How to reach level 60? (Mass Effect)
People, please tell me, exactly what you need to do to reach level 60 without using a third party cheat programs???Like I said to save the hero/the apostate and not to spend their points.
A total of 108 points, and the skills required 156
Optimal pumping of the guards:
Shot - 12 - to the krogan and destroyers to drop
Upgrade - 12 - to lift giants
The barrier - 12 - clear pepper + 1200 to protection not superfluous
Decrypt - 12 - breaking locks and overheating weapons, enemies, possible giants plugging
Electronics -12 - 1000 GG increases the shields and break their enemies
a total of 60 skill
now of General skills
shake passive - 12 - need to enhance some skills
the learning spectrum - 12 - increases stats
Charisma/intimidation - 12 - solves many problems without bloodshed and adds more karma than action (though in your first playthrough if you follow the perspective of the hero or renegade, you can save up to 8 points) total actually spent 4 points.
get 28 plus 60 remains 88.
Now, the remaining 20 points spread at stasis, first aid and medicine skill bonus (if you take a bonus weapon I recommend 12 of the 20 to invest in weapons but still recommend the deformation of the guard to take, and pistol is more than enough)
if the bonus weapons/deform - 12 - the weapons like the sniper rifle, the destruction of the 3 levels blows almost all with one shot from afar, and deformation nullifies the immunity of enemy plus 24 damage for 20 seconds
first aid 5 - to unlock the medicine
medicine -2 - paralyzed for a few seconds there of organic nervous shock
stasis - 1 - need to stanici Croghan and dump if suddenly throw, lift and neural shock are not available or the enemy is immune.
Total optimal guard
Throw - 12
Rise - 12
The barrier - 12
Decrypt - 12
Electronics -12
The guardian - 12
The learning spectrum - 12
Charisma/intimidation - 12
Additional weapons/deform - 12
First aid 5
Medicine -2
Stasis - 1
Thank you ME_123
But now I faced another problem.
I did not get to do as you have said, because I rocked stasis(((
eeeeeh will have to make some sacrifices, or some sort of workaround to find
Do not shake it on. Navertyvat electronics to 12 and hold one or two points for charm. Then upgrade all the lift and barrier.
23-11 = 12
and 2 points on throw
if the charm will accumulate itself in the result of pumping the scale of the hero, the remaining 2 points throw on the throw. If not, give a charm to the end.
Yes decoding is no longer touch. Deciphering the 9-level will open all the locks. And sabotage needs to be combined with the upgrade of level 12 and then you can giants on feet to bring down. And it's fun.
Do not strain and complete the game twice for the same character. Here's a level 60.
Two laps level 60 to gain you need to try at least need to get out of the Mako and finish off the fat enemies.
And to reach level 60 need to pass all the quests and all the planets fly, or still may be something to skip
Better to pass all the quests and collect all the medallions and all the resources. But it is at the second passage.
I don't think I can do that - I'm not diligent in the area of the full survey planets to find resources
If it does not reach the maximum level in the second repetition, it does not hurt to go through the game a third time.
))) and there are fourth and fifth, I think the important thing so go to did you like it
And all the passing and good decisions you zachtutsya in ME2, and even if you continue to play guardian in ME2,this is the generic class of fighter
In the second part a completely different leveling system, but if you import a character from the first ME, you can get several bonuses.
To pump your character up to level 60, you don't have to pass him the game a second time and simply you can explore every system and find a planet where you can fill up a dozen other opponents and so the entire galaxy, I personally did, only starting from level 40, the game, points to improve skills give less, for example: gave 2, and after level 40 will give only 1 mu.