Where to find setting tactics? (FIFA 18)
All privetstvuyu. Can be going to ask a stupid question, but still ;).While playing FIFA16 on xbox one was the ability to customize how different tactics and ristanovic with the ability to use on any team.
These features can not find in the game FIFA 18.
Anyone encountered such issue? And if ever such an opportunity?
don't know how on boxes and PS and PC as was and have this function and it is if it's a career mode to the tab, the structure,and the choice of captain,batsman corner kicks,penalties,tactics,formation, well, or outside of career mode in the main menu in the tab personalize , recaps,there, too, it's all there on any team
Thank you for your opinion.
That's exactly what have to set for each command separately. You used to be able to create a scheme with its tactics and apply it to all the teams at even when playing quick match. Came during the game in managing teams and there when you switch on the change of tactics was previously saved setup.
I hope that is clear explained ;)