On the topic of the chat moderators. (Diablo 2)
There is the outrage, the proof will not - check for yourself. I will give a tip l-ryuzaki. In the logs fandim it. Well, I rabbanites, of course. Requests dear administration does not understand for a long time, so I think you can just demand to lose absolutely nothing.Also, I wonder the following: can be it would ease me a moderator to leave instead of the above mentioned alternative sane citizen? To discredit himself and I can, but, alas, not at such a wide audience. Not banter - I want to work on the bugs. The very - a your.
Jay - good moderator, I have recommended it myself, and even tried to persuade him. It is even possible that without my efforts he would hardly have joined the slim ranks, because he had a clear position - I'm good - I don't want to spoil relations with the players, and especially - with yourself.
What is happening now? To me, censorship speaking - is unclear. The fact that I was left without moderki, because Tampopo left and right(as it seemed to the administration, in fact, there was the worthiest of the worthy, I confirm this. One of those Tampopo now is a very good moderator, see above, though - no kidding) - it's not so bad. I care more: for that matter, and you expose young morons(I think, it's not an insult, I know this man, and is ready to confirm his words, all sorts of various material, include in themselves cedalovo, begging, and everything different. It's all on case to stronachie the ranks of forum moderators ran into exactly the same young douche bag, sympathetic previous. For the record - it works as a detector, polzuites on health.) for the posts of representatives of the administration(which is what the moderators), at least - warn the audience in advance. No need to spend someone else's, and ultimately your time. Thank you for your attention.
L-ryuzaki - Yes, dangerous. Bans of my accounts, arguing that I'm some sort of dao. Then OFC razbanivaet and apologizes. But better him than Lieutenant, I have been reading in chat today message.
On - Dober bespredelnichat in the chat, but moderators can not do anything, because after every ban the program automatically creates a new account of the order of 10 characters that are difficult to distinguish from each other. Conclusion - in chat, you can do anything you want, anyway the moderators can't do their job against automation.
Yes, of course, I also banned ACC *pk confused with plan de Corones.. But moderators are people, mistakes happen, and if they do happen, are corrected. In General, yet in our community there is dubery, have to endure. Apparently, a permanent ban for some reason to give gets impossible, he can do anything. And it's not merely my opinion.
It's funny how the moderators ban accounts that even in the chat did not appear. Benefit not mine.
If the entire population of our vast country to take, and be imprisoned for 10 years - every convicted person, deep down, will know for what.
Pvp you'd go with me? I nubah like me needs to practice?
The sad thing is that adequate modders left, in my opinion of adequate was matko(he left because adequate) and oak at times, EVERYTHING! While there, Jay still tries to be adequate, but not bans some individuals (apparently from above). The rest of the usual rogues (and it's not about age or social status, and level of psychological development) that count. what gave them power.
na samom dele nujno bol'we moderatorov ibo trade mertv i pvp netu
problema pg ofc imenno v 4ate
By the way good point. But on the other hand do not agree, chat should be clean, but how I already wrote above, some are not banyat, probably friends Firka.