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Self-Relliant 10.04.20 10:36 pm

Science and the meaning of life

Religion and philosophy attempts to give us the answer to the question about the meaning of life. In Christianity, the meaning of human life consists in assimilation to God, the purpose is to inherit eternal blessed life with God. The meaning of life of a Muslim is to worship God. In Buddhism, the meaning is the cessation of suffering and the lack of desire.

With the help of science, we used the methods of rational thinking and received technical progress, discovered a physical constant, the distance from the earth to the Sun, the device of the atoms of living organisms, the origin of humans and other fundamental objective knowledge. However, science has revealed to us the most important including what do people do science. There is a scientific picture of the world, which is based on a philosophical synthesis of scientific discoveries and faith in scientific progress. Based on this, some methods are characterized as scientific or as unscientific. This system of ideas about the world that explains and organizes many performances, however, the question about the meaning of life scientists bypass alone. Scientists only talk about the reasons of search of meaning of life, but it's not. There are no facts, but you can build a theory. Why do we build theories about the origin of the universe, for example? Scientists the question of the origin of the universe, why it is considered more important than the scientific search for the meaning of life.

Perhaps among you there are people with a scientific materialist view of the world. So, I want to receive from you any logical theory of the explanation of the meaning of life, preferably based on scientific methods and not inconsistent with the methods of official science.

P. S. it is Desirable that you were a PhD, that I may rely on your authority :) But where will undertake a degree at the PG?
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Wing42 10.04.20

Self-Relliant wrote:
So, I want to receive from you any logical theory of the explanation of the meaning of life...
The eccentric man. Wants to be told from the perspective of logic that has no logical explanation in principle. You are only in the state Duma to sit, honestly.
Self-Relliant wrote:
It is desirable that you were a PhD, that I may rely on your credibility :)
Several times completed a series of Half-Life. In the second part decided all puzzle on their own. Think, for a listener like you enough.
Self-Relliant wrote:
But where will undertake a degree at the PG?
I'll even say more: here and this audience then no, that would be something understand.

A.Soldier of Light 10.04.20

It is logical that the meaning of life of sentient beings is different from the meaning of life of the animal. In other words, the meaning of life to carry on the family is the meaning of life in animals. In humans, the meaning must be somewhat different, and procreation is just a way of survival, and not only are we surviving, we are still perpetrated...

Self-Relliant wrote:
But where will undertake a degree at the PG?
I am here since 2005 and seen a lot of similar themes in each of the years 2005-2017 8)

Gauguin 10.04.20

Self-Relliant wrote:
In Christianity, the meaning of human life consists in assimilation to God, the purpose is to inherit eternal blessed life with God.
And it is the truth. The rest of the Chimera for degenerates.

ImKabachok 10.04.20

Hmmm... read the Bible, but saw no hints of this thought. Scriptural purpose of man is to follow God's commandments, obey him, to bring him sacrifices, and in any case not to worship other gods. The idea of like God and religion heresy looks =D

JetRanger 10.04.20

The idea of becoming like God within the framework of religion seems a heresy
Moreover, this idea is the basis of original sin. When the Serpent persuaded eve to eat the forbidden fruit, he said, saying that it will be as gods, knowing good and evil (Genesis 3:5).

The rest of the Chimera for degenerates.
The Christian's relationship to others to call all dissenters degenerates?

Gauguin 10.04.20

To be like God means to strive to the image of Christ in thought and deed. It is the goal of Christianity, God as a model of ideal nravstvennosti and freedom.
To you this is not true. I myself am a bad person, the chief sin of which is Gordina.

ImKabachok 10.04.20

Noo Jesus is not God, he is his son. Comes out nonsense. Exactly who need to be like?

JetRanger 10.04.20

We must assume that Jesus, because his father never was a good role model, according to the Bible (and in the real world).

Gauguin 10.04.20

ImKabachok wrote:
Noo Jesus is not God
The dogma of the Trinity, I believe, walked by you. Father, son, and Holy spirit is one God in three persons.

A.Soldier of Light 10.04.20

JetRanger wrote:
When the Serpent persuaded eve to eat the forbidden fruit, he said, saying that it will be as gods, knowing good and evil (Genesis 3:5).
The question is, how true it was. Well, he said, and the truth is told? Note the word gods, that is, the serpent recognized many gods, which slightly contradicts the very essence of the Commandments and the Message from the one God (alpha and omega)...

Gauguin wrote:
Father, son, and Holy spirit is one God in three persons.
That is, being on the sinful earth in the image of Jesus, God was both in heaven and on earth sinners? So... ubiquitous? So, it is quite possible that He can create here on earth a million Messiahs with equal opportunities and traits (as Jesus), I correctly understood? Because if"Yes", it diminishes the essence of the Messiah, in principle, (Coming from heaven)...

Gauguin 10.04.20

A. Soldier of Light wrote:
So, it is quite possible that He can create here on earth a million Messiahs with equal opportunities and traits (as Jesus), I correctly understood? Because if"Yes", it diminishes the essence of the Messiah, in principle,
No, not diminish. This is a mistake the subjunctive mood.

Yczh-Kazym 10.04.20

Human perception is too subjective to see the real meaning of his life.

ImKabachok 10.04.20

Well, you should probably understand that the dogma of the people is not the truth. The Foundation of Christianity - the Bible, old Testament. It says about God, but there is no word for the Holy Trinity. As the argument... Holy Trinity Orthodox and Catholics are different, which suggests that it invented and added by people and not God and his prophets.
---The very same this dogma invented to make the holes after the merger of paganism and Judaism in those streams of Christianity that we have now =)

ImKabachok 10.04.20

What's funny, if you read about the historical Jesus, we can see that, near Nazareth lived people (the cilicians, sort of) who has preached all these ideas of love of neighbor. I.e. Jesus was not the first and only person with such thoughts. Likely, on the contrary, they it is these ideas and took.

JetRanger 10.04.20

A. Soldier of Light
The question is, how true it was. Well, he said, and the truth is told?
Let's just say, it was epic Scam on the part of the Serpent. ))

While on the other hand, why would God even put that infamous Tree in Eden? Wanted to see how well Adam and eve listen to him? So I now have scattered around the house dangerous items, said its fine don't touch or I'll kill you! and, with a sense of accomplishment, went about their business... a father to All fathers!

You can argue that they say Adam and eve not was small, knew what he was doing. But that doesn't look like. But yea, hath God said... - begins the Serpent, and eve hung ears as a naive girl. It will be as gods, knowing good and evil (according to one interpretation, it meant know all) - as if until that moment the First Humans and had no idea of what is good and what is bad, at least in theory. And they then of God hiding the illogic of this to me was clear even in childhood, when this story I first heard. They're before the fall of man with his Creator spoke almost directly, they should know that he is everywhere? As small children, sure.

So, it is quite possible that He can create here on earth a million Messiahs with equal opportunities and traits (as Jesus)
By the way, this would be a more reasonable strategy for the transfer of the next Testament.

Because if"Yes", it diminishes the essence of the Messiah, in principle,
Why? This is what really demeans the whole idea with the Messiah, so it's just deeply suspicious of humanity (in the sense of mundane) and singleness. I think it's time to atone for mankind! - God decided after thousands of years of meditations and have not found anything better than to send his son to the slaughter. And not somewhere in China where people pogramotnee, and almost in the steppe to the herders, let them three years old through the water like a couple of dead will resurrect, and the whole world of course believes a handful of eyewitnesses to the word. Such is the divinely reliable way to convey the Most Important Message to all people.

While an army of Jesuses around the world, independently from each other leaving a clear mark in the history of all countries that time and preach the same Covenant (unless adjusted for the local culture) without any mobile connection - came down to a divine plan much more.

Though if so to argue, what prevents God to convey his mega-message directly (as possible), without Messiahs and prophets? And not go from heaven once in history, and to communicate constantly? And all that Jesus atoned for the victim (despite the fact that to solve the case by the victim - the individual doesn't make sense)? The stigma of Original Sin, inherited by us all from Adam and eve? And why would we even go? It is as monstrous an injustice, as if in a maximum security prison for life contain not only the criminals (for a questionable offense), but all of their children born and dying in this confinement, generation after generation.

I am amazed how it all fit Christians in the head. I once was fit, but I was very young and not thought about it for a long time, and when thought, I was hoping that with age understand. Only now with the age of the absurdities of the native religion only were saved, and stood out all the more acute, while all my faith started to crumble.

Maybe. Although I have heard that reliable historical evidence of Jesus is still there (unlike Mohammed). Don't know how true this is.

Gauguin 10.04.20

JetRanger wrote:
While on the other hand, why would God even put that infamous Tree in Eden? Wanted to see how well Adam and eve listen to him? So I now have scattered around the house dangerous items, said its fine don't touch or I'll kill you! and, with a sense of accomplishment, went about their business... a father to All fathers!
Let's start with the fact that God is not a hippie. It's pink kittens iron will not. His love of the high, demanding.
JetRanger wrote:
so it's just extremely suspicious of his humanity (in the sense of mundane) and singleness
The fact of the matter is that humanity in him was a little, because he is above it. It was a sample of sinlessness, of dispassion and true love for people which can only be the son of God.
JetRanger wrote:
And they then of God hiding the illogic of this to me was clear even in childhood, when this story I first heard. They're before the fall of man with his Creator spoke almost directly, they should know that he is everywhere?
It's not a reasonable fear, and the instinctive - and he forces you to do any nonsense, if only you had the chance. Do not think that the person is completely reasonable.
JetRanger wrote:
While an army of Jesuses around the world, independently from each other leaving a clear mark in the history of all countries that time and preach the same Covenant (unless adjusted for the local culture) without any mobile connection - came down to a divine plan much more.
The coming of the Messiah is not the world's a circus, not a massive show of wonders. God wanted the faith was pure and sincere, and were not supported by the bread and circuses of mass.
JetRanger wrote:
It is the same monstrous injustice
We are all their descendants and all are equal before God. Everything for everyone is to blame, what to do.

ImKabachok 10.04.20

Interestingly, in the Bible speaking of animals as there are none. All animals speak, when God puts words in their mouth. So I sometimes think about the snake...

JetRanger 10.04.20

Let's start with the fact that God is not a hippie.
This is not necessary, but his treatment of the First People in the story is still very strange, and indeed with all humanity at all times.
The fact of the matter is that humanity in him was a little, because he is above it. It was a sample of sinlessness, of dispassion and true love for people which can only be the son of God.
I mean, all that outwardly had to look exactly like an ordinary man. Very good, unusually insightful and wise, but nonetheless people.

If the historical prototype of Jesus really existed, then he, of course, there were drawbacks, it is inevitable for any person. Another thing is that in the stories of great personalities very often idealised, and if a person becomes the Central figure of the cult... All know about the Soviet Union and North Korea with them almost demigods leaders.

Jesus himself deliberately out of the way of a mere mortal, when they got to him and undertook to judge those whom he so openly criticized. In fact, just allowed himself to be executed. Than not people, if you watch from the sidelines? Even his close disciples were under the same impression until I saw him later resurrected.

It's not a reasonable fear, and the instinctive - and he forces you to do any nonsense, if only you had the chance. Do not think that the person is completely reasonable.
Well not so foolish to forget really obvious.
The coming of the Messiah is not the world's a circus, not a massive show of wonders. God wanted the faith was pure and sincere, and were not supported by the bread and circuses of mass.
However, the miracles he has worked, and is unlikely to entertain the idle public.

As for the reinforcement of faith, and how will we know what to believe if we don't provide verifiable facts? To accept anything in the word, without evidence - faith is not pure and sincere, and simply unfounded. And if, to convince people in my own existence, God will often do miracles - please, why not? Especially, again, in the Bible it is this case clearly did not hesitate.

I've often heard the objection, saying, if God will reveal himself, so all will become clear without a shadow of a doubt that he is, then this will somehow violate free will. With this argument challenges not one, not two, but all the more obvious the discrepancy with the story of the fall of Lucifer and one third of all angels with him. Did these rational creatures of God? Knew 100% sure they even believe in It was not necessary. Suffered this knowledge of their free will? No, they 100% knowledge did not prevent them to freely choose rebellion against his Creator. Conclusion - if God is revealed to humanity, draw free will would not suffer. Everyone would be better off.

We are all their descendants and all are equal before God. Everything for everyone is to blame, what to do.
The fact of the injustice.

In original version of the legend there is not even a snake, but something that is depicted by many artists as a kind of Chimera with the body of a snake, as in:
The Serpent

Len4ik00N 10.04.20

ImKabachok wrote:
So I sometimes think about the snake...
che is there to think about it, if everything is Russian and white?
JetRanger wrote:
And if, to convince people in my own existence, God will often do miracles - please, why not? Especially, again, in the Bible it is this case clearly did not hesitate.
...and the effect of this was short-lived, often less than one generation. The most obvious example- the people of God(aka ancient Israel). Saw the miracle they believed and for some time was heard, then gradually started relax and score at your God, then shovel in a miraculous way. And so from Genesis right up to the end of the old Testament. In this connection the question arises: the problem is that God was not enough wonders or people who always need to show one more miracle, because they have too short a memory?

ImKabachok 10.04.20

Hmmm... and what is white? =) That God spoke over the snake and tempted the first humans?