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Nemezis 12.04.20 03:07 pm

Poll: Who chose which side? (The Witcher)

Just write on the side in the game were: on the side of the Order, a Protein or preserved neutrality.

I chose neutrality.
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MgVolkolak 12.04.20

Neutrality can be selected in the end of the 4th Chapter.

Vavle2010 12.04.20

First time played for the neutrals,and then for the Order!

Vasiliy_Gey. 12.04.20

legimacy neutrality

Cleric 1 12.04.20

For the first time in neutral, and then different.

Raelsveg 12.04.20

I pass now for the Order, just wondering how to turn the story in case to help them)

LadyGrace 12.04.20

2 times passed over the order and shateela

Stanislav za Bioware 12.04.20

the order of -2
for the Bielak-1
for the neutral -2

MgVolkolak 12.04.20

Replied that he would not vasavada he's a witch and this is not the case Vidimce ....
Duck Geralt's memory is just lost, not yet fully self-aware.
Although Yes, the time is weak.

RockMAN1984 12.04.20


barmaley73 12.04.20


The Bank is the dumbest moment in the game from what.... the guard asks fun but the Witcher !!! If only the books he said that he 100 % Said he would not vasavada he's a witch and this is not the case Vidimce .... +10

somehow it's not quite Herald in favor of the election all twisted that way was such a powerful personality vulgar amnesia
protein when he did would not be supported as the order.....

de96nis 12.04.20

The first time he played for the Order.
Explain why: In the beginning the elves have come to steal the goods. Well, firstly it is not good is a crime (in this case applied to harm to people). But I still gave them the goods. Because if you do not give, will die because...
The second situation was in the Bank. It is an even greater crime. Instead of being helpful, sateli trying to revenge people for what they did.
By the way, the game has one very interesting point: In heavy work (learnsto, agricultural work, fishing and so on) elves and krasnolud don't work (except for Lisa Bolt). How did the bad people want to win respect, if they themselves had served their eggs in the slum doing nothing? Okay... Krasnolud blacksmiths. Case zanimayutsya. But the elves only know how to raise a rebellion and to terrorize the civilian population.
The third situation was in the village: the Elves in a brazen captured the peaceful village hostage. After that, I'm generally disappointed in them. The sort order is also not best show, but still came to help the village.

Here is a brief description of the two sides (the game, not the book):
Scoiatael: terrorist Community. In the beginning of the game just went into the forest and began to plunder the caravans (a La gangsters). This can not condemn them for there is no work and the money too. Over time, they are increasingly attacking people and deliver hemorrhagic Vizim and Order. In the mid game impact of shateela also increased and more and more innocent citizens suffer from them. At the end of the game, the monsters (especially alifi) begin to stitl one and all... for In that case. Aimlessly they begin to retaliate, knowing that all of them will eventually kill you... logic... in the end they all oblivaetsya foam and wet everything that moves.
And even if they won (to win they did not succeed, because at any time can come the allies of Redania), you will hate them even more.
Order: Fanatics with their original ideals. This Order is divided into several groups: Zombies, idiots, and knights. Zombie all the time praying to the eternal fire and oblivaetsya foam when fight with scootababy. Almost the entire Order consists of zombies. Idiots blindly do what the boss says. Knights are those who more or less understand what was happening and trying to save as many civilians, not to kill shateela. In principle the Order of these are the same Wizards, only weaker (in the sense of combat training). Their purpose is to protect humanity from everything. They use different wizards that are not averse to killing non-humans marching towards its goal. In the beginning of the game about the order we know almost nothing. In the middle of the game situation more or less proestetica. At the end of the Order is not as clean as in the beginning, but still they are better than scoiatael at least the fact that they have a purpose. Scoiatael just want to die, but the Order expands the power of helping the king/ordinary people.

True test of course go through the game neutrally, but if you choose the lesser evil, that is the Order.
All that I have written, clean IMHO.

Runaa 12.04.20

somehow it's not quite Herald in favor of the election all twisted that way was such a powerful personality vulgar amnesia

Well, that's the game, here is not necessarily exactly follow the book. And so the Herald caved in under the player. You want to do such a character in the book, but I want to be able to change it.
I love when you give me a choice.

Now about the choice, how can you say correctly that it is wrong, there is no right or wrong, the boundaries are blurred. So each individual decides for himself the question.
I also really liked.

mr_deck 12.04.20

1) Order - 2 times
2) Squirrels - 1 time
3) Neutrality 4 times

barmaley73 12.04.20

the possibility to choose approve :) and of course experimenting with all the options,but was feeling like mock the Herald
.....it would be better for the protein and of the order of us Leo left alive

Runaa 12.04.20

In the works of Sapkowski's character Gerald is also changing. And playing we also stayed a little authors. Each made has its own fascinating Saga.
Personally, I don't always agree with the ideas Sapkowski, the game got a lot of freedom on this account.
For what the developers and Sapkowski my deepest gratitude!

John Lokk 12.04.20

Of course the Order or neutrality. In the village all heads pootrubali to order. Even some of the characters from the order, too, run up yourself. Oh it's hard to be neutral.
He is not a Herald (the Herald — the Herald, osvezhiteli). And Geralt (Geralt of Rivia (Polish. Geralt z Rivii)).

N1KO VS PLAYBOY xD 12.04.20

neutral because I want to insert the safes in the witcher 2

Bortmehanik 12.04.20

Chose neutrality.
Although more inclined to the Order, but at the end of Chapter 4 when a clash of knights and elves, did not take any sides, and chose the option to take care of Alvin and the Buttercup. From the moment I soaked it all :D

DeMON.SH 12.04.20


Raelsveg 12.04.20

Neutrality is nice, but really a bit annoying that all become enemies, and the passage difficult.