When starting a new game crashes when loading (Watch_Dogs)
Wanted to play with a friend, because the game is distributed free of charge, downloaded, started, start a new game, and it flies.Driver updated, directX is also, compatible with win7.
ETOGES yubik ,they don't do good,I have a sidekick 3 also Assassin . Wait guys tell me. Good luck
Yes, you're right, it is their style, to leave unfinished the game for 3 years
But download the Repack with DLS Bad Blood. I have everything runs and works great. Yes, and installed ENB.
So he litsuha not working. In the second litsuha without DLS. And DLS is excellent.
here climb there and found written here
Also faced this problem.
in the end I solved it like this:
Went offline, started the game, everything loaded, came up to the first AutoSave, left the game, went back online, went into the game and CHEERS booted)
've tried, the only difference is that the game programsa a little further, but no change
and that too, without the AC3 dlc but that's no reason to rock the pirates
and you can also write to the group VK ubisoft they can tell
So giving out free. ))) For piracy and. ))) That litsuha free that pirates.
well, that is no reason to suggest you download a pirate just like that
because the decision still is not present
don't know if it will work but launch the game from uplay and not from the folder the exe file if possible write