KIDS, WAIT!!:D (Diablo 2)
added by moderator: this update applies to the client linkThe long-awaited update!
The truth on low LVL mules stash is the same)
the stones, they do not pick up, pixalate drop purefoy gems instead velesov
Gold, hard to pump 90; opensite LVL afics, for gumble is PPC
Beast., thou Cho, I (though not the spire) VERY happy! finally at least something. I agree, it would be good to increase the chest all Persians, not selectively. but this is not the place to act up. ahem )
0b256, will texanum and reduce! there are more wishes? =}
The plan de Corones. covered with the Hells verdict! read and had tears in his eyes!
do that through d2m chest was too big, alt klient't please everyone, etc. and so forth.
well, the mess in your head
d2m is not at all client and subsidiary program and no chests (large or small) it does not show and does not know
Admin, go now wigs under the guise of the clean look and the departed players will catch up to me.
Really good idea, gives an incentive to swing. But would be better if tabs were given ) Another thing is that in this case the necessary skills of coding, which is possible the administration does not.
Another thing is that in this case the necessary skills of coding, which is possible the administration does not.
what sort of skills just to get the code from the plug from and put in the game?