Early access impressions (The Guild 3)
I decided not to take until no localization, or wait for the pirates.Who took litsuhu share your opinion
join gunam!by the way localisation has promised to deliver?or all hopes for the underground artists?
If the first impressions, then... surprise. The game looks like a mod for the Guild 2. Ie not entirely clear what they were doing all this time. Either too early alpha.
Probably better in a couple of months to see what would not spoil your impression.
stables light
if you go out and then in the release, which 2018м year
while the complete failure of the launch of The Guild 3! Possible. I do not understand in game development. but there was so much time.7 years! that developed did 7 years ?! in picking his nose and only the last 2 - 3 years remembered, that is they develop the game. and should release The Guild 3! here is a Western system! cool. can 7 years to develop something to earn a good salary. and in the end throw but still paid piece of shit in the face to the gaming community. creature!
Games such as The Guild created for 1 - 1.5 years and been tested inside out and not the beta version. I will not buy now does not make sense. will pirates to play. but later when a lot of bugs fix. buying makes sense when the game online with other real players.