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Self-Relliant 10.04.20 10:36 pm

Science and the meaning of life

Religion and philosophy attempts to give us the answer to the question about the meaning of life. In Christianity, the meaning of human life consists in assimilation to God, the purpose is to inherit eternal blessed life with God. The meaning of life of a Muslim is to worship God. In Buddhism, the meaning is the cessation of suffering and the lack of desire.

With the help of science, we used the methods of rational thinking and received technical progress, discovered a physical constant, the distance from the earth to the Sun, the device of the atoms of living organisms, the origin of humans and other fundamental objective knowledge. However, science has revealed to us the most important including what do people do science. There is a scientific picture of the world, which is based on a philosophical synthesis of scientific discoveries and faith in scientific progress. Based on this, some methods are characterized as scientific or as unscientific. This system of ideas about the world that explains and organizes many performances, however, the question about the meaning of life scientists bypass alone. Scientists only talk about the reasons of search of meaning of life, but it's not. There are no facts, but you can build a theory. Why do we build theories about the origin of the universe, for example? Scientists the question of the origin of the universe, why it is considered more important than the scientific search for the meaning of life.

Perhaps among you there are people with a scientific materialist view of the world. So, I want to receive from you any logical theory of the explanation of the meaning of life, preferably based on scientific methods and not inconsistent with the methods of official science.

P. S. it is Desirable that you were a PhD, that I may rely on your authority :) But where will undertake a degree at the PG?
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7login7 10.04.20

well scientists there is clearly no) the meaning of life in having fun), science facilitates the obtaining of pleasure) scientists may want to know the origin of the universe, to have this starting with the fact that to say about the meaning of life.

Blitzwing 10.04.20

The meaning of life is simple, to give birth to larvae and die. And someone complicates it or goes the other way. But the meaning is the same.

7login7 10.04.20

apparently you do not get pleasure from life)

Self-Relliant 10.04.20

Long ago I had to cram in all the tubes and stuff endorphins. Him even stay in the tube will be happy and interesting

Vanya Rygalov 10.04.20

that I may rely on your authority :) But where will undertake a degree at the PG?
You can believe it, that is.
With regards to the search for the meaning of life, I can advise to conduct a little experiment.
Go to any metro station. Stand at the edge of the platform and wait for the arrival of the team. The closer to the edge of the platform you stand, the brighter and clearer you'll get the meaning of your life. No underground - any high-rise building at your disposal.
Good luck...

Self-Relliant 10.04.20

Vanya Rygalov
This unscientific method. For someone in your position makes sense to expect more

MunchkiN 616 10.04.20

It is desirable that you were a PhD, that I may rely on your authority
yeah Diwali analik master degree and bachelor ghoochani

the meaning of life is not scientific applied the theme and tempo for the empirical philosophical consideration. TK there is no topic as a subject for scientific study but only subjects for contextual study of the subject. for example the study of the history of religion for example.
if you start to answer - first you need to decide which coordinate system the question to begin to consider. from the point of view of an observer or immersed observer.
from the perspective of a third party - all acaponeta the earth is round the universe is round and the life of a specific creature (in the context of such a period of time when he is most alive) - the meaning is not TC a creature is not in itself the cause of its existence and therefore its end does not make sense. this is acceptable if we consider the fate of the universe as a whole. while modern science just does not give a clear understanding of why the universe exists and that it means there. thus, it defeats the purpose which the object is to consider the atom or planet.
but from the point of view of the person then that's all it becomes difficult. I chotko kid in the neighborhood. throw and go for typing on the forum. I can then distinguish that I Estim the microcosm in the macrocosm. from here I take the concept of their identity and its location and view. both in time and in space. so I can for example say that this is me, and not me. I was having a wank and then no and so on. well, its position in time and the limits of its application. here's an example I have at the moment, and in 1900 the year I'm gone. in 2012, I was and wrote about the game on the pitch but now I do not have it. this new definition of time but from the point of view chotko Pocono right.
next, I divide the present and past tense. the future from the present, I do not share. the trick is that I can't set goals and objectives in the past tense. or rather you can but they will not be meaningful.
further, for easy convenience, I can break the goal into all sorts of different comparative performance.
it should be noted that the tasks come from sources. is a life ekpa which formed the system of values (uglublenno makes no sense TC is another question)
well, the logical chain there is a man (the microcosm) is the environment (the macrocosm) microcosm is always a certain resistance with the macrocosm. thus introduced such figushki which describe some potential one relative to another. without it how would no limits of integration of the function.
for a live example just above will pass - that I want to die from standing in place so I napaeus and Minh won't come out. and I want to live eternal and pasmatret as andrameda will enter Milkyway - Minh nor will succeed. jump as nanopore and fly in the fashion too, maybe it goes beyond integration.
here anyways if I do in the logical design is not missed and missed dopisivati laziness.
anyways people in life is setting goals and implementation mechanisms for their achievement. and it all makes sense in the framework of what it is you do.
ie as I already wrote the meaning of life in search of meaning and because potocan no perpetuummobile he looked-search Igor no. and all drowned. and when he's not Googles Igor no th Google - what values are not.

and Christianity like the purpose is somewhat different. this is the Kingdom of heaven then. and the author is Pahad of damlier - that they have such a statement.
and in Buddhism - I don't know. there are shorter Buddha stoned and was able to choose their own destiny. they want the elephant was born I wanted to - no. those he moved on to a new unattainable for cattle level of existence. PA has basically become God. and the rest of the people still work for a long time.

T.T.G 10.04.20

MunchkiN 616
Dude,you know how to properly write?

Vanya Rygalov 10.04.20

This unscientific method.
Maybe. But it is effective. You don't dare to test it. By the way, completely discourages to continue to seek this meaning.
For someone in your position
What do you think of my post?

_Blednyy_ 10.04.20

The meaning of life can be considered from different points of view, that is, each person is their own, and I think that this meaning depends largely on the circumstances in which a person lives. If, for example, a person born in a poor country like Central African Republic or Chad, etc., then the meaning of his life is likely to survive. And if the person was born in a rich family (not necessarily), educated and well-read, has an extensive worldview, well-mannered, it is likely that the meaning of his life will be something more than just to survive.

In other words, the meaning of life each person has his own.

In addition, I believe your statement the Meaning of life of a Muslim is to worship God. not true. Because the reason for the worship of God is not, what is the meaning of life Muslim, and the primary reason is the desire to Express gratitude to God, that is, in this sense, the ability to be grateful.

Scientists the question of the origin of the universe, why it is considered more important than the scientific search for the meaning of life.

I think so, because they are most concerned with first cause of the formation of life, and then, as a consequence, the resulting meaning of life.

Mordok 10.04.20

The scientific picture of the world - the notion of a purely humanitarian, if that. Accordingly, the term there is not appropriate here. Next - on scientists. Exact science in its pure form is just for fun. If you live in the exact Sciences - you have quite an interesting life, so don't have to worry like what is the meaning of ___ ? issues.
What is the importance of the question of the meaning of life if there's plenty unsolved?

Cybermancy 10.04.20

Our whole life is a search for purpose. And any purpose - makes sense.

A.Soldier of Light 10.04.20

The meaning of life for materialists is to reproduce. Live to live like animals. Denial of the soul, spiritual development, morality, other world, other parallel worlds, God is all their own, native. Zero faith, high doubt, accepting only that it is possible to define the scientific method. Morality in science is nonsense, morality is not for the materialist, it is impossible to determine and touch. The soul, too. And so on. For them man is a beast that evolved from apes and destroyed a few other more primitive types of about 40-100 thousand years ago, becoming the dominant life form. Well, except for viruses )
I feel sorry for them... But it is rhetoric. My picture of the world includes both faith and science. And is worthy of respect not scientists and believers, but only those who actually deserve respect ) Who is not fixated on science or on faith, as the obsession with it is fanaticism that is extreme. Extremes are bad for development and progress. Because I despise the zealots of the faith and of atheism. Pathetic...

system of ideas about the world that explains and organizes many performances, however, the question about the meaning of life scientists bypass alone
Scientists from the official science, that feed the official picture of the world, also ignore and reject facts that cast doubt on the picture of the world. In fact, the official view of the world and the official science is little different from religious dogmas. But I am glad that there are scientists who delve into what is contrary to official. Ever, their work is recognized, and our view of the world will change again. I'm for science and its adequate development, but I can't support those who stubbornly continues to reject the findings. Science should be science, and if some scientists are preventing the modernization and renewal of the picture of the world, they are fanatics and enemies of science.

Vanya Rygalov
Go to any metro station. Stand at the edge of the platform and wait for the arrival of the team.
Inadequate method, is simply to awaken a banal self-preservation instinct.

GTAman 10.04.20

A. Soldier of Light
The meaning of life for materialists is to reproduce.
Nonsense from the first line :) Many materialists just the same childfree. For example, I.

Morality in science is nonsense, morality is not for the materialist, it is impossible to determine and touch.
Chitani from Dawkins "the God delusion", it is clearly painted, why religion is not the source of morality and why atheists are not free from morality.

Scientists from the official science, that feed the official picture of the world, also ignore and reject facts that cast doubt on the picture of the world.
There are no such facts that you reviewed the Ren-TV and believe in what you like.

In fact, the official view of the world and the official science is little different from religious dogmas.
Religious dogma based solely on ancient texts which cannot be considered more reliable than the rest of the mythology, and the scientific picture of the world on facts. That is why science works and religion — the common verbiage.

if some scientists are preventing the modernization and renewal of the picture of the world, they are fanatics and enemies of science.
The enemies of science is the pseudoscientists who are promoting obviously wrong ideas that contradict the established laws of nature. Or rather, that part of them which charlatans (honestly mistaking usually harmless), vymenivali the state substantial amounts of money, promising cool stuff, which, of course, actually impossible.

super_gamer68 10.04.20

Awww,well, I see there is clearly sitting opponents of the most high,or rather those who don't believe in it,how can you look at the meaning of life from the point of view of science?!
For me the meaning of life is to live in pleasure. Enjoy every moment.To be around people that bring happiness. With people who charge me with his optimism,motivate. To be another example,to benefit society.To love,to be loved)is taking care of loved ones)
I want to say Love this is the meaning of life!)

Wing42 10.04.20

super_gamer68 wrote:
opponents of the Almighty
Only one.
super_gamer68 wrote:
Enjoy every moment.To be around people that bring happiness. With people who charge me with his optimism,motivate. To be another example,to benefit society.To love,to be loved)is taking care of loved ones)
I want to say Love this is the meaning of life!)
Very nice. Do not be offended if I don't cry?
Self-Relliant wrote:
In Christianity, the meaning of human life consists in assimilation to God
In Christianity, God overthrew the one, about which I wrote above, for the assimilation to God", so you're a little incur His Wrath.
In a very ancient original version - paganism - a religion is an attempt to explain what is happening around a person stunning phenomena (diurnal/annual cycle, rain, frost, wind, water, earthquakes, the origin of fire) and set them a pattern, even in such a primitive way. In paganism, for every phenomenon or some group of common phenomena answered by a particular God.
Later paganism yielded to the so-called world religions, which postulated the concentration of all power over the creation in possession of one divine essence. However, there is a need to submit to this divine essence, that all was well. Insubordination or, worse, attempts to go against and punished cruelly. And religion from attempts to relate events and to explain the creation of things quietly turned into a bridle, which the mankind is almost meekly and willingly put on ourselves, and even to this day continues to argue whose bridle is better and more beautiful. In this era the Creator has given the good people to murder their own kind for their faith, Amen.
Modernity. Exceptionally free interpretation of the Scriptures, a multitude of sects, defiant atheism (because it is necessary not just to believe, and to SHOW how much you don't believe it!), attempts to interpret the Scriptures from the point of view of science and cosmology. As time goes on.

stalker7162534 10.04.20

Self-Relliant wrote:
I want to receive from you any logical theory of the explanation of the meaning of life

Any game is fun to play until then, until you learn. That's why you will never receive the answer to the question what's the point?

ImKabachok 10.04.20

I will Express my humble opinion. No degree, but a year in graduate school, octopal =D
- If to speak about the meaning of life of every individual, he selects it himself, like any creature, is able to consciously think.
--Now let's talk about the meaning of all life. I think by deduction, it is more convenient.
1) Children and procreation. The saddest, to me, the meaning of life. Because many for this absolutely slaughtered in my own life, on their development and interests. What would it be? Has children, works, provided, the life is finished, and its meaning is lost? And, God forbid, you lose your kids or not they can make, what then? Moreover, the people working hard wanting to have kids does not thinking about heredity and genetic compatibility, from-for what children they have, but can have a lot of health problems.
--Even if you look at animals such as wolves. In the pack not every male acquires descendants, and only the strong and hardy. Of course, others have the instinct, the desire to become alpha, but most importantly for the survival of the pack is to have the most fit offspring.
--There are many examples, but it is clear: not every animal should have offspring. This is not a required part of life.
2) Just to live. Romantic, poetic, but even in nature in the colonies of organisms (ants, single-celled), some individuals sacrifice themselves for others. The survival of the group.
====After analyzing all this, I came to the conclusion for myself that the meaning of life in the development and adaptation of the whole group and of every individual creature. Everywhere you look, on any living creature, it is common to all.

ImKabachok 10.04.20

What is it ^ mean to the people? We can improve our society, being engaged in its development. Physical, mental, spiritual (not only religion). We can consciously choose their life partner and to monitor the health of their future children.

vftor 10.04.20

The meaning of life in pleasure (be happy) in all positive manifestations of life and the suppression of all negative phenomena.
The wider the range of these manifestations of the diversity, strength and duration, the more pleasure (happiness).
The very concept of Life is Movement, and in the confrontation of positive and negative formed this movement.

Positive manifestations:
- health
- material comfort
- sexual satisfaction
- procreation
- power over you
- aesthetic satisfaction
- scientific creativity
ethical satisfaction
- increase of level of personality development

Negative manifestations:
material discomfort
- asexuality
- the destruction of mankind
- power over others for the purpose of exploitation
- emotional stupidity
- intellectual stupidity
- immorality
- intentional-level constraint development

Characteristics and problems of the confrontation between positive and negative in achieving pleasure (happiness):
- habituation (adaptation), as the psyche responds to emotional-meaningful novelty.
- one-sidedness, that is, long-term care in any one area of activity or negativity (fanaticism, addictiveness).
- the impact of society, because man is primarily a social being.
- heredity and predisposition, limiting the level of development of personality, and as a consequence, the diversity, strength and duration of manifestations of action in life.