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MediatorFender 20.04.20 06:47 pm

Question on force (Diablo 2)

Fsem of gratuti! I got the Hyde necro samanera,where, due to not put anything,i.e. leave the base 15. And to wear the armor throws charmy force dress up and we will be happy! As soon as charmy remove all the armor clad becomes active.QUESTION!! I'm doing something wrong or it doesn't work and force necessary to customize armor? If I was a novice.
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Obsessed 20.04.20

gradusGl, MediatorFender, the first skeletons you can have naponimaet Pindleskin. iblogadult.

MediatorFender 20.04.20

Horseradish CE)) the Skeletons well,what Konami on physical attack to do? I thought that they just skeletons mages would have helped or not? And Bon armor word(
What do you say to this situation
Skeleton Mastery 20
Raise Skeleton 20
Raise Skeletal Mage 20
Clay Golem 1
Golem Mastery20
Summon Resist 1
Bone Armor 1
Teeth 1
Corpse Explosion 1
Bone Wall 20
Amplify Damage 1
Weaken 1
Terror 1
Decrepify 1

minovalo 20.04.20

1 AD is enough. Better its armor to pull up. Separate people recommend mages still umixit, but I was always broke chirped poison and cold assholes. Lores can help contrary to the non-removable pishmanov, but it is not critical.
CE 20 is not discussed.
GM pump I see no reason, except that in the Golem pride. ;)

Oh yeah, 1 in revival - for the freaks with a crash (obery and all that).

Obsessed 20.04.20

over, Hey, Hey! multiposting prohibited! ;D

minovalo 20.04.20

On RB all will not be delivered to the editor, PG slowpaced with the posts here. xD

Obsessed 20.04.20

passed, Yes I am yelling )) tryndets intangible.. would have been on RB a PM - would PG do not poke. I doubt very much that this miserable bundle not created intentionally (half of necessary things there, half there).

BaDuMchik 20.04.20

To begin to define why you want a Persian?
If you want to slowly beat the game to wear something that will pick up, then in my opinion, the Summoner is the best choice.
The same is now in Hell sucking and fully HC gear and normal lives. Spend once on buying Homunculus, everything else is what he found.
The alignment of skills:
20 Skeleton Mastery, 20 Raise Skeleton, Clay Golem 1, Golem Mastery 1, Summon Resist 1, Bone Armor 1, Teeth 1, Corpse Explosion 20, 1 Amplify Damage, Weaken 1, Terror 1, Decrepify 1
This is the basis for any type of buildup of Summoner. Corpse Explosion always maximize it last.
Further, all depends on the purpose of the game:
If the passage solo softcore - you can itmexit Bone Spear or BSpirit (to taste) and Bone Wall. Ie after getting the basics, CE Maxim, then Maxim BSpear or BSpirit and last Maxim Bone Wall. Lead software other curse is not really needed. The skeletons will hit you so bad. They have enough resists with +skills on things. Easier to perekashivaet a couple of dead or lost skeletons than spending skills. Tesimony not finished SE - fall from the BS. Recall that SE - works 50/50 findimage and fire.
Or you can itmexit Golem. Maxim Golem Mastery, Summon Resist then CE... you Can even throw in mages and removerow, and maxing out resiverov. Mages need basically except for the extras, as a human shield no more. In Hel they are still unlikely to help.
If passing on the software, in fact the buildup is similar, but definitely need to throw in Lower Resist and Life Tap. For the first you will be very grateful to all sorce for second all milesnick. Well, in the group better not to download the magicians and removerow. And so the people your crowd of skeletons will stretch and tangle.
If a hardcore (HC) - it is mandatory Maxim Bone Wall and Bone Prison. Survival everything. In the end, free of skills remains only to itmexit CE in the last turn!
From Exodus: Almost necessary Homunculus, into the hand of the Spirit in Crystal Sword. Brewed from a little run, even on nomal Countess... or if lazy, a little less to run on nightmarenow the Countess. The rest that collect. Please note in the following sequence: resists, +skils, +Summoning Skills, +Life, +Mana, FHR (faster hit recovery) > 86, FBR (faster block rate) > 52, Faster Run Walk.

P. S. Raise an army of skeletons. Then just go as a skating rink. If we see the movement of the throw Decrepify, then look who is there. The archers should always keep Decrepify, on the other, as soon as the skeletons ran up to them and throw Amplify, waiting for the first corpse, and CE, CE, CE, CE... Relatively fast and dry. The bosses always keep Decrepify + Clay Golem at his feet. The problem was taken only Diablo on normal, because by this time the skeletons very quickly die.

P. P. S. did Not answer the main question ))) Forces have only found the under armor. If you wear, that he can find, then start to 58 under Homu and keep 20-30 in stock, if you can find some thread very interesting rags. Yet Homu - find a thread Deflecting Grim/Bone Shield (+20% Increased Blocking, 30% Faster Block Rate). Getting pumped level in dexterity to block 75 and the rest in Vita. On nightmare it's better to knock/buy Homuncukus. Worth pul-um perfect ... for you not to chase, there's only ED that Necros are not very critical.

minovalo 20.04.20

maxing out removerow
In order not to miss? <:D

BaDuMchik 20.04.20

passed wrote:
In order not to miss? <:D
Well, where else on the soft skills to do? Better Reviver than mages... well, if Golems do not abut. )

Obsessed 20.04.20

maxing out removerow
Better revovery
BaDuMchik, the description of the skill to read tried? ;-) or you have a D2 in some strange language?

MediatorFender 20.04.20

Thank you all And especially BaDuMchik!

BaDuMchik 20.04.20

And they need to read? OMG... didn't know... I will consider )))
But seriously, I'm 10 years old software is not played, therefore, just XS where there is more to do with skills... well, let it be 10-15 removerow (more skills will remain)... everything is better, even falleni than mruschih with poltychka scaleimage. Estessno it's only for fun at the solo software.
Welcome... I rarely just at work today, something it was boring. If you need advice - you are welcome, Summoner - a beloved Persian. If things ride, too, but I'm only on hard :)

PS. Enigma if you collect, already knowing all the details ди2 most likely, and find some thread stick with Cardgame teleport. To fly as Sorka will not work, but often for crowd control the skeletons and merc comes in handy. Gold the truth of the charges eats, but Summoner gold problems are rarely... for as long as your skeletons are doing the first corpse you can collect all around. Put the right stick to switch weapons, and if the skeletons or merc out, not where it should be, switch, teleport, step to the side and you've got all around.

minovalo 20.04.20

Shket, masteri, C, to the armor.. yeah, just nowhere to go, only a 3-minute muddle swing.

BaDuMchik 20.04.20

OK, OK... uboltali folder tongued... do Not shake the... shake removerow always in HC version... or the remainder from foundations Golem/BP... Only makes sense to play solo pre-painted soft on the program, I can't see)

PS like folders on all forums to pull a few words from the post and cling to. Better gear guy helped... Many here beginners?

Andrew Hell 20.04.20

http://forums.playground.ru/diablo_2/gajd_na_nekromanta_sammonera-921216/ Here's to you, I asked you choose any of the tips is more suitable. I was pumped, now navyseal summoned and go on khbr, Poonam a video card overclocking ;)

MediatorFender 20.04.20

Guys I found out what released version 1.14 a. Need to update my 1.13 d

MediatorFender 20.04.20

Or not?

minovalo 20.04.20

Before the 2.02 update.

BaDuMchik 20.04.20

Put smileys at least, and some newbies (OMG... they are! Really IS!!!) I can not understand.

On this server play version 13d. If this server need - he will run you update. In a newer version of the play in other places, such as on the official server... If you go there, he himself too will try to update itself... so don't worry.

MediatorFender 20.04.20

OK then rules))