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Abbat76 06.04.20 07:23 pm

Proof that GG Sint? (Fallout 4)

I'll just leave this here. Read p 1 and P2 (second screenshot) and was moved:


apparently, GG is a prototype synth-hunter of the third generation. A kind of Hunter mk3+ ...
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vzglydizugla 06.04.20

Here in the most part the answer is on the surface, gazebo stupidly added the time movement in the last system of VATS not really examining this question. But digging deeper, you can pretty much bring this charade. Even last system could not work with a simple PC, needed implants or other mechanisms for communication of the brain\muscle computer.

Abbat76 06.04.20

In F1 and F2 VATS worked as a screen of the PIP-boy. without any implants and other debris.
Only Bethesda was moved to the F3 system of VATS in visual mode, not caring about the fact that it has no explanation neither in the lore nor logic. They could do it - and made thoughtlessly.
And now they are trying to bring a logical basis for such VATS.

SkEwReK: find the corpse of gg (person) at the Institute
Yes, of course! I think, too (actually - ummm... no), that all whom the Institute had replaced the synths they are stored on the memory in a giant refrigerator ))))) All are do - hold up the corpse and keep just in case, suddenly come in handy :))))))

vzglydizugla 06.04.20

In F1 and F2 VATS worked as a screen of the PIP-boy. without any implants and other debris. That is logical?

saa0891 06.04.20

Abbat76 wrote:
1. It does not matter what mechanics were in other parts of the series. THIS PART is a direct indication that the mode of VATS made by the Institute for the unique limited series of synths. point.
Just mechanics is very important,this is one of the most important elements of the series which was used in the previous parts,and the fact that there's a reference about synths developed and brought it under the VATS or what side does the HS synth,again where direct reference to the fact that he Sint (about which I wrote above,what to think of all that can be much more interesting that I have described),all this is just your speculation and not something more.

Abbat76 wrote:
2. In FNV was cybernetic implants. But in the F2 was similar cybernetic implants, the game mechanics were DIFFERENT. What? It does not change anything in THIS GAME.
You what that nonsense does not understand the essence of what I wrote to you the implant is at least some evidence that he could be or become a cyborg.

Abbat76 wrote:
Why do players feel it is my duty to explain the impossibility of anything in F4, a reference to some other games? ))) This is totally illogical! This is the same as the losers would explain why he got an f in the classroom, referring to the fact that ancestor-chimps couldn't speak at all, and therefore he is not obliged to )))) sorry, that's the analogy I drew ))))
The point is not the impossibility but the fact that there is not any evidence pointing to the fact that he's a synth,everything else is just your speculation,conjecture and fancy,however this is your case you can continue to fantasize all you want,but without me,I personally don't want to argue about this,I wrote all the above.

Zolotko555 06.04.20

mmm...I'm a little disappointed about the VATS in the head /eyes....when at the refuge we Wake up and we have to hand rod guard vats not working(tried to cockroaches)) !! if he was in my head that would have worked...but as soon as put on peep fight then there is vats....how do you then this point prokomentiruet?

MrGURAM76 06.04.20

Yes, all that nonsense. All synths have a chip, detail Sinta, and in HS it is not.

Bombardirovschik 06.04.20

There is a theory that the game is all the people's synths and all the synths are the people

Abbat76 06.04.20

Золотко555: how do you then this point prokomentiruet?
Sint has just been activated for the first time. Not all systems have been initialized instantly. A while Sint was moving without an activated secondary sighting system. Then the drivers have initialized and podgruzilo system of VATS )))) In my opinion, is quite logical ;)
MrGURAM76 wrote:
All synths have a chip, detail Sinta, and in HS it is not.
You can prove this?
1. The GG in the head can be implant with a remote control - the first option lack of control.
2. According to records in the terminals, the Father was allowed to make changes in the basic architecture of favourites synths, perhaps changes have led to the failure of external control regardless of whether or not an implant - the second option.
3. Perhaps the Father has allowed such changes that are not initially plan to control external synth. Third option.
4. Well, if you have to talk about the fact that he can be a synth, it should be noted that the presence of the extended direct control Sint may even have a distorted perception. This means that if you synth it seems that he blew up the Institute, it can be embedded memory. And in fact, at this point, the head of a failed experiment to float at the Bank Office Robocopters, and the Father at the head of the scientists will be poking in the exposed skull with electrodes and look at the amazing memories GG-fighter-with-Institute.
If he Sint then all his memories up to 100% of what is happening may well be false and a zombie-he will be foaming at the mouth to deny it. Let's not forget that even in our real world, reality itself proiskhodyashego - it's just that convey senses to the brain. Even us real people can be controlled, and a modern polit-technologies successfully do it, distorting people perceive reality in such a way that these zombies take up arms and voluntarily run to kill and die for useless ideas. And synth to control may be even easier. This is the fourth option.
But you don't connect the imagination. It is not necessary. You play a fantastic game where the developers intentionally provide food for fantasy, no, in fact, fantasies. As a zombie is boring and linear :)

Rock Man 06.04.20

type and the fact that he is, VATS is just a feature of the game character to shoot himself, without the interference of Bud with an eye is developed for the lazy made

Abbat76 06.04.20

saa0891 wrote:
Abbat76 wrote:
2. In FNV was cybernetic implants. But in the F2 was similar cybernetic implants, the game mechanics were DIFFERENT. What? It does not change anything in THIS GAME.
You what that nonsense does not understand the essence of what I wrote to you the implant is at least some evidence that he could be or become a cyborg.
Oops... Sorry, I do not understand how SINT = CYBORG? Synthetics are not cyborgs! This Kellogg was a cyborg, but he was a man, and because of this did not suit the University, he was completely uncontrollable and self-willed cyborg.
saa0891 wrote:
The point is not the impossibility but the fact that there is not any evidence pointing to the fact that he Sint
Hmm... you may not like what is written in the terminal Institute. It specifically stated that the latest synths of the Institute for a special program, initiated by the Father, have a visual aiming and slow time - VATS. Ie DIRECTLY says THAT VATS IS NOW a SIGN of a SPECIAL SYNTH INSTITUTE.
Here is an example of your illogic: you say that if a man doesn't with women, and deals with other men, he refers to the very minority. And you say is not proof! the same is here. Written in the terminal: VATS is a sign Cinta. THE GG - VATS. Conclusion?

And opposite: if the GG VATS, but it's not a synth, then VATS? PIP-boy? And GG is a direct connection of the PIP-boy to the brain? No. nope, the PC PIP-boy on hand hung and no implantations had not.

Sotoneyuschiy tichka 06.04.20

Gathering shkoloty conspiracy. You'd think the game Shedevr in which there was a place such a complex plot.

Abbat76 06.04.20

Stonehouse tichka
Offer you, a high school dropout, to learn the native language. Absolutely impossible to read your suggestion without bleeding eyes...
Stonehouse tichka wrote:
Gathering shkoloty conspiracy. You'd think the game Shedevr in which there was a place such a complex plot.

Pelmen dobra 06.04.20

But VATS is there for all YEARS?
And again accomplish your goal in favor of the fact that he's not a synth: GG responds with facial expressions and emotionally, when you very worried. Maybe I'm wrong, but if you collect synths, it is seen that the range of emotions they're not the one (I could be wrong, because hardly developed TO the extent thought by the ENT (Yes, they don't give a fuck probably)).
And Sean, who acknowledged GG as a mother/father hardly apology enough to Shinto in the a FILIAL feelings to confess.
Why do players think GG puppet, when you play in forgive....Institute. I personally think that he does it unwillingly and unfortunately, like what to do, moral son jerk, but I can't leave her child.
Can't styanuty - GG looks more like a puppet, when hamaam for the minute man XD

Abbat76 06.04.20

Dumpling goodness
1. SG in the game alone. Therefore, to talk about GG - it's about what? )
I'm not saying that it Sint. I would argue that developed serious face planted in the form of information in the terminal that several owners of VATS in the game belong to the experimental group synths of the third generation. And this, in turn, it is difficult to ignore. Therefore, I argue that he may well be a synth with high probability.
2 That to emotions. I will name some synths in the game, some of them may even be GG...:
Спойлер1. Sasaella Canary of the bar of the Neighbourhood. she writes songs and she performs them. very emotional and unhappy - experiencing some trouble in the head contains a chip synth. GG may try to hook up with her and sleep. But you need a lot of charisma - not so easy to get this baby )) Some ladies can get violent if they find out about night with singer GG )))) Jealousy - she's so...
2. Macdonagh. very emotional a fat man. the foam comes in their disputes with the journalist who is looking for synths, but never know. her eternal opponent is the Sint! Until a certain time until it will reveal a quest. Macdonagh do not like to be mayor. It writes the statement to the Institute with a request to translate it into operational work that gets rejected - say much otorola and operational work already the.
3. Gloria. very lively and emotional Sint-soldier with minigun ) is Not hidden for fighter of the Subway.
4. some of the traders )))
5. Ex-wife of one of the possible satellites of the HS. They lived in perfect harmony in the marriage and tried very hard to have children. He never learned that she Sint until.... (next he'll tell you himself)
Externally synths of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts does not differ from PS-people.
3. That she is dying of cancer, a Father who lived a life without parents, when one of these years was within walking distance - we do not know. I don't think the Father is mentally normal, otherwise would use all possible influence and would get your dad out of the coma is not on his deathbed, and at an earlier age. So would any adequate a man of his stature and capabilities. Therefore, to solve what would his Father, knowing that with a light heart he kept the Pope in the form of ice cream, myself living a pretty good life, we cannot - it is impossible to imagine for sure.

Abbat76 06.04.20

Revised the beginning of the game. Figured out.... After all, how well everything is done for the Father!
GG waking up with ONLY memories and instruction. give him a clue as to the main villain - Kellogg. And unmanaged Kellogg is impeding the father and the Father is well just still glad that he this same Kellogg was eliminated. Such a nice completely random is a coincidence? I don't think...

Kellogg, whatever it was, killed (?) one of the parents of the Father. Father probably wanted revenge. And here's the question: why, when thawed the capsule with the baby - thawed as well and HS, but never thawed? What was the point of defrosting the capsule with GG, to bring to her Kellogg, who pokes your face GG closer, so that it took better? It's ridiculous action!

But if I was a Father who would like to create this yourself Sinta, who has to kill Kellogg, just great memories work: Sint-GG sees the murder of wives and kidnapping son main offender shows his face close to the face and profile - GG goes down with chains and goes to arrange the eradication of Kellogg. And here again it turns out that such a specially constructed Shinto just need 1) VATS (to give him a chance against the cyborg-Kellogg, which stop she has a little problem; 2) this synth you can'T embed a deactivation code - Kellogg is the main strength of the Institute, he has cyberinsecurity in the brain and the rest of the body, he certainly knows all the codes deactivated for any synths, so he's just gonna say no code and Sint-hunter Kellogg to kill can not!

Further - more. When GG finds Kellogg at its base, and Kellogg, apparently, realize what's going on (this hint monologues Kellogg on the loudspeaker inside the base), it is completely absurd and meaningless from any point of view event: Kellogg invites GG to the conversation that Kellogg himself did not need - he asks nothing, does not ask the GG and gives no information in any period of dialogue, he will end the battle! He's probably calling GG at the dialogue below (to scan? to know? to apply?) somehow use the deactivation code? Yes, the expected hysteria and he starts yelling Kellogg questions, but how does Kellogg? I tried different dialogue options with Kellogg is empty and useless for both dialogue. If only not to assume that it was a chance for Kellogg to use the deactivation code. Which the GG is not (here it is - a trick his Father). Here in this situation the challenge the Kellogg's on the dialogue would have at least some sense for Kellogg. As the dialogue between two people is a completely meaningless act Kellogg.

Followed by a unique event that is also thought-provoking. Reading memories from the implant Kellogg. Implant Institute. with it require pairing two brains: one - synth Valentine brain and the second brain GG. Who makes it? Baba. which pereproshivaet synths, as it turns out!! It carries cybercanine Curie in the body of a synthetic third generation, it helps GG. I don't think. that this woman would take on the job if the brain he was very familiar - she's such brains reflash many times. Yes, and whether she could take and match has a CVI+brain Sinta second generation+ the human brain? I don't think... And that is assuming that the work she had with a well - known material- only products of the Institute - then it becomes clear why it is in General and does not break, but simply takes and makes their routine work easily.

Will continue to look for in a game of this tricky moments. I'm not saying that this is proof that GG Sint. But these moments and ties REALLY help strengthen this opinion.

NightHawkreal 06.04.20

And then GG destroys all his Father in three cases out of four.

Abbat76 06.04.20

So this is a mistake in the calculations of his Father. Why do you think that his decision can't be wrong? Had to be better then the parent often chose his side ;)

golubkov 06.04.20

why five or six hunters can't afford Kellog's?Sint bomber with a bomb?I doubt that for Kellog's such tency with a tambourine to start need can be a dozen easier to find.

NightHawkreal 06.04.20

The stop-cock should be put )

Abbat76 06.04.20

These dances with a tambourine for the Institute - has never been easier. only one synth. only one simulation. there are many in the Commonwealth. The same Macdonagh, for example.
the usual synths 1)is much weaker than Kellogg. remember his memories, he had them and being a cyborg five pieces at once destroyed. 2) the codes for deactivation. Kellogg is the boss of all these synths is the main operative of the Institute. He should know all the codes )