I raise my skill with the early negativity
Dobermn, believe me, it is not so easy as it seems. ;-) especially that early was much more interesting today.
Sanchez Ramirez
so it was already a fouled was called universal-adaptirovana theme ))
Seizing the moment I want to say Hello to everyone who knows me
Spoilersthis video guys
Immense, and now deleted my kament about remote kament ;D position Modera: neighing, bastards, enough is enough!
moder, now delete the comments of Discuss about it kament about remote koment, and like half the work done niharasho can and at the same time to RUB my XD
Archon Guard, you know, what's the frenzy? =) there has always been and will shkololo, it is USELESS to redo it. you can stir up the partition the count, to clarify that it is for chatter and clarify the relationship and willing to be there sratsa. but no! need to mow the comments right here, to tired to write tons околод2-flooding (as above), when it was already late and the topic has grown. angry. :-) and most importantly - not being able to explain it to users.