lost my character (Total War: Attila)
I have one of the characters, which was a branch of the family, started the civil war. But he had had a son ( grown up recently), and I (son that is), was appointed Governor of one province, but before his father the civil war began.In the end I (that goes without saying) can't control who started a civil war character. But his son stayed at my disposal. There's just one problem: it basically does not appear anywhere. But at the same time, he continued to be Governor. After I took him to the Governor, he did not appear either in the column candidates, state leaders, or in the tree. But with this I can raise an army, appointing him commander.
Actually a question: what to do? OO
He was offended by your illegal actions! The reason for the dismissal what was?
Appointed commander, after should appear. And you really made powerless...
I have one in the rink was so that, when multiplied many generals (due to the fact that I keep all married leaving the singles in the beginning of the game, and after could not stop the process of reproduction as some very lyubviobilnym) , начал0 to slow down the opening of the family tree)))
So it was a problem and no leverage except how to kill in wars at the moment. But the picture remains, though living though dead. Had to forget about appointments and view information.
so the fact of the matter is that he was gone before I appoint him Governor removed.
usually, if the character is the Governor, he still displayed( either in the family tree, either as a statesman), but this isn't really anywhere, try his commander to take the advice, but we'll see what happens