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MASYA 25.04.20 09:32 pm

The passage (Medal of Honor Pacific Assault)

Downloaded and installed a game. In General and overall positive impression of the game, but got stuck in the first mission. Landed, killed all the who's and what's next?? Can someone tell me?
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Gawron 25.04.20

The same problem!!!Do not pass the first level after landing on the beach.All killed,went everywhere(even on the bridge climb),but USTORE STE!!!Qudit to go further?Please help,all the beach, clambered(and the entire Internet).

iPower. 25.04.20

There must be a splash screen to appear, if not, then the problem is in your version!

Gawron 25.04.20

The ability to not only this problem,maybe how to beat a trainer or something?
Tell someone realties!Maybe the thread is not so play?
The point is,when I landed on the beach and kill the Japs,then a little later I water explosion
and find ourselves again at the 0-th mission training.That is such CRAP,you know!I think you may need to give any voice commands?
Here on the forum someone suggested as not always crawl on its belly,but I have his mail is not imprisoned!

soso 25.04.20

TRAINING is not a starter
You must first kill on the beach and then, you must undergo training and then start the game

Gawron 25.04.20

Well,then, in order:play-sail by boat to the beach,piss Japs.Then I(it) kills the shell and I find myself in training camp.Going through the exercise (in this case they Bump me praises)
Tell me,what's wrong?In practice... Well, I'm stupid,stupid,ALTHOUGH SHILENT HILL passed without descriptions! WHAT A SHAME.

soso 25.04.20

are you saying that after a workout the same thing again
Ie back to the shore and kill again and starts training????

Gawron 25.04.20

That's exactly the way it was... Until BLIIND!! Have not dealt with the kansol,accidentally clicked to ProLite game! That's IT! SO THAT'S SOMETHING! Unusual face with other medals. PS2!
By the way say,the other coin I like more.About the graphics I will not say-class!
And again, in DOS crashes and saves not loaded as other problem.But here's the twist:if you pass the level and never die,those saves, those sub-levels are loaded!But is it worth to you (him) to kill,for example in any end of the 5th level... got it all,Hana! The whole level again since the end of the 4th.

soso 25.04.20

don't know me after practice just took a flyer out and then started level in the forest, truncated normal

CyxapuK 25.04.20

only one question : how to land a plane on an aircraft carrier hope?

YmNick 25.04.20

Even flying up and dropping speed key S

Melmi 25.04.20

Yesterday gave litsenzionku Mohi. I have not yet so far advanced. I have a question.
On the island in the jungle when you pass the base where the tank shells. safariways in one place. My team gets ahead of me and when I run to the next base, where our beat (from a distance, yet is seen as the base explodes slowly) as soon as we run up to their there is another explosion somewhere nearby and the mission I lose. Tried - the same. Someone tell me what is there to do? ( Moget who to save?)

melns 25.04.20

Ja toze tam zastrjal!
neznaju kak daljshe. HELP!!!

Melmi 25.04.20

So NOBODY OTVETITE MY QUESTION? SAPRISSA TO STAND IN ONE PLACE.!!. A look at the planes fly and answer this as trouble in the jungle go broke-what are they ??!

Melmi 25.04.20

Pliz covette someone.

YmNick 25.04.20

Name MAPY I do not understand the couple where it is forgotten or you do not correct the old saying, pokonkretnee describe the situation and where this happens, maybe it'll help )))

melns 25.04.20

Ja prashol!
Tam nada loha adnovo spasti,perenesti back k mediku!!!

Kozyabra 25.04.20

Nautilus defense
Please help me get rid of the planes, and then defeated the damned, dodging torpedoes and I'm dying in the Prime of life.

dederon 25.04.20

The people I have the pirates didn't put on the disc three medal of honor pacific assault punkbuster program ,and without him not poigraesh on the servers with this app!!!!!!!!The people who have the drive or the directory with the game, throw to me on soap dederon@inbox.ru !!!!!!!I would be very grateful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!or ICQ 262979523 !!!

YmNick 25.04.20

About Nautilus, first beat-average torpedo(aim for the nose of a torpedo) then the second left, then two right and finally the one that swims to the stern shorter as dropping out of planes, save for the beginning right before the discharge of torpedoes

Melmi 25.04.20


About your requests - I today after work going through the folders Mohi and if I find punkbuster then send it by e-mail.