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Self-Relliant 20.04.20 06:36 pm

Obstruction of the Russian language foreign words

Hello dear! Today we will talk about this problem of the Russian language as foreign words borrowed. In neither language is there so much unnecessary borrowed words as in Russian. Although why I call them borrowed? Better to call them words-parasites, which pass from foreign languages and replace our own words, replacing them with his own concepts. This is particularly evident in the scientific and journalistic styles of writing. Should take any scientific article and it will be completely laced with words from English roots with a vague meaning.

Not so important problems is to use your own words-parasites matershiny words, the use of which is dictated by the life. Now I'll show you what harm caused to foreign words self-consciousness of the Russian people.

For example, what appears to be your imagination when you hear the word competent? In the head there is a fog, if you want to explain its value begin to blunt and hunting to get into the dictionary. It is quite another thing with the words hard working, helpful, responsible in my head at once it seems clear the value of the object or the person to which you can apply the adjective. Or, for example, compare the word humane, with good, strict, responsive. Or think about what the picture in your imagination you have the word killer, and then imagine the word contract killer. Agree that the second phrase you a much more clear and causes a great many art associations. I'm not talking about how we need to forget the word personal that would distort their language with the words confidential, private, personal. These words do evoke the feeling of Marculesti and emptiness.

So, dear friends, let us use it in everyday speech forum and our Russian words, if you have the opportunity not to replace them with foreign ones. Perhaps what the hostile forces are behind the introduction of these words. We forget our ancestral meaning of words, their model is already recruited values. And our mind and intelligence becomes handy. In the end we have Russian language, not poloniecki, or polyangiitis. So let's remember it!
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Cakeman 20.04.20

dumplings from Oriental cuisine too

stalker7162534 20.04.20

*with desperation in his voice*
There's just not the dumplings! Dumplings is sacred, I believe that it is our Siberian invention!!! How to live now!!!!

Cakeman 20.04.20

just suck it up and wait until we are enslaved by the Chinese

Ankh 8 20.04.20

About I have the word summit is, the answer is: irritation. Equal to eg. like Manager- is a normal word for Manager. Do not understand really what the language is bad I know. English? And, it is something to do with it?

markell 20.04.20

Russian language you're not familiar with. Talking, Yes, I understand your speech, but the level of kitchen you have.

Self-Relliant 20.04.20

Uh, honey, I'm not trying to charm. Although, of course, you can consider me a boy, if word about her ruddy ass you accustomed to hear from them.
Not me, but there are those that create their own wives. account. You, in my opinion, more the image of the fat man from the pages of lurkmore match than the girl.

So what about the infamous seven errors in a small paragraph, huh? Very love the native language, but not able to use?
Commas were placed correctly. Involved, the participial turnovers highlighted. I'm here with word-native linguists to talk needs?

He's just the most subtle Russian soul, standing above these stupid technical stuff. Well, I think, to separate writes
What would my sentences written separately. What is the pronoun, would the Union. It can be removed. It's not even your word is not stressed. So you screwed up!

Simple, sincere Russian peasants from the deep Russian Orthodox village also do not know many rules, but who still boasts a strong connection with the language, don't they?
Of course. They are certainly better than all the cattle, which writes the rules, but uses borrowing, wanting to look smarter

well. I will use the word only for example

markell 20.04.20

Look, mate, stop trying to fuck with us. To his Union This... even the most stupid scatola not write. Well, the truth. I'm really beginning to suspect you of insincerity and trolling.

Okay, the commas in some places is not delivered - maybe his vision of the language :-)
But such nonsense as in the post above, only complete losers could write or Troll.

Self-Relliant 20.04.20

Look, mate, stop trying to fuck with us. To his Union This... even the most stupid scatola not write. Well, the truth. I'm really beginning to suspect you of insincerity and trolling.
Bullshit. Here is the sentence what would I do? you to write?

usoid 20.04.20

Osobenno when you have the wiki to go over the transfer. But in principle it is possible to find the explanation. Namely, it is explained post by poduzetnistvo of our people to all overseas. We have tried to discuss. And there is no difference, to use foreign words in his speech or when you purchase to prefer a t-shirt with coasting on the belly of the English words of unknown content.

Self-Relliant 20.04.20

Namely, it is explained post by poduzetnistvo of our people to all overseas.
That is not necessary about all the people. This is from the intelligentsia all thrust, like journalists and politicians

usoid 20.04.20

That is not necessary about all the people. This is from the intelligentsia all thrust, like journalists and politicians

I'm not going that you perepiratsya. If you do not see trash around you and only see him in the Kremlin and in the public offices, that's your problem, not mine)))

Last Engineer 20.04.20


Do not care, let's break, they are only tourists need.

Mm subject: shot you know how in our language of words of Latin origin?Such as nation or religion. I think the word music is originally a Russian word?

It is evidence of the common history of all European peoples

markell 20.04.20

Here is the sentence what would I do? you to write?
In your brain does not get the simple fact that in some cases we need to write together and others separately?

Self-Relliant 20.04.20

In your brain does not get the simple fact that in some cases we need to write together and others separately?
about this in the language of the rules there. you can write to, and it can be

GTAman 20.04.20

>about this in the rules language no
Plums counted.

Self-Relliant 20.04.20

don't know whether to believe this page... this is not the website of linguists and it is not Wiktionary

Self-Relliant 20.04.20

Even if I have errors - they are worth nothing, because it is not conspicuous. If everyone would separately write that nobody dies. And if you will often use introductory words forget their national identity!

markell 20.04.20

Myself yet its main vyser here:

What would my sentences written separately. What is the pronoun, would Union
to Union
to Union
to Union

Well, it's a real lol-obossaka - mythical Union would. I was a fool, thought that the conjunctions connect sentences or of the homogeneous parts...

markell 20.04.20

separately, no one will die
Explain what you mean by a separate death.

introductory words forget their national identity!
Honestly, I don't see how introductory words might have some self-awareness. You in a psychiatric hospital is necessary, buddy, but not on forums to climb.

GTAman 20.04.20
