When the incentive to start preloading? (Assassin's Creed: Origins)
19.00 GMT, it was writtenbachteear
That's right, we're going to play so to speak without spoilers, and he let Bale looks his way.
While you are there you will have to wait drains the first patch for their piratok, pump and reinstall them, we will play safely on the latest version. Not to mention the fact that we're going to play, not to watch how others play.
Like wrote that preloading will be a day before the start of the game. And that's how I realized, the start of each store has.
Although for the first time and asked where to ship, tried to check the files and give an error timeout.
But shipping is still trying.
The idea is that preloading was supposed to start 2.5 hours ago, and it 24.10.2017 at 16.00 UTC. Now 24.10, 18.38 UTC, but gives an error timeout. Maybe the server is down. The download hangs, but no bytes have not been downloaded, the channel is not wide, 50 Mbps, but still nothing.
I have the Internet up to 60MB/ sec, and the public for 528 byte, loading, decided to wait until tomorrow, see what happens.
Preloading is buggy, even the topic has created the incentive... look and how to fix the game in uplai, it is che that I do not ask or where to enter ACC uplay... what to do?