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elektronik17 10.04.20 08:05 pm

DLC Gunrunning (arms trafficking) (Grand Theft Auto 5)

Read more on the Rockstar website: http://www.rockstargames.com/newswire/article/60226/GTA-Online-Gunrunning-Now-Available

What brings renewal?

A new military transport:

APC: $2,325,000 - $3,092,500
Dune Fav: $850,000 - $1,130,500
Half-Truck: $1,695,000 - $2,254,350
Oppressor motorcycle: $2,650,000 - $3,524,500
Weaponized Tampa: $1,585,000 - $2,108,050
Anti-Aircraft Trailer: $1,400,000 - $1,862,000

Bunker: $1,165,00 - $2,375,000 (11 pieces)
(three optional interior: 1st default 2nd +$215,000, 3rd +$290,000)
Hut to spawn in the bunker $265,000
Tyr black $740,000; white $845,000
Safe for weapons $175,000
Golf-machine for drive in $85,000 - $120,000
The most expensive will cost ~$4 million

Improvements to the hopper:
Equipment: $1,155,000
People: $598,500
Protection: $351,000
The first two improvements are extremely desirable for a greater sales price and faster production.

The control panel (mobile command post) $1,225,000 - $1,400,000
The control panel can be destroyed, 10+ shots from an RPG.

Also added:
6 deep upgrades for weapons.
8 special missions with the new vehicles.
Costume jagernaut for $500,000.

Lots of clothes, masks, tattoos, and a few hairstyles.
Read more here:

Hidden transport, which will be open late:

PS I Will gradually Supplement the post.

I must say that 45 upgrades for better weapons to buy, each worth $225,000, the total will be ~10kk$
Open, as I understand it, upgrades randomly. (?) That is not to open a specific modification, what you want more.
So it's easier to spend money, and then to beat than a very long and slow to farm upgrades for free.
One modification takes at least 2-3 hours, a very long time.

Overall, the update is more akin to the company for bikers than for offices/boxes/cars.
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elektronik17 10.04.20

victorzh wrote:
Tell me, did I understand correctly that to replenish the magazines of arms MkII have to go to the man in the truck? In ammunacii fail?
Yes. That wildly uncomfortable. In the end, without ammunition run)

Lukash VI 10.04.20

Good people, a change of shops (the usual incendiary ammo), too, only in the truck?

stanok40rus 10.04.20

Lukash VI

Lukash VI 10.04.20

Mmmm! That's what the flow of weapons that is not going away! One gun armor-piercing, incendiary second barrel, etc... And on the table in front of the monitor of a notebook, where all the nuances recorded. What car for what race, what gun is better the tank will blow up...

tuman31 10.04.20

Who knows how much good ballistic armor, it makes sense to buy? its resistance to weapons, the possibility of it?

Wraith_Soul 10.04.20

I remember I ran into a guy with ballistic armor, 5-6 shots from the cannon of the APC made him to believe about the damage from the sniper rifle with explosive do not know.

t830x 10.04.20

10 Aug for 2 years basic Persian will create a female Persian and yesterday had it removed because its presence in 50 thousand poured the dough to no money not to stay =D

tuman31 10.04.20

Some details about the sale of weapons in the bunker:

- Every 7 minutes to the value of goods in blaine County added 7,000$, and the value of the goods to Los Santos for 10,500$.
(Of course, if you have raw materials and all the power goes to production)

When you replenish the stocks of raw materials, the production stops.

If you will be buying, not stealing raw materials profit from the production will decrease.

So, the total cost of the product without the purchase of raw materials:
Los Santos - 1,050,000$ (In 12 hours you can assemble it completely, but without considering the transportation of raw materials)
Blaine County - 700,000$

- But we must not forget that every game day you pay 9,400$ for the service hopper, and 12 hours real time you will pay 112,000$


Of the sale (Personally for me it happened):
If You are going to put weapons in Los Santos and get a million dollars you would DEFINITELY need 3 players.
Because when you start the job before you have THREE new custom pickups Insurgent's.
In each of these 5 boxes of weapons.
And it turns out that when you reach the first point you attack the Merriwether and you need to eliminate them.
After that 4 more times... And all this of course within half an hour.

These are the calculations of this business is quite poorly out.

vatsonification 10.04.20

tuman31 wrote:how good ballistic armor
Three shots with the RPG, what about explosive rounds don't know, ordinary is better not to shoot. Perfectly counter another jagernaut. Good for defense against multiple opponents in an open area.

vatsonification 10.04.20

Prompt modification of the heavy sniper rifle Mk II is available to all players who bought weapons workshop in the control panel, or to unlock you need to have a level above 90?

vatsonification 10.04.20

Arms Mk II gives some advantage compared to the stock barrels? Or just the ability to use new cartridges, coloring books and a new model of weapons?

elektronik17 10.04.20

Suit Juggernaut is not worth it, is invoked via M for$ 5000, the player can run, ride, only used a minigun. Killed from 3 shots of RPG. Cool down 15 minutes.

For me it began, that AK knockdown increased if you shoot at the body.

tuman31 10.04.20

upgraded automatic rifle, the indicators did not seem to have changed, but I think the range of sight in the shots narrowed, and increased the damage.

OlegFo 10.04.20

That omission was not kicked out of the online - enable viewing of the cameras in the bunker or office. Maybe it works when watching TV.
Useful while waiting for the modifications and other things.

vatsonification 10.04.20

PP Mk II can be used in car or motorcycle?

Gamejoy 10.04.20

On the bike you can, not in the car.

VerlA 10.04.20

tuman31 wrote:
tuman31 wrote:
and you need to eliminate them.
After that 4 more times... And all this of course within half an hour.
to eliminate the necessary?aim-bots or time?most finally did not make it?

Gamejoy 10.04.20

Today saw a player LVL 66 with modified heavy machine gun, its normal opens at 80 LVL. Apparently Yes, the weapon series MK 2 sold regardless of LVL...

fastdimka 10.04.20

Does anyone know of today have added 250K to the account?

Andryuha 10.04.20

What to say... Direct proof that the timeline of GTA:O is not in place, the yard is not the year 2013 prior to the events of the single, and it is currently 2017.

PS I Wonder what category the Turner should be to carve the item without the cutters in the tool post xD but still without support tailstock with this departure, and without emulsions.