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Gadzhi Omarov 08.04.20 11:42 pm

Analysis of the cut content of the game. (F.E.A.R.)

Yet only not used replicas from the game and finds in the file.

Based on replicas of the game was before.a release story, here's what about it was:

1.Game cut the training level, where the player acquainted with the squad.
2.The player and the squad from the very beginning I did not know that fighting with the clones, because the idea of the story they terrorists in the middle of the game the truth is revealed.
3.Initially, the bill modi was Gen. Director of ATC, Genevieve looks like and then not release it was made a regular employee. This way is mentioned in the offices of arahama in the episode Guardians in the break room with two corpses for the protection of the PBX.
4. The player could hear the telepathic orders to the clones from Petilla that should have been a little hint at what is happening.
5. Was cut dialogue between fighters of the second group Delta, about who these F. E. A. R.
6. Was cut dialogue and a scene between Norton Mapes and Commander of the mercenaries of ATS in Porto, Norton was their coordinator, about this Betters will mention in offices, subsequently the detachment of the ATS killed by clones.
7. The player frequently interacted with allies, including cooperation with Jankowski.
8. The scene of the explosion, which the player flies out of the window, different from the release was planned the first live meeting with Patella, where he appreciated our stubbornness, and showed the death of Jankowski, as developed wanted to show the departure of the player in the window, it is not clear, and whether there is Alma?
9. In the offices the player needed to see more moments of firefights between ATS and clones, especially in laboratories.
10. In Auburn there was a moment on defense, where the Player with a detachment Delta protected Harlan Wade at the bar the Claw, after the player had to go in search of Alice, during this time, the clones broke through the defense and was able to seriously injure Harlan. Still alive Harlan says to prevent Patella to Alma, and not let it get to the Source, and here begins a vision in which Petell says that he have mercy Alice, and killed the Old only due to the fact that he was burning from guilt before Alma, so he gave him to see Alice in the last time.
11. When a Player okazatsya in the Case he will hear the cries of Norton that data is not removed and the disk is not formatted, soon Vetell is in the room with the Mapes, and causes the second to open Shelter, Norton tries to kill Patella and to tell the truth, but Retell it stopped soon when it started the last phase, and activated the scanning Fetal immediately recognized the truth.
Alma had been dead for 30 years, only the memories of Harlan she was alive. Shocked by this news Fetal yelling NO worse than Darth Vader. It finds the end, the ending was identical to the release is unknown.
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Gadzhi Omarov 08.04.20

A whole album with early footage of the first and second part of the game, differences from release is not enough.

Ghost Hunter 08.04.20

Haji Lobster
Links to VK don't work. Just throws you out.

Gadzhi Omarov 08.04.20

Ghost Hunter

Gadzhi Omarov 08.04.20

Early screenshots of the first F. E. A. R, all the attention to detail.