking of other options, it is purely his choice, but not the animals in the forest... especially Connor lived in a tribe in which there were people far not the most distant dwellers on the earth, and besides, there were sages, which are famous for their knowledge in life, and which can teach many things, but like I said, if a person wants to change, he will not change and will operate under the old scheme, regardless of with whom he lived in the Palace in the library or in the camp with his people...

Trind 30.03.20

Well, Yes, hallucinogenic mushrooms to get drunk and jump naked shouting around the fire)))))) that's exactly the Indians were not the distant inhabitants of the Earth, all their knowledge was limited to the nature, its laws, etc. - the Indians did not know how to eat using fork and knife)))) anyway - if you are a primitive, without third-party training you will remain Primate, the enemy must kill, to tear off the scalp, to eat his heart - and all I'm super, now the power of my enemy, me))))

Therefore, the Americans were able to seize the land of the Indians, to destroy and enslave because they were primitive in knowledge! They gold were exchanged for beads and mirrors)))))

Fahrenheit3640 30.03.20

This of course, but you are mistaken, they were captured most likely due to their minority, look how many Americans in the same game and how many tribes of Indians, they were just a measly speck in the midst of this chaos of greedy and power-hungry at your feet people... And I also want to say that I do not believe that man can be with another person if it is something can not, which an Englishman can something not be able, and Indian to be able, the main thing that they are versed in the subject matter, not everyone's eating. And in the specific subject matter, Connor blundered, but is purely his choice, not the choice of all tribes, by which to judge all the people now... Actually, I believe you can not judge whole nation because of the act of one person, no matter how terrible he was... Think about it. It is not necessary to be so categorical, if one colored man killed his wife, it does not mean that all blacks are, and then, in particular people of another skin-it's brighter to show other people's spaces than their intended and oddly enough, Yes? Just think, why... You are also biased trying to judge the people, one man and the fictional.

The story is that in her particular twirl as they want, especially those whom it is permissible, and often such access is provided to the winners, so make your conclusions... Categorically judge or a historical event - we can only assume with some percentages, and then... And I think that they simply did not have luck, in particular due to the overwhelming number of the enemy.

Trind 30.03.20

The story would be different, the Americans not entered the United States,)))) for example Always hated when in high school I've been told the Ancient History of Belarus, that's where it is funny and it is not convenient)))) Byelorussian SSR could for the first time there was current in 1918))))) and that there was no such state could, the Commonwealth and the Duchy of Lithuania and truncated)))))
And blacks I could hate! All blacks on condoms and toilet paper))))

kyamal98horoshyy 30.03.20

and if you have not heard what Connor said know now so he doesn't count .

Fahrenheit3640 30.03.20

It's your personal opinion, you have rights, but this does not mean that it is correct.
And about history, I'm not saying that literally all I write is not so, does not necessarily lie about who won, you can lie LIKE you won... that's what's important.

And you believed him? He said that for Haitima...