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Stanislavich 04.04.20 11:41 pm

The perception of the game in the \"Evaluation Component\" - does it make sense? (Elex)

Good evening.
Has long been blowing the idea on what to do reviews superficial and brief, while rating on a 5-or 10-point scale just for subektivnom the General opinion is, in fact, does nothing.
Recently came across a (YouTube) on one video, which has gained quite a lot of likes and comments, and in fact. it was extremely weak, both in terms of supply and in terms of the material itself.
in the video, people are just shit haters Eleks and Alterationsto and received rave reviews in the comments and like the video, but about the game itself nothing is said and nothing is substantiated.

On the other hand, almost every review affect up to 30% of aspects of the game and on the basis of this information, make a generalization of subjective assessment. For this reason, the evaluation at Eleks so different.
One part of the community games gives Alexa a nomination for the Failure of 2017, along with Batlfront 2, Andromeda and Albacom;
The other part of the community classifies Eleks to the category of game of the Year Along with such games. as Divinity, Persona and Zelda
And only a small part of the gaming community considers the game as a whole, trying to consider as many aspects of the game.

That's sitting in my head thought. And that, and all of a sudden? It may be worth it to make the likeness of those reviews that I want to see?
I would like to go on a 20 point scale or 100 point. In the case of a 20-point scale, the estimate in the 18-20 points will equal to the ideal, and 20 points - the maximum possible, then the medium and the middle will be evaluated in 10-12 points, 12-14 good and great in the 14-16, 16-18 in izyumitelny, with gradations in each segment to the nearest tenth ( for example, 15,1)

And to implement the assessment will need to be specific at least 5 aspects of the game, each to give an indicative rating. Each Aspect will include several criteria at least 3 of the criterion (maximum of 10).Each criterion will be perceived subjectively from the point of view of the author, from the position. as he personally sees this criterion, but any valuation has to be substantiated than ever.

Get a situation in which the author of the evaluation opinions will give its subjective evaluation of at least 15 different criteria on a 20 point scale, which will comprise the indicative evaluation of each aspect of the game from a subjective point of view of the author, and the average value for all aspects of the game will create the final assessment of the author of the review.
thus, anyone can clearly see. what and how appreciated this author, and which has arguments for this assessment.
Yes, it will take considerably more time, but most of the games will settle in certain limits (as happens with movies, but even there, 1000 point system that only takes into account the assessment of all users who have voted).
This system will completely destroy the rating 10 of 10 (12 from 10) and rating 2 out of 10, and in this system, you can immediately see what the game is good, and what is it sags.

Such here happened a Lot of letters. if you would be willing and who is interested - can work together to create the aspects and criteria in every aspect, and after trying to create a value judgment

And the third question: who all need it? and in General, whether the meaning of those deployed, reasoned evaluation of opinions, where the author considers (subjectively) most of the game and gameplay and from his point of view gives arguments for a rating in every aspect.
these reviews would be a much better stop leaving reviews like overview Eleks from Asking (It's a masterpiece, game of the year and best game from piranha) and stop leaving reviews that stupid to throw shit weaknesses of any game.
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Ded MastDay 04.04.20

My answer - this detailed, comprehensive, reasoned and most importantly (as what one considers a plus, another may be a significant disadvantage) reviews, clearly needed, even if the bulk of today's players they are not in demand. Over time, people will realize that it is better than just comparisons with other projects, or unfounded Haight or fanboys, no difference. But I would rather for something to make them not text versions, namely as a video review. Judge for yourself, though I love to read and mnogabukaf does not scare me, but when I need to find out as much about the game, about which I know nothing, still prefer to watch a video. I also want to give a recent case from my own experience. I drew attention at the sale for the game Drakensang: The River of Time, it turned out that somehow I anything about her not heard before. In General, read reviews of the incentive, watched reviews on YouTube, and in the end learned a lot about what someone likes the game, someone no, I learned a little about the graphic part, but absolutely nothing has been learned about the game, about the universe, about the combat system and so on... well, for lack of the information received, buy I did not dare, and my attention was transferred to the DAO, as it glowed in similar games. I wanted to name the authors of these reviews of the latest ********, but I realized in time that they just do not know how else. So if you like grits, you and the flag in hands and a drum on a neck. I can only wish them creative successes. And do not wait for community approval or disapproval, just do what you think is right.
I will add that the review should be concise, and in Russian - though a detailed but concise and clear.

Stanislavich 04.04.20

I propose to consider what you can add aspects of the game in the genre ARPG.
In my perception, in ARPG high importance is the gameplay and its variety. Largest after will follow the Game storyline, game events and lore of this world (its history and the events in it).
In GamePanel part you can bring all the components of gameplay. or split it into 2 full aspects: 1. The combat system (complete); 2. All Activity. in addition to the combat system (including the story quests and side quests with gameplay component)
In the Game storyline, game events and lore of the world: the Game plot can be considered the basic storyline, as it is supplied, what is the point disclose which questions are asked and what answers and how well it is embedded in the game; in game events we can record global quests and events that are not full events of the main plot (for example, in Skyrim is the civil war) and the events in side quests, how they are constructed and how to affect the interaction of the game world and GG with the game world; Lorne component is the re-creation of the world itself, its events before games and after games, as the overall structure and flow and the implementation in the game (for example, in a series of DS Lorne component is very strong, but served in the game she is weak, and reveals almost no how to promote)

Further more, you can highlight that aspect. as the mechanics of the game, namely, how it is fed, how it works and how to implement, how many of entails the game of conventions, features and bugs. This aspect should be considered in virtually all components of the mechanics of the game, starting from perception of the main menu and the character menu, ending the influence of some bugs on the game and story process. if this aspect is not divided. the criteria to get a lot.

Finally, you can highlight that aspect. as external data. or the game, which should be considered and the graphical component. and style of play. and the sound component. And most importantly - how much of these elements intertwined with the gameplay, the story and gameplay of the narrative (in this respect, most of the clips in the series of DS, especially in the third part of the real Epic, when the style and the graphics and sound are almost perfectly matched the gameplay components)

This perception of game aspects such as graphics, animation, sound, style - they will be put in the atmosphere of the game made in the one aspect that will be considered separately. No longer will zagnobit\to get project graphics and animations, as the actual impact on the overall assessment of the game, this aspect will not be more than 25%.

Ded MastDay 04.04.20

So what have you decided, are you going to do a review or not? Apparently, you really have thoroughly studied all the details of the game, I think you can do it. If you decide to, we can and I can help. To delay this case it is not farther from release, the less it will need.
I fully agree with the idea that the graphical component should be considered as the artistic part of the atmosphere, and not as a separate technical part. Because it is not always the most advanced technology appropriate. Examples of this are the numerous mods for other popular games of this genre, which are aimed at improving the graphics, but really kill the atmosphere. It is wrong to estimate the schedule as the person making the review, I saw somewhere soapy textures-present the dirt and lowered the score. What is important is how the picture is perceived as a whole.

MunchkiN 616 04.04.20

to answer the question
it is necessary to divide a clear line of what is subjective and what is objective
I must say that objectively rate games but this is a matter of great pitch mind. also there is the factor of the targets, for example when something is made specially so objectively bad and gradation at the time of assessment, something which depends on many parameters which are outside the field of the evaluation material to pile up to get lost in all this.
therefore, it is logical that there are some close aspects which can break the game and compare it to established trends, to compare it with similar games and game aspects compared to the best for forming a view about a certain ideal (realistic as there are guidelines for the formation of ideas) and compare this ideal with the actual reality. share subjective here are quite high and it is still too difficult (this is the level of professional journalist's criticism about).
but you should understand why I have this rating finally need
and in this case, to understand the slag the game or not
this at the household level, the game looks like this
every person who somehow played in a few games already known, some idea of the proper games
the further a person goes for some gambling facts and gives them the emotional evaluation
this results in some diarrhea of the text from which you can learn about the mechanisms of the game
one person's opinion as pravelo not worth anything but when I typed many opinions from which we can derive some statistics and problematic
the problem I am personally interested in more. first I have the idea of proper and if I can't pick something bad so the product somewhere in the area of proper and so it should be nothing remarkable. if che is cool cool sealed is a nice bonus to ensure that everything works as it should. well, if the couple bad znaczaco it as it conflicts with the idea of proper causes of diseas bathert and displeasure from the game. it formuliruete the game to a binary rating system so the ultimate goal of even so binary to buy it - not buy to play, not play.
can someone out there thinks differently and is a valuable and interesting statistics
later a student reviewer can try to put a fair numerical rating for whatever their numerical estimates grounds and pitch formulas that is to do the highest-level criticism
I as a consumer will assume the opposite - for example not having as particular preferences and specific interests of seeing the low rating of some unknown game - I'm not gonna waste pitch time for the proceedings - what constitutes a game.
let's say the game play has been found on a specific tags of the content of the game or a numerical score tells me that the game can be something interesting
then I start gathering systematization and analysis of static data received from different sources and compare with your idea of proper
that is, perform the reverse conversion information, and reconstructing the game in a variety of data and then actually ruling on.
how would it work in practice with abstract game
- they say the world is big and empty. the idea of proper tells me that a vast, meaningless space better close locations and corridors. that is certainly I can interpret the facts regardless of their emotional color. later in this satisfying my direction, I'll produce a set of statistics for the reconstruction of the *blank* in the world transparency the number of objects density travona jobs, travel time, etc. for can statco so it's really the world with textured tile travona and moss trees, mountains-sisk, fog and the plane of blue water that my ideas about should but does not match
then let's say I'm going to rate the game. and this is a very peculiar - bombing skolkov. complaints about glitches, bad optimization lags and friezes dh11 installed on may computere!!!!!111 Kamp powerful as pravelo says that some graphonet is present because if I find out that the game flies on the buckets, basins and baby baths will tell me that it is not necessary to spend on grafenhainichen. and actually again the structuring statistics and check properly about the game.
and so on until I get the reconstruction of the Laura in-game mythology (which, however, is the leading tags of the game to identify it) and the such ratio of the harmony of the game and the universe. that is a preliminary round of submission closes
something like this in my view should work evaluation component of the adult human degataga

in this regard, there are some dangers
the first VA I'm interested in my pitch negative field survey around some games and zombirovanii. for example, as was with mass effect Andromeda and kalofduti during the confrontation with battlfield 3. for mass effect it does on my pitch look was one of the leading causes of its failure
there are side-but no less insidious effect of suggestion. to me this pitch happened based on the game Deus ex human revalueshan. for some other reason including bad Bor statistics I bought this Igor and polewali. but delot nothing I started to horati and at the same time to compare which means are described in Peja. and it seemed to me that all true but if my experiences coincide with what someone described it to be the truth and I'm going to carry and grow that often the negative information that speaking of negative aura. and it can indeed be not quite so and some adscititious of energy emotional color could affect my vision is already real game.
there is still a danger of inaccuracy and lack of information. this happens routinely with games niche. happens such that it creates a field of positive good of the game. although the game can be curved slag really. or is the effect of a different-namely, a positive field and when users are brainwashed and say that Zelda such a good game
for pravelo right thread for if there are the right bolt then to the right nut and znachitsa samotkanye a standard right-wing nuts and bolts. left thread be in the minority and lost. or some kind of Pitch a broken phone, speaking of the manipulation of information.

what to alexo in my pitch opinion this game is mediocre. to understand such I can oddly out of design and style objects. for plohova design, I have formulated the problem as a high vertical design coal. this is caused by the small polulated and high density locations that makes building compact not much destructible passers-by. vertical disint serves to increase the area of the game world and allows you to move the player directly in the game, we see is expected in life and the game world immediately looks like a grotesquely unnatural and inharmonious. it is associated with a relative notion of credibility.to describe formalized it pretty hard but take for example the laser Pistole in fallout 4 I think it is quite convincing. and any shotgun with tochal from it a circular saw or a peck-peck in mass effect 2 in DLS with a broker Schadow from Schadow broker on the basis of circulating some information in the form of luminous information, but if you look closer you will notice that this letter and so fuuuuuu toothpaste. it seems to me not convincing, and I don't believe that shit. therefore I lose the immersion in the gameplay harder or I'll plunge into it when a beautiful panoramic locations and atmosfery. miss the argument about the atmosphere of soul baked into the harmony of the design cone health delusion, we turn to the animations peck-peck management. they say repulsive
peck verdict after a run to the screenshots of the video excerpts the world setting up SLI and test run. the game looks very harmonious and feels its cheaper viewing kintz b class in the regional cinema and what the poverty of discouragement. immersed in the world with the first minutes of Adecco and the goal of peck's run was current in secene of graphosoma. the game comes very close to something that at first to play as it is frustrating. such a pitch of feeling at the time caused me нвн2 and dragon age origin although the latest dip comes much faster. as a result, this game is not brilliant and not a masterpiece and to understand good or bad the game need to give her more time alone not talking about the good Chom PEK-PEK
therefore, voschem related thing is very dangerous pawson.

Ded MastDay 04.04.20

MunchkiN 616
I still managed to read it.. you have Heavy syllable, but the minds of the faithful.

Pril Balsam 04.04.20

MunchkiN 616
yeah, online translator punctuation does not put, which is a pity

Ded MastDay 04.04.20

MunchkiN 616 wrote:
this is caused by the small polulated
Is not capable of any translator ;)

Pril Balsam 04.04.20

I read all the text on a diagonal, when you see that written a lot nevobrazimo. The S. though the idea of the common in the text is present, and then the person is clearly something quite get
The translator is capable of much, you just have to choose the right

Ded MastDay 04.04.20

Cheryl wrote:
and then the person is clearly something quite get
Well then he is stoned because he always says :)
In this case, the translator even right to do with it. All text is clearly full of manually.
And Yes, he also has the General idea, but understand its not so easy.

Stanislavich 04.04.20

Svetoslav, I do not have the necessary resource to do a video review. option my review will include only a text format which really can be good enough to diversify and break aspects.

Question: is it worth it to do? in text format, with the mountain split text. xD

Ded MastDay 04.04.20

Stanislavich wrote:
Question: is it worth it to do? in text format, with the mountain split text. xD
I don't know, even if they are screens, this is not enough. It is very difficult to make a correct idea about the game, if you do not see directly the gameplay. It's like telling a blind man what a sunset.
In text format various good guides, but not reviews.

Stanislavich 04.04.20

Then this idea in my performance will linger probably until the end of 2018, the year (until the fall of 2018), as in the near future to upgrade a PC and a headset to record a video I can't ( from the point of view of limited finances and upcoming expenses)